Hilltop Headlines
March 9, 2025
Serving this Week
Elders: David Van Soest, Howard Horton
Organist: Kyle Borcherding
Golf Cart Driver: Lewis King
Donut Pickup: Cathy Botos
Greeters: Dianne Buchhorn, Lydia Kelm
Communion/Offering Assistants: Jonathan Schroeder, Mark Breckenridge
Hilltop Cafe: Ginger Magers, Jenny Kinard
Ushers: Ryan Buchhorn, Jeff Knippa
Presentation: Clay Braun
Connections Coordinator: Josh Hobratsch
Elders: Clay Knippa, Roy Caodeville
Greeters/Ushers: Becky Brettnacher, Sue Cowie, Jane Voight
Hilltop Cafe: Candy Bleeke, Denise Patrick, John Buser
Communion Assistants:
Golf Cart Driver: Mark Kinard
Camera: Preston Fischer
Presentation: Chad Mathews
AV Tech Director: Cody Stephens
A Return of Our Blessings
Offerings/Electronic Giving for this week:
Operating Fund $32,636.20; Missions $5; Capital Improvements $350; Annual Fund $719.15; Cemetery Fund $5; Sausage Sale $11,407; Field House $3,519; Middle School Youth $1,500; Braille $5; Camp Zion $5; Capital Campaign $425.09
Attendance: March 2: 8:00am - 137; 10:45am - 236; Ash Wednesday - 160
Zion donates $6,667 to these approved charities every month: TX District LCMS, CHS Round Rock, Water Mission, Camp Lone Star, Brookwood in Georgetown, Faith in Action, Rev. John H. Kieschnick Endowment, The Songwriter Initiative of the Center for Worship Leadership
From Your Pastors
Dear Zion family –
One of the privileges that we have during the season of Lent is worshiping together. As we reflect on the price Jesus paid for our sin through His suffering, death, and resurrection, you’re invited to join us for special midweek services, each Wednesday through April 8 at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. These services will be short and devotional, lasting only around 30 minutes, but they are sure to be a blessing to you as you make your way through your week. We hope to see you there!
A friendly reminder: this Sunday is the beginning of Daylight-Saving Time. Before you go to bed on Saturday, if you have a clock that doesn’t reset itself automatically, make sure you turn it forward one hour. After all, you wouldn’t want to be late for worship on Sunday!
Speaking of worship, this weekend, we begin a new series called “Versus.” We all have battles that we fight. Sometimes it’s a battle versus fatigue. Other times it’s a battle versus addiction. Sometimes, it’s even a battle versus God. In this series, we’ll look at some of these battles. This Sunday, we’ll talk about the battle we fight when we try to make bargains with God and He doesn’t deliver. We’ll look at a story from the history of the nation of Israel where they thought they had a bargain with God in 1 Samuel 4:2-11:
The Philistines deployed their forces to meet Israel, and as the battle spread, Israel was defeated by the Philistines, who killed about four thousand of them on the battlefield. When the soldiers returned to camp, the elders of Israel asked, “Why did the Lord bring defeat on us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Shiloh, so that He may go with us and save us from the hand of our enemies.” So the people sent men to Shiloh, and they brought back the ark of the covenant of the Lord Almighty, who is enthroned between the cherubim. And Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God. When the ark of the Lord’s covenant came into the camp, all Israel raised such a great shout that the ground shook. Hearing the uproar, the Philistines asked, “What’s all this shouting in the Hebrew camp?” When they learned that the ark of the Lord had come into the camp, the Philistines were afraid. “A god has come into the camp,” they said. “Oh no! Nothing like this has happened before. We’re doomed! Who will deliver us from the hand of these mighty gods? They are the gods who struck the Egyptians with all kinds of plagues in the wilderness. Be strong, Philistines! Be men, or you will be subject to the Hebrews, as they have been to you. Be men, and fight!” So the Philistines fought, and the Israelites were defeated and every man fled to his tent. The slaughter was very great; Israel lost thirty thousand foot soldiers. The ark of God was captured, and Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, died.
The Israelites believed they had a bargain with God in the ark of the covenant, which they thought was not only a throne for God, but a weapon they could use against their enemies. But when they deployed this weapon, the weapon didn’t work. And the bargain they thought they had, wasn’t. Have you ever had a similar experience with God? Find out how God offers us something much better than the bargains we try to make with Him this Sunday in worship. We worship at 8 am in our beautiful historic sanctuary, at 10:45 am in our wonderful worship center, or online at zionwalburg.org.
Your pastors love you!
– Pastor Zach, Pastor Kevin & Pastor Kyle
2025 Bible Reading Plan
Have you ever closed your Bible and thought “what did I just read?” Starting January 12, we will partner with The Bible Recap to read through the Old Testament. The Bible Recap is a chronological reading plan with a daily podcast that highlights and summarizes the Bible in an easy-to-understand way. It will not only help you read scripture but help you love reading it. Click the button below for the reading plan or paper copies are available in the Lobby and Narthex.
Lent Services Schedule
Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 – Lenten Midweek Services 6:30pm in the Sanctuary
Thursday, April 17 - Maundy Thursday Worship 6:30pm with Communion in the Sanctuary
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday Worship 6:30pm in the Worship Center
Saturday, April 19 -
10:00am Kid's Easter Service & Egg Hunt
6:30pm Easter Vigil in the Worship Center
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday
6:30am Sunrise Service with Communion in the Garden of Praise
8:00am Easter Worship in the Sanctuary
10:45am Easter Worship in the Worship Center
Greetings Zion Family! We would like to say THANK YOU for the support of so many of you who gathered on the hilltop during the weekend of February 28 - March 2 to help set up, make, and fulfill sausage orders. The Jr and Sr High were a great blessing to the weekend running smoothly as well! The net proceeds collected for the weekend total $15,000 to help support ongoing mission endeavors for this following year! What a blessing this funding is and will be! We look forward as well to passing some of these funds on to some worthy mission-minded organizations who could be blessed by such resources! Thank you again for helping get orders and for the incredible support throughout the entire weekend! Zion Mission Board
Ladies Weekly Bible Study
Ladies' Spring Bible Study: “The Gospel of John” by Melissa Spoelstra. The study will begin on March 18th at 9:30am and run for 7 weeks, led by Liisa Glandorf at Jeanne Smith's home. If you are looking to savor the peace of Jesus in a chaotic world, this ladies' Bible Study might be just for you. Please call or text Liisa Glandorf at (512) 948 2852 by March 12th to register and to order your study book for $21.99.
There will be no Adult Bible Class or Kid's Connect on March 16 due to Spring Break. Two new adult classes will begin on March 23. Flyers with class descriptions and details are available in the Narthex and Lobby.
NEW Women's Book Club
Our first official book club discussion will be on Friday, March 21, 11-1, in the Zion parlor. Our book to read and discuss is “ the stranger in the lifeboat” by Mitch Albom. You are responsible for getting your own book… buy, borrow, Kindle… whatever is your preference. On Friday, April 11, we will share thoughts on “ Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt. Same time and place. Bring a sack lunch if you wish.
If you enjoy reading or just want to give it a try, join us at any month that is convenient for you. For more info text Deborah Albers at 512-527-4858
Zion Adult Choir
Do you love to sing? Do you enjoy choral music? Please come and give the Zion Adult Choir a try. There’s a place for you. We meet Monday evening , 6-7pm, in the sanctuary . No auditions required. Come have a good time praising God with music under the leadership of Michael Teinert.
Nursery Help Needed
Zion is looking for someone who loves kids and would like to help out on Sunday mornings in the nursery. The hours are 9:00-Noon on a rotational schedule (not every Sunday). It is a paid position. Please reach out to Heather Faske at heather.faske@zionwalburg.org
Sanctuary Altar Flowers
If you’d like to help decorate our beautiful sanctuary for our 8 am services with some stunning flower arrangements, here’s your chance! If you’d like to purchase flowers for the altar, you can pick your date by signing up here, or by calling the church office. Then, just call Laura at White Orchid Floral at 254-350-9240 and tell her what you’d like. She’ll take care of the rest – including the delivery! All you have to do is donate the fee of $92 for the two arrangements. By the way, you can donate flowers in honor of or in memory of your favorite person to make your arrangements extra special!
Fieldhouse Project
Zion’s fieldhouse project is underway! We are preparing to raze the old garage down the hill so we can break ground and begin building our new fieldhouse that will help expand our athletics program and offer a place for concessions when we host games. This project is thanks to some generous donors who love our school. You can donate, too! If you’d like to support the fieldhouse project, you can write a check to Zion with “Fieldhouse” in the memo portion, or you can give electronically by clicking the button code below.
Zion Hilltoppers
From Zion Hilltoppers: SAVE the DATE - Tuesday, 03/11/25 @ 11:00 a.m. - Devotions, Food, Fellowship, Dominoes/Games, ETC. in Zion's Lobby. Everyone is welcome! Speaker - Joe Carlos - will provide information about the organization - Orphan Grain Train. If you didn't make it to other meetings, then we'll see you at this meeting! NOTE: In order to provide enough food for this gathering, please RSVP to Audrey at the email address noted below by Sunday, 03/09/25. Hamburgers, chips, & drinks will be provided for lunch. The fee for this meal will be $10.00 per person. Also, if you are able, please bring an appetizer OR a dessert.
NOTE: If you or someone you know is interested in traveling to see The Ark, the Creation Museum, etc., BUS seats are still available. The date for the trip is Friday, 04/25 through Saturday, 05/03/25. If you need information about the trip or you have any questions, please contact:
Danny Ihrig - JohnDIhrig@gmail.com
LaJuan Ihrig - AnnaLaJuanIhrig@gmail.com
Kathy Pitts - KklmP@aol.com
Stanley Bielss - SBielss@hotmail.com
Audrey Bielss - Audrey.Bielss@hotmail.com
Faith & Film 2025
Mark your calendars. Registration is now open for the 2025 Spring Faith and Film series at Film Alley Theater on the first Sundays of the month. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Click the buttons below for more info or to sign up today!
THANK YOU from the Caring Place
A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to the Caring Place hygiene supplies drive. They were thrilled to receive the donation! It will go a long way in helping others.
VBS 2025
Join us for Zion’s 2025 Vacation Bible School, True North! We will explore how easy it is to lose sight of what is true in our wild world today and learn that Jesus is our true north! Participants and Volunteers can use the button below to register. Participants must be age 4 to incoming 5th grade. Childcare will be available for children under the age of 4 if their parent/guardian is volunteering. Registration opens at midnight on March 1st! If you have any questions, please reach out to Rachel Mayberry or Sherlyn Scott at rachel.mayberry@zionwalburg.org and sherlyn.scott@zionwalburg.org
Lutheran Hour Ministries
"How LHM's Gospel Impact Grew in 2024"
Following are some ways in which LHM was abundantly blessed by God during the last year, thanks to your generous support.
REACH - The number of times people around the world experience the Gospel through LHM programs, services, or materials each week - NEARLY 235 MILLION
RESPONSES - The number of times people intentionally provided contact information last year for follow up in response to LHM's culturally relevant outreach efforts - 1,950,948
REFERRALS - The number of times LHM referred people to local churches and Christian communities last year for spiritual growth and nurturing - 266,268.
EQUIPPING - The number of times individuals completed an LHM ministry activity last year that equipped them to share their faith more effectively. - 418,961
ENGAGED CONSTITUENTS - The number of individuals who are actively connected to LHM through its resources or the sharing of their time, talent, or treasure in support of the organizational mission - 364,994
Sermon Schedule
March 9
"Unless a Grain of Wheat Dies"
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
Do you want a life that amounts to more than a hill o'beans? Hear how Christ's death and resurrection gives us life with God that can't be measured. (John 12:24)
You can listen to The Lutheran Hour on KLBJ on Sunday mornings at 7 a.m. or online at lutheranhour.org, through a mobile app, and on new media platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Sirius XM satellite radio.
Pastors: Zach McIntosh, Kevin Hintze and Kyle Borcherding
Interim Principal: Suzan Winkelman
Church Office Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
Church Phone: 512-863-3065
School Phone: 512-863-5345 Fax 512-686-5807
6001 FM 1105, Georgetown, TX 78626