Catching Up with the Coyotes
August 18, 2024

Subscribe to the Canyon View Elementary School Website Calendar!
We are working hard to make school news and information easier to find. Click on the link above to go directly to the live Canyon View Elementary School Calendar. Subscribe to make sure you never miss an event or important date.
Upcoming Dates
- August 19: TK/K Orientation, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
- August 20: School Year's Eve, 4:40 - 6:00 p.m.
- August 21: First day of School, 8:45 a.m. Start Time
- August 27: Dine Out Fundraiser: Best Pizza and Brew CMR*
- August 29: Back to School Night for Grades 1-5 only, 5:15-6:45
CATCHING UP WITH... Principal Edmonston
Principal's Notes
Welcome back, Coyotes! The first day of school is August 21, 2024. Our staff has been working hard prepping and planning to make sure that this year is the best yet! As you prepare for school to start, here are a few things you can do to stay "in the know" all year long...
- Read our newly-updated Parent and Student Handbook.
- Familiarize yourself with our CVES Website
- Check out the Announcements section on the bottom of the front page
- Visit the CVES Website Calendar, and select the option to subscribe!
- Follow Team CV on Social Media
- Instragram @cvescoyotes
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CVESCoyotes/
- Join the PTO - Scroll down for "S'more" information!
Most importantly, please take a few minutes to read through the Welcome Back Family Letter linked below and look our for communications from your child's teacher. We can't wait to see all of our Coyotes back on campus August 21st!
Let's Make it a Great YEAR!
Erica Edmonston
Principal, Canyon View Elementary School
PUSD Closed Campus Policy
PUSD campuses will remain ‘closed campuses’ to ensure safety of our students and staff. On the first day of school only, parents/guardians will be able to walk their child(ren) to class or the field. Beginning August 22, all children will be dropped off and picked up at the gate at all campuses.
Our School Handbook has been Updated!
Please take some time to review the school handbook with your child. This important resource is full of important information about our school and campus.
Parking Lot Safety
Our parking lot can be confusing for new families! Rules for Drop-Off and Pick-Up are in the CVES Student and Parent Handbook. We have also included some important reminders at the link below. We encourage you to use our Drive-Through Pick-Up and Drop-Off. Please have a sign on your dashboard for drive-through pick-up. We have included a printable sign below, for your convenience!
PUSD Food and Nutrition Announcement - Action Item!
Dear Canyon View Families,
School meals continue to be free for all students, regardless of household income, under California’s Universal Meals Program. Every student enrolled in PUSD (PreK-12) is offered one free breakfast meal and one free lunch meal each school day. Meals must be recorded by specific student accounts, either by scanning their barcode or entering their ID number in a pin pad. Please note that a student cannot take just a beverage for free; they must select enough items to make a reimbursable meal.
Although meals are free for all students, our District is still required to process Applications for Free and Reduced-Price Meals. We encourage all households to apply online at MySchoolApps.com, or using a paper application. Meal applications are very important because meal reimbursements are still based on individual student eligibility, and State funding for school sites is partially determined by free/reduced eligibility. Households that are income-eligible for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for other benefits such as: free or discounted after-school care, reduced home internet costs, discounts on standardized testing fees, and food-purchasing assistance during summer breaks.
In addition to complete school meals, some school sites offer a la carte snacks and beverages for purchase. PUSD Food and Nutrition is a cashless operation, so students must have money in their prepaid account or bring a check in order to buy a la carte items. To load funds on a cafeteria account, families can visit MySchoolBucks.com or send a check to school.
To view interactive school menus, with nutrition facts and allergen information, visit MySchoolMenus.com, which is also accessible from the PUSD Food and Nutrition webpage.
Simple, printer-friendly PDF menus are posted monthly on the PUSD Food and Nutrition webpage, under School Menus > Printable PDF Menus.
Information about special dietary accommodations and the CDE form to request special meals can be found on the PUSD Food and Nutrition webpage, under Resources and Links > Special Dietary Needs.
CATCHING UP WITH... School News and Events
News and Events are now on the Canyon View Elementary School Website!
Click on the News and Events link above, or visit the Canyon View Elementary School Website "Announcements" Section on the bottom of the front page for the most up-to-date information about school news and events.
8/19/24 TK/K Orientation
8/19/14 Donation Request - Welcome Back Staff Breakfast
8/20/24 School Year's Eve
8/27/24 Dine Out Fundraiser: Best Pizza and Brew
8/29/24 Back to School Night (1st - 5th)
9/5/24 - Team CV Meeting
9/29/24 - 9/30/24 Great Wolf Lodge
CATCHING UP WITH... Poway Unified School District
Extended Student Services - Before and After School Care
Click on the link below for information about PUSD's Extended Student Services Program at Canyon View Elementary. For non-PUSD before and afterschool programs, be sure to check Peach Jar for community flyers.
Student Enrollment and Registration
PUSD Enrollment is an on-line process. Packets are completed digitally using any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection. You can contact your assigned school of residence to schedule an appointment if you do not have access to a device/internet or if you need assistance with completing the online enrollment packet. Please visit the PUSD Enrollment and Registration page linked below for more information.
Learn S'MORE about the PTO!
Become a PTO Member, Sponsor an Event, or Volunteer your time! Take a look at the flyers below to learn more about how your membership and sponsorship fees help to support Canyon View Elementary School.
*Participation in fundraisers and fundraising events is voluntary and not required.
PTO Membership
Learn S'more About The PTO
Sponsorship or Membership
CATCHING UP WITH... Peach Jar Flyers
Check Peach Jar for Flyers from the Community
- PUSD News
- After School Programs
- Community Events
- Clubs/Sports/Recreation
CATCHING UP WITH... Picture Books for Our Families
Ms. Alice Burge's Monthly Book Recommendations
The Class, by Boni Ashburn and illustrator Kimberly Gee,
The Class, by Boni Ashburn and illustrator Kimberly Gee, is a gently reassuring primer for kids who are anticipating their first day of school. It follows 20 diverse kids who make up a new class as they get ready on their first morning and troop off with a very human range of reactions. Some run off excitedly, others drag their feet. The examples are both reassuringly familiar and quirkily fun as kids pick out their clothes (a toe peeks out of a sock with holes), eat breakfast, and make their way to school by various means. By the time the kids gather together on the floor with their new teacher, all have smiles, however shy, and the implicit message is: Whatever your reaction to school, there are other kids feeling it, too -- and it all works out!
Dad's First Day by Mike Wohnoutka
Oliver and his dad spent all summer playing together, laughing together, singing together, and reading together. But now it's time for Oliver to start school, and he's so excited! But…his dad isn't. Suddenly, he feels nervous and his tummy hurts. Maybe they should stay home together! But Oliver isn't convinced. What if the first day is really fun? What if it's the start of an exciting year? In this charming story, acclaimed author and illustrator Mike Wohnoutka perfectly captures the mixed emotions felt by kids and their parents during big changes.
School's First Day of School by Adam Rex, illustrated by Christian Robinson
School's First Day of School by Adam Rex, illustrated by Newbery Award winner Christian Robinson (Last Stop on Market Street), is about the anxieties and fears kids might face when they first start school, with a very clever twist: It's the school itself that's brand new and worried about the first day. This school has feelings kids will recognize and relate to, and the book provides realistic but reassuring information about what they might expect. (Will the school like the kids? At first he doesn't.) Robinson pictures a warm, diverse environment that's integrated racially and includes a girl in a wheelchair playing with a friend on the playground. This warm, sweet, funny book is an absolute perfect choice for kids about to venture off to school.
CATCHING UP WITH... School Site Council
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.