Pouncing into Patton
September 30, 2024
Tiger News
It is hard to believe we are already nearing the end of September and are almost to the end of First Quarter. Please remind your students to check Skyward for missing work so they can get it all in by October 9th. Tiger Pride Cards will be distributed on October 10th.
Gold Cards: No missing assignments, no tardies from lunch or specials, no negative office referrals.
Blue Cards: No missing assignments, no negative office referrals.
Band is off to a great start!
Please make sure your student has their instrument, band folder, and band book on the following days.
Woodwinds will meet Mondays and Wednesdays
Brass and percussion will meet Tuesday and Thursday
Please let Mr. Hall know if you have any questions - ahall@usd207.org
As a team, we have implemented an IXL challenge for the students. As they successfully master skills on IXL, they are keeping track of them on a recording sheet. For every 25 skills mastered, students have the opportunity to choose a prize from the IXL Prize Bin in their homeroom. Each classroom has some prizes in their bin already, but we could really use some help to add to the rewards. If you would be willing to contribute some prizes, it would be greatly appreciated.
Suggested prizes: candy, small trinkets and fidgets, special pens and pencils, stickers, stress balls, etc
Academic Focus
Module 3 Fractions
Dividing Fractions
IXLs Due by Oct. 4 M 2,3,7, 10, and 12
Making Inferences and Citing Evidence
We will determine the relationships among energy, motion, force, and work. We will classify, quantify, and measure different forms of energy.
We are building pasta race cars to demonstrate potential and kinetic energy. Thank you for all the pasta donations! We are having a great time with this activity, and race day is Tuesday the 1st.
Topic 3 Test Friday, October 25th.
Social Studies
Topic 2: Civilizations and Peoples of the Fertile Crescent
Payne- We will work on the RACE strategy for writing and continue our vocabulary unit. We will also practice calculating Mean, Median, Mode and Range each week. Each student should have a grade level appropriate chapter book that they are reading at all times. They are welcome to borrow one from the classroom library and we will go to the school library again soon. Each quarter there will be a Book Report assigned. This quarter's is due on October 9th. Students have a hard copy of the instructions and they are posted on Google Classroom.
Phillips- We will use Reflex, IXL, and ALEKS to practice reading and math skills.Each student should have a grade level appropriate chapter book that they are reading at all times. They are welcome to borrow one from the classroom library and we will go to the school library soon. If you able to donate to our class prize box, that will be amazing! Many students are forgetting to charge their Chromebooks. A gentle reminder will be very helpful. Thank you for supporting our classroom. Book Reports are due October 9th.
Questions to Ask Your Student
How did the Darius the Great unite the Persian Empire?
Tell me an example of a simile, a metaphor and personification.
How is the pasta car build going?
Eat breakfast!
Bring a snack.
Need to Contact us?
Christine Harris charris@usd207.org
Aimee Phillips: aphillips@usd207.org
Katie Payne: spayne@usd207.org