Keystone Local School District
March Newsletter
Superintendent's Message
There are so many good things going on at Keystone! Firstly, I would like to recognize Vocal Music Director Bethany Pearce for holding the annual Lip Sync Battle. It was so great to see the students put so much time and effort into their performances, which were enjoyed by the audience!
Also, congratulations to our High School's Mock Trial Team! The team was organized only last year and in both of its two short years of practice, they have earned a spot in the state competition!
We SO much appreciate our KES and KMS/KHS PTA organizers! From the amazing events they organize, to their devotion to our students and teachers, and their unwavering commitment to all things Keystone! Please continue to support these parent organizations by participating in their fundraising efforts, 100% of which benefit Keystone!
Lip Sync Battle Photos
Baseball & Softball Field Update
We have been coordinating with HZW Environmental Consultants as we continue to work on the baseball and softball field project. As part of the standard process, a wetland delineation must take place. Upon the initial delineation, a very minimal wetland area was found; however, we do not know at this point if mitigation is necessary as a secondary delineation is soon to take place.
The image below illustrates the projected plan for construction. The location is solidified; however, the dimensions of the structures may be adjusted.
Spicing It Up!
Guest Chef Tarrice Gibson came to KHS to create a Chipotle Bar Concept, where they chose a rice bowl or flour tortilla, chicken/meat, veggies, and other options like queso, avocados, etc. The kids absolutely loved it!! We will be adding it to our menu and bringing it to the Middle School on March 12!
Generous Donation of $500,000
$500,000 marks the generous contribution local resident Dale Klan donated to establish the scholarship, “Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today” or BOOST for short.
“The trust fund I established was designed especially for students who are interested in college degrees in a STEM curriculum, or vocational/trade school. As a society, we tend to overemphasize the need for a college degree, while overlooking the value of careers that might not require that type of education. Mechanics, electricians, truck drivers, carpenters, and many other essential careers fall outside of the traditional college framework, and I feel those opportunities deserve greater emphasis,” states Klan.
Klan is no stranger to the Keystone community, graduating from Keystone High School in 1991. Following his graduation, he entered the Navy and concluded his military career in 1993, before returning to our community. He spent five years volunteering at KHS as both a strength and conditioning coach as well as a freshman basketball coach. During his time with our baseball program, Klan donated funds for a new batting cage and strength training equipment. In addition to supporting our baseball program, Klan just concluded his fifth season as the junior varsity golf coach and coaching assistant for the varsity golf team.
Of his experience in these programs, Klan states, “My time with both programs has been incredibly rewarding, and I continue to assist graduates with resumes, recommendations, job interview preparation, and financial planning.”
The Keystone students and community are very grateful for your generosity Mr. Klan; you are leaving a legacy. Thank you!
Financial Fact
In an effort to continue to share financial data, we provided the graph below concerning classroom spending at Keystone compared to other districts and to the state average.
- What percent of funds are spent on classroom instruction at Keystone? 66.9%
- How does Keystone's classroom spending rank in comparison to other districts of similar size? 136 out of 261
See the graph below for additional information. If you click on the graph, you will be directed to the Ohio Department of Education's website, which has more information on District finances.
Book Madness!
New books continue to face off in our March Madness Tournament of Books! Keep listening to new books and guest readers @ https://sites.google.com/keystoneschools.org/marchmadness2024/home. .
Spring Testing Windows
Click on the image to access the links to the testing resources!
Incoming Kindergarteners!
Teen Mental Health Presentation
Stompers Reading Program
Independent Study Open House at KMS: March 7!
45% Off Kalahari Tickets!
Junior Jumpstart: April 4
8th Grade Dance: April 5!
The 8th grade dance planning committee is seeking up to 3 pictures of your student for the slideshow that will play at the dance! Email them to Kristen.Kastler@gmail.com. Parents can also contribute and help make this successful by signing up HERE for snack (sun & moon theme for cuteness!!!) or send a monetary donation via venmo to @Amanda-Thompson-486.