January 2023 / Issue 11
Our Lady of the Lake School Advisory Board Newsletter for Alumni, Family and Friends
Spotlight: Sister Mary Agnes Sullivan, O.P.
What is your favorite memory from OLL?
As Principal of Our Lady of the Lake school for 25 years, it is too difficult to name a favorite – but OH! So many laughs and funny situations! Children keep you on your toes and young. They are a blessing and gift. I enjoyed being a part of the OLL Community.
What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
Creating an atmosphere of teamwork in the school: the entire community was supportive, appreciative, and forthright with high expectations. They pitched in daily toward our common goal. Together, as a Christian Community, we accomplished Middle States Accreditation and received the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award.
What is one thing someone may be surprised to learn about you?
As an introvert, I relish solitude, quiet, and time to “just be.” At the same time, I am ever so grateful for having served with such dedicated and faith-filled people. I appreciate and thank God for the many lasting friendships that have evolved over the 25 years of commitment to the OLL school, parish, and Verona community.
What advice would you give current OLL students and parents?
Parents: Teach your children to respect the earth, appreciate the diversity of creation, not to waste and to give to the less fortunate. Continue to support and believe in Catholic Education. Foundations are important and the message of Jesus sustains one throughout life. Your sacrifice and love cannot be measured. Assist the school personnel in sustaining a healthy and safe learning environment.
Children: Respect the earth, appreciate nature, don't waste, and share with those in need. Learn and live the message of Jesus. Remember, you are loved and treasured for who you are! Appreciate your classmates for life-long friendships start in grade school. Seek ways to help others, be positive and thank God daily. LIFE IS GOOD!
Know someone who you think should be on our mailing list?
Keep in Touch!
Email: ollalumniassociation@gmail.com
Website: https://myoll.org/alumni-association
Location: 26 Lakeside Avenue, Verona, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 239-0235
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/50222849194
Twitter: @myollschool