Class of '22 Updates
Monday April 11, 2022
Information for all LISD schools and the HEB Center.
2022 Graduation Packet, including rules such as the clear bag policy
Livestream will be linked to this page the day of graduation.
Important Dates
Friday, April 15 - Holiday
Monday, April 18 - Bad Weather Make-up Day/ Regular B School Day
Wednesday, May 4 (12:20 - 3:00 pm) - Cap & Gown Delivery in Science Wing
Friday, May 6 - Obligations Due (Diplomas will be held for outstanding obligation.)
Monday, May 16 - Senior Awards
Tuesday, May 24
- Last Full Day of Classes for Seniors
- All Edgenuity Classes Due Today
- Elementary Walks
- 9:00 am - Senior Signing Day (Seniors Arrive at 8:30 am) in Comp Gym
- 7:00 pm Senior Parade + Senior Sunset
- Elementary Walks
- 9:00 am - Mandatory Graduation Practice in Comp Gym
- 6:30 am - Seniors Arrive to LHS in Science Wing
- 8:00 am - Graduation at HEB Center
- 9:30 pm - Seniors Arrive at LHS for Project Graduation
Senior Spring Calendar -
Click here for a printable Spring calendar
Updates will be made throughout the semester, as needed.
Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022, 8-10 am at HEB Center
Guests: First Come, First Served - No Tickets, No Seat Holds
Parking: $7.14 in advance / $8 day of with credit card (purchase parking)
Doors open at 7 am
Students arrived at LHS at 6:30 and will ride buses to the HEB Center
Students will leave with families, unless they make special arrangements for a ride back to LHS
Students leave cell phones with families
Senior Graduation Orders: Delivery Dates
Caps & Gowns - Wednesday, May 4th from 12:30-3:00 pm in the science building near the main office.
Other Graduation Items - We will announce the delivery of announcements and other graduation items once they have arrived at Herff Jones, which should be within the next week or two.
Caps and gowns are required to participate in the LHS graduation ceremony. You may order these, along with other graduation items online, from Herff Jones. If you are unable to purchase a cap & gown, you may apply for a local LHS scholarship by completing this form.
Caps may be decorated as long as decorations are:
School Appropriate
Positive Messages Only
Elementary Walks
Students who have an obligation at LHS will receive a letter indicating the obligation and steps they must take to clear these obligations.
All obligations are due in order to receive your diploma.
All obligations are due on Friday, May 6th.
Obligations include: Hours Owed, Library Books, Classroom or Athletic Equipment, mLISD Fees, Other Fees and Items
Hours Owed
The state requires students to be in class 90% of the time. Students will owe hours for missing class time over the 10%.
At least ½ of the owed hours must be made up at LHS/LISD, while the other ½ can be made up helping a non-profit organization.
Submit hours recovered on the LHS Administration website at this link.
Senior Parade & Senior Sunset
Tuesday, May 24th - On seniors last full day of class, we will celebrate with a parade and senior sunset.
6:30 pm - Seniors - Line-up at the side of the bumpy road to Lakeline, wearing your graduation cap & gown or other festive attire! Vehicles may also be decorated!
7:00 pm - Parade Begins - Parade route will be the same as the Homecoming Parade - Lakeline, Osage, Bagdad, LHS
Senior Sunset - After the parade, seniors join your friends on the football field to watch the sunset together!
Project Graduation
Project Graduation provides a safe celebration for our seniors on graduation night. Seniors can join their classmates for prizes, food, and fun!!
May 26th - 27th: 9:30 pm - 5:15 am.
Students will meet at LHS at 9:30 pm before riding to YMCA Twin Lakes by buses. Students will travel back to LHS at 5:00 am, with an expected 5:15 am arrival.
See the Project Graduation Website for more information.
Seniors can sign up for the event by completing the signup form AND turning in the form to the 1100s AP office (social studies wing).
Plans After Graduation
What are your plans after graduation? Where are you going? Have you been accepted to a college or university? Have you enlisted into the military? We want to know! We want to celebrate your acceptance/enlistment! The acceptance letters are starting to roll out and it's time to give yourself a shout out!
If you have received a college acceptance or enlisted into the military, please fill out the quick google form.
Mr. Nelson will be creating a College/Military Wall across from his office and we want to make sure we give you a proper shout out! Also, we will add your name to the 2022 Senior Wall on the LHS website, so make sure you fill out the form!
Even though the priority deadline has passed, you can still complete/submit the FAFSA or TASFA form! Remember, this is a graduation requirement! You cannot graduate without completing and submitting this form!
For those wishing to opt out of filling out the FAFSA or TASFA because they are not planning on attending a college or university after they graduate, please see Ryan Nelson to get the opt out form.
For more information on the FAFSA, TASFA, and Opt Out Form, please visit our Financial Aid and Scholarship website.
As always, if you have questions, please see Mr. Nelson in the College and Career Center in room 1301.
**If you have already submitted the FAFSA, TASFA, or Opt Out Form, you may disregard**
Order Final Transcripts
The final piece of college admission is the final transcript. While these will not be ready until late June, you cannot start school in the fall until your college has this final one. Request your transcript soon by going to Parchment to order your Final Transcript. It will be sent when they are ready. From the LHS Website, select the drop down menu for “Parent/Student Resources,” then scroll down and click on “Transcript Request.”
When ordering a final transcript to be sent to your college, please be sure to select “Hold for Grades” instead of “Send Now”. Once final grades/credits have been processed in mid-June, those transcripts will be sent. If you have any transcript related questions, please email heather.lyle@leanderisd.org.