Fisher Family Update
November 27, 2024

Dear Fisher Families,
Over the course of this long weekend, I hope you all have a brief moment to pause and reflect on all the great things we are fortunate to have in our lives. I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to the incredible Fisher School community. To our students, thank you for your curiosity, effort, and determination that you bring with you everyday. To our teachers and staff, your unwavering dedication and commitment to our students and families contribute to Fisher School being a place of learning, growth, and belonging. And to our families, your partnership and support are the foundation of our success. Together, we create a community that inspires, nurtures, and achieves.
On behalf of all of us at Fisher School...Happy Thanksgiving!
Upcoming Dates and Events
2 - Classes resume
11- Fisher Sing-A-Long session 1 6:00-6:45
11- Fisher Sing-A-Long session 2 7:15-8:00
13 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
23 through January 1 - Winter Recess
2 - Classes resume
15 - PAC Meeting 7pm
Holiday Gift Giving and Holiday Baskets
As we approach the holiday season, we want to reach out to you with an opportunity to share the spirit of giving and support one another. This year, we are organizing Holiday Giving and preparing Holiday Food Baskets for families in need within our community. These baskets are meant to bring joy and provide a little extra comfort during the holiday season.
If you would like to contribute, here are a couple of ways you can help:
Your support will make a difference for so many in our community. Thank you for helping us spread holiday cheer!
Fisher Sing-A-Long Survey
Our evening Sing-A-Long focuses on singing songs from the different holidays celebrated by our families here in our "Fisher Family."
Our community grows stronger as we sing songs for holidays that we and others in our school actually celebrate!
Please take a moment to fill out this VERY brief survey.
Dedham Savings Holiday Card Contest
For more than 25 years the Walpole Elementary Schools has partnered with Dedham Savings Bank and participated in their Holiday Card Contest. Though these past years have been a little different we would still like to offer this opportunity to our students. If students would like to participate in the contest, we are asking that this take place at home. Cards will need to be turned in to their classroom teacher not later than Friday, December 13th. Good Luck!
Here are the details:
All cards should be on 8.5 by 11 white paper
On the back of the card, please put the student's name, school, and grade.
The cards need to be returned to school by Friday, December 13th
Below are the generous prizes for each grade donated by the Dedham Savings Bank:
1st Prize $100
2nd Prize $50
3rd Prize $25
Scenes from Fisher!
Students in STEM have been working very hard these past few weeks planning and executing their own version of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. First, groups were tasked with designing two balloons based on their favorite book characters. Then, they were required to design and build a designated parade route to program their robotic float through. Here are some of their wonderful designs!
PAC News
Fisher PAC Friendship Directory
This is a great way for families to connect with each other over the phone or email. This is completely optional and this info will be shared with other families who decide to be part of the directory. As a reminder, Fisher School is not allowed to share student or parent contact information.
Please click here to be included in the Fisher Friendship directory.
Click the banner above to view announcements from the community that were traditionally sent home as a hard copy or "notice". In this "backpack" you will find information regarding community events, youth sports sign ups and much more. This link will be updated and included in all Fisher Family Update newsletters. The Virtual Backpack can also be found on the Walpole Public Schools District Website
Beginning of the School Year Information
Main Office Information
Absences: If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the absence line and let us know in advance. You may call this line at anytime and leave a message. The telephone number is 508-660-7234 and then press 1
Dismissals: Please send a hand written note with your student in the morning or fill out this form with at least 2 hours advance notice.
Afterschool dismissal changes: If your student is changing their typical way of leaving Fisher at 3:25pm, please send a note into school with the plan that morning.
We understand that there are unavoidable last minute changes, however, please be mindful that we must call the classroom and upset time on leaning with each change.
Please feel free to email the front office: fisher-secretaries@walpole.k12.ma.us
Start and End Times 2024-2025
School Day Begins at 8:55am
Dismissal is at 3:25pm
Early Release Days - Dismissal is at 12:25pm
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Click HERE to view our arrival and dismissal procedures