Prefect Leaders 2023
Marcellin College Prefect Leaders for 2023
Tēnā tātou katoa Marcellin whānau,
It is a great honour and privilege to announce our Prefect leaders for 2023.
Head Prefects: Tetrina Tuiletufuga and Azael Setu Uini-Faiva
Deputy Prefects: Jazmin Ugapo and David Losalu
Special Character Prefects: Vincent Matini and Clarisse Osorio
Social Justice Prefects: Eniselini Ali and Justiz Pohutuhutu
Arts and Culture Prefects: Alani Leahe'uhila and Natanya Formoso
Media Prefects: Andrei Samson and Max Koenig
Hauora and Sports Prefects: Krystal Samasoni and Atelea Filo
Whānau Prefects:
- Aubert: Angelina Finauvala
- Benedict: Thea Santos
- MacKillop: Elijah Malaitai
- Pompallier: Emmarald Tonga
We had an overwhelming number of excellent applications and I humbly thank all those who put their names forward. There will be more leadership positions available next year, particularly in our growing Co-curricular programme. All year 13 ākonga are Marist servant leaders and role models to our Marcellin whānau, in the way they make Jesus Christ known and loved in themselves and in one another. This was the mission of our patron St Marcellin Champagnat and our mission as a Marcellin whānau.
May the example of our Loving Lord and the opportunities we are provided keep us ever mindful to be servants to one another at home, at school, at work, at church and in the wider world.
Ngā mihi nui,
Maria Prescott