Youth Ministry News
Updates from Anne:
Hello Youth Ministry Families,
Here's all the church news for the week:
Search Retreat Feb. 7-8! Our overnight retreat for high schoolers is moving to a one-night format this year, Friday evening through Saturday late afternoon. Teens who have attended will tell you that it's one of the highlights of the year! Come to deepen friendships, spend time away, laugh together, and grow closer to God. Registration form is linked below. Forms were due to me Jan. 7, so please turn them in if you'd like to come!
National Catholic Youth Conference 2025!!! I know it's still almost a year away, but registrations are now open for the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis 11/19-23/2025! Our Diocese has only secured TWO BUSES for our pilgrimage, so space will be limited, and it's going to be very important to SIGN UP EARLY! Below you will find the parish registration form The regular deadline will be Tues. 1/14. If you are a current 8th-11th grader, you can come! Our parish has scholarship money available to help too, so please don't let finances keep you from attending. See below for more info. NCYC is a life-changing experience for teens, and I'd love to take a big group from our faith community!
Confirmation Prep: Our next meeting will be Sunday, February 2. Please complete the online assignment on Catholic Social Teaching: Service and Justice before we meet. YEAR TWO candidates ONLY: there is an additional online form for you to complete before the next meeting -- it's time to choose your Confirmation Name and Sponsor. The information in the google classroom will help you make your choices.
Middle School Youth Group: Our next meeting will be Sunday 1/26 from 7-8:30 in the youth room, lower lever of the Education building at Transfiguration. The online family discussion starter for January is linked for you below.
Senior High Youth Group: We meet every Tuesday from 7-8:30 in the youth room, lower level of the Education building at Transfiguration. All 9th-12th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend.
As always, please be in touch with any questions or concerns. I love to hear from you!
Inspiration for the Week
It's a new month, and it's time for a new prayer challenge. For January, we'll be praying with music. Below you can find our youth ministry's Spotify profile, which has playlists to pray for all occasions.
And, Karen and I are continuing our weekly Faith Break podcast throughout the year. This week we wonder about how Jesus spent his "missing years" while he was growing up and becoming an adult.