The Central Catholic Saints
Week Ending November 8, 2024
The Counselor's Corner
Christmas Assistance
We have a limited amount of donors that want to help families with Christmas presents for their children. If you are unable to give your children presents this year, please send me a text at 317-207-6153 and I will help you!
Energy Assistance Program
There is a program to help families pay their heating bills over the winter. It depends on the total income of the family. Please text or call me (317-207-6153) if you would like to learn more. I can help you fill out the application.
We are looking for volunteers to help at our school. To be a volunteer, you must complete the Safe Parish program. It takes about 3 hours and involves watching videos to learn how to keep children safe from child abuse and providing information for a background criminal record check. I can help you complete the program. Just call or text me at 317-207-6153.
8th Grade Parents
Saturday: Roncalli High School Placement Test
Saturday, November 9 from 8:00 - 11:15 AM
- Dropoff: Curbside at the main entrance (Door 1). Doors will open at 7:30 AM.
- Cost: $10 cash or check made out to Roncalli OR pay online.
- Bring: 2 sharpened No. 2 pencils; calculators are not allowed.
- Contact Hope Golden with questions at hgolden@roncalli.org.
- Parent Information Meeting from 10:00 - 11:15 AM: English in the auditorium, Spanish in Room 119 and Burmese in Room 132. All parents will enter through Door 5.
Annual Roncalli Holiday Sale
The Roncalli Spirit Store will hold its annual Holiday Sale on Saturday, November 9 in the Roncalli cafeteria from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. There will be tons of awesome, new merchandise in the latest styles for everyone on your Christmas list. Eighth grade parents, enjoy some shopping while your student takes the Roncalli High School Placement Test. For more information, please contact Julie Gantner, director of the Roncalli spirit store at jgantner@roncalli.org or (317) 787-8277, ext. 278. See you at the sale!
Handbook Reminders
Students are not allowed to wear shorts after fall break. Please ensure your student is wearing pants to school. I do understand it has been warm outside but the air condition is still on in the building.
Also a reminder that we do go outside for recess everyday. As the weather gets colder students need to bring a jacket to go outside.
From our Family Handbook:
Additional Guidelines:
● Shorts may be worn until Fall Break and again after Spring Break
3rd Grade Parents - Meeting November 12
- 3rd Grade Parents a reminder that we will be having a mandatory parent meeting on Tuesday night at 6pm in the music room. We will be discussing the Indiana Department of the education's IREAD updates.
iReady Student Expectations
Students in grades 4th through 8th grade have an expectation of passing two iReady math lessons and two iReady reading lessons each week.
I have been tracking student progress for the last couple of weeks and some students are struggling to meet these expectations. Students should have passed a total of 18 lessons in math and 18 lesson in reading by the end of the second nine weeks.
I will be monitoring student progress as the nine weeks goes on. If students are falling behind, I will be inviting students to stay after school to get caught up on these lessons.
More information will be coming on this subject.
Intramural Basketball Updates
Below you will find the updates to the our Intramural Basketball program. This year, the games will be held at Saint Philip Neri - 545 Eastern Avenue, Indianapolis IN 46201
Please note that games are during the week this year and not on Saturdays.
After School Care - Procedures and Expectations
We have been review aftercare expectations and procedures this week with your students. The expectations of aftercare are the same as when the students are in class.
- Students must be supervised by an adult at all times.
- We follow hallway, bathroom, cafeteria and playground expectations - these are the same procedures and expectations that students follow during the school day.
- Students are also expected to participate in all after school programing, such as GREAT, rolling skating, pickleball, mindful movement, etc.
We would appreciate you talking with your students and reminding them that aftercare is an extension of school and even though there is not teaching happening in aftercare, students are learning through play and experiences. When students do not follow rules, expectations and procedures it becomes an issue of safety. Our number one priority is the safety of your students!
Reminder: Students must be enrolled in aftercare in order to attend aftercare. We have a limited amount of spaces for students and currently have a waiting list for our aftercare program. If you have questions about this, please call the office.
Last Opportunity to order 50th Anniversary Tshirts
Below you will find the order form for our 50th Anniversary Tshirts. This will be our last time to order these shirts.
Turn your order form into the office.
Central Catholic Student Council Website
The link below will take you to the student council website.
Looking ahead...
Wednesday November 27 - Elearning day - NO in person learning - students will come home with school work on Tuesday to complete on Wednesday
Thursday November 28 - Thanksgiving - No School
Friday November 29 - No School
Tuesday December 5th - Christmas Concert
Thursday December 12th - Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass @ 1:30pm
Thursday December 18th - Las Posadas @ 7pm
Friday December 20th - Early Release 1pm- No Aftercare - Last day of school before Christmas Break
Lunch 11/11-11/15
Monday: chicken and mashed potato bowl, ham and cheese lunchable, popcorn chicken salad
Tuesday: spaghetti and meatballs, PBJ and popcorn chicken salad
Wednesday: pancakes with sausage, ham and cheese lunchable, or popcorn chicken salad
Thursday: chicken tinga tostada with black beans and corn, PBJ, or popcorn chicken salad
Friday: cheese pizza, ham and cheese lunchable, or lunchie munchie
Substitutions may be made without notice. Student meals are provided at no cost through the USDA. Lunch includes choices of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and dairy.
Mission Statement
MTCA lives the mission of the Catholic Church by teaching, serving, and forming students in
the heart of Indianapolis.
Vision Statement
Mother Theodore Catholic Academies (MTCA) students will flourish spiritually and