High School Stellar Bulletin
April 22nd-26th
5/1 11th Grade Science
5/6 11th Grade ELA
5/8 11th Grade Math and ELA Makeup
4/24 Redding School District 150th year celebration
5/17 Last Friday on-site elective classes
5/22 Last day of all on-site classes
5/24 Skating party 3pm-7pm
5/30 Seniors Graduation starts at 7:30pm
2024-25 School Calendar
Family Guide to Supporting Young People’s Mental Health and Well-Being
Promoting the mental health awareness and wellness of our K–12 families
This guide is for parents and other adult caregivers to get ideas about how to support the well-being of the children and teens in their lives.
The guide:
• Explains mental health terms
• Describes warning signs for when to consider getting professional help and where to seek help
• Offers conversation starters and strategies for supporting your child’s wellness at home
• Covers related topics like bullying and how to safely use technology and social media.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 (en Español, envía “AYUDA” al 988).
Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer-based program that students at Stellar Charter School have access to in order to monitor reading practice and progress. Students take short quizzes after reading a book to check for comprehension and reach their reading goals.
How are AR Goals set?
Grades K-1: AR uses a points goal system for students in grades K-1 that will be assigned a goal each semester according to their grade and suggested daily reading is 15 minutes.
Grades 2-8: AR uses a points goal system that will be generated by the STAR assessment they take at the beginning of the year and at benchmark periods throughout the year. Reading will be between 15-30 minutes a day depending on grade level.
Grades 9-12: AR uses a points goal system that will be generated by STAR assessments they take at the beginning of the year and at benchmark periods throughout the year. Reading will be 30 minutes a day.
How many points do books earn? Students can earn points for every book they read. The number of points is based on a book’s length and difficulty.
How can students earn points? Students earn points when they take a quiz for each book. Passing a quiz requires a score of at least 80%. However, if they score higher than 60 percent on the quiz, they receive a fraction of the total points they could earn from it.
Get recognized for reading! At Stellar, all students who reach their goal each semester will receive special recognition with their name displayed in the breezeway. Students in K-8th will be given a prize and students in 9-12th will be eligible for rewards for a gift certificate to Dutch Bros or In-N-Out.
Please contact Mrs.Murphy by emailing (jmurphy@rsdnmp.org ) or come by the library if you have any questions.
Approved Community Partners
2023-24 School Year
Sun Oaks
Contact Info- Matt 530-221-4405
Email- matt@sunoaks.com
Contact Info- 530-246-9622
Lebra Gonzalez w/Brass Reed
Violin/Fiddle Lessons
Contact Info- Lebra Gonzalez 530-945-3912
Email- lgonz588@gmail.com
Beats From The Core
Drum School
Contact Info- Jeremy Schulz 530-215-1485
Email- kaitlyn@beatsfromthecore.com
Kenji Kato Drums
Contact Info- Kenji 530-524-9270
Email- katotanto@hotmail.com
Goddard Music
Music Lessons
Contact Info- Roman Goddard 530-999-8442
Jiu Jitsu/Karate
Mendes Jiu Jitsu
Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts
Contact Info- Kellie Mendes 530-598-7122
Email- info@reddingselfdefense.com
Ninja Coalition
Contact Info- Brittney 530-605-3329
Email- frontdesk@ninjacoalitionhq.com
Dance/Performing Arts
Dreamweaver Dance
Contact Info- Jennifer 530-247-1010
Email- dreamweaverdance@hotmail.com
California Dance Company Inc.
Contact Info- Cindee Spurgeon
Email- office@cadanceco.com
Redding Performing Arts
Contact Info- Kenneth Baumann 530-276-8283
Email- reddingpac@gmail.com
NorCal Elite
Contact Info- Danielle Corregidor 530-223-5483
Email- norcalelitegym@gmail.com
Redding Composite Mountain Bike Team
Contact Info- Hilari Freeman 530-355-1815
Email- reddingcomposite@gmail.com
Horseback Riding
NorCal Trail Rides
Contact Info- Alicia Ryan 530-515-8958
Email- amryan1973@gmail.com