Canyon Creek Elementary
March 7, 2025
Friday, March 7 - PTA Multicultural Fair 5pm-7pm
Monday, March 10-14 AGGI Week
Monday, March 10-14 - Spring Book Fair Week
Monday, March 10 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, March 11 - Enrichment Classes
Thursday, March 13 - Mandarin Club
Thursday, March 13 - 3rd Grade Music Performance @5pm
Monday, March 17-21 Spring Break
Monday, March 24 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, March 25 - Enrichment Classes
Thursday, March 27 - Kona Ice after school
Thursday, March 27 - Mandarin Club
Monday, March 31 - Student Holiday/Staff Dev. Day
Tuesday, April 1 - Enrichment Classes
Thursday, April 3 - Mandarin Club
Campus News & Celebrations
Notes from the CCES Office & Admin
March 7, 2025
Hello CCE Families,
Hello March! Spring Break is only ONE week away! We hope everyone has been enjoying the warmer weather and sunshine, besides the crazy wind, it’s been a great week!
Thank you to our 1st grade families and CCE PTA for another wonderful Friday Feast. The spread was delicious, we all love a good burrito bowl!
See you back at CCE on Monday! Enjoy the weekend!
Building Security and Safety Reminders
Please make sure to always come to the front office and retrieve a badge before entry.
Please remember to bring your ID and push the intercom button to state your purpose for entry.
Please DO NOT hold the door open or allow anyone to enter the building, all visitors must press the intercom button and state their purpose for entry.
We thank you for your support and understanding. Our main goal is safety for all students at all times.
Pick Up Reminder
Please remember that dismissal is at 2:55 and the front office closes right after dismissal. Ensure that you are on time to pick up your student. If you are running late, please arrange for an emergency contact to pick up your student and notify the office ASAP. If you are late, you will need to park and come into the front office to sign out your student. Once school dismisses, staff has meetings and is unable to provide childcare services. Students are not able to wait outside for you. Please plan accordingly.
Volunteer Reminders
Always bring your ID when coming onto campus in order to badge in. If you would like to volunteer, you must be approved through RRISD. Please see below for link to register.
Parking Reminder
Please adhere to all parking rules. The portion of Ember Glen directly across the school is a no parking zone from 2:30-3:30. When cars do not adhere to these rules, it makes it hard for cars and walkers leaving campus to safely pull out/walk from campus.
Notes from the Librarian
The CCE Spring Book Fair, JUMANJI, is coming soon! Click Here for more information and to volunteer! *Must be a 2024-2025 RRISD approved volunteer.
Notes from the Counselor
March 10-14, 2025 is Education Go Get It (EGGI) Week at CCE, a week for students to learn about post-secondary education options and future careers. At the elementary level, it's all about planting seeds and career exploration - our little ones have YEARS to decide (and change their minds again!) about what they want to do in their future. We just want to make sure our kids have the opportunity to start exploring what options are out there. During EGGI Week, we will be having spirit dress up days, Mrs. Hougham will be teaching guidance lessons to classes about education and career options, students can complete an optional Career Activity which will be sent home in Tuesday folders, and students may even get to glimpse what jobs their teacher had before they started teaching!
Notes from the ITS
WE ARE ALREADY IN THE TOP 25 SCHOOLS IN TEXAS!!! Keep up the good Typing practice Comets!
Texas Keyboarding Challenge for 3rd-5th Graders
The online STAAR tests require typing skills as early as 3rd grade. In testing, the stronger a student's keyboarding skills, the more time they can devote to improving the quality of their response! CCE is registered to participate and all 3rd-5th student accounts have been loaded. Teachers can decide to have it as an activity during class or students can work on it on their own. Past RRISD schools have been winners of this contest! Maybe this year it could be us! Contest evaluates the number of students, words per minute, and accuracy during the window from Feb 10-March 31!
From our Counselor
From our Librarian
From our ITS
Follow Us!
We now have Instagram! Follow us!
From PTA, District & Community
Hello Future Grizzlies!
Grisham's bell schedule will change next year, allowing students to take one additional class. Classes will be approximately 45 minutes with 3 minute passing periods.
Because of HB1416, some students will be required to take a booster class, which provides extra support in math or reading. Booster requirements are based on STAAR scores, which will be received in the summer.
Students not needing a booster will have the opportunity to take an additional elective class. We need all students to select an extra elective class now. If you feel that your child would benefit from a booster class, you may choose that option now instead of an elective class. While we cannot guarantee additional space in elective classes, we want to provide students with options. For example, our art classes are almost full, so we have created an "art waitlist" on the form.
Students, please complete this form to select your extra elective choice by Friday, March 14th. Form should be submitted one time only using the students’ district gmail account.
For information on course descriptions, please visit the district middle school course catalog.
Grisham Extra-Elective Course Selection Form
Thank you!
Grisham Staff
Lunch Choices
Please note that menus are always subject to change due to unforeseen changes in delivery, availability etc
Make it a great day to be a Comet!
Canyon Creek Elementary
Website: https://canyoncreek.roundrockisd.org/
Location: Canyon Creek Elementary School, Ember Glen Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.canyoncreek
Twitter: @CanyonCreekES
Instagram: @CanyonCreekES