Break into the Holiday Spirit
Knights EXCEL--week of December 5th
We would like to invite students to Break out and try some Holiday cheer dress options in fun with staff! Prizes may be given for best theme dress.
Monday: "Rockin around the Christmas Tree"--Break into Holiday Song
- Students will be able to participate in a Holiday Karaoke show down in the pit on the way back from lunch
- Some fun challenges with singing as a class to kick off the week
Tuesday: “Break the news SGMS staff is “Soup”er”-Make your Presents known-
Go Knights--Create a culture of EXCEL-lence.
Wednesday-“Break into a Good book”—
Wear red for Rudolph or Green for the Grinch—as we have a Book swap for teachers
- Parents are welcome to bring gently used books that staff can choose to find a good read for the Winter break
- They may find they like (Red for Rudolph) or not (green for Grinch) but your donation will provide a good variety to choose from
- Book donations you are willing to part with can be turned in to the pit by Tuesday at 4 pm
Thursday: Break through—Let the Sleigh Bells ring--
Wear those bells and bright lights to add some Holiday bling.
Friday: -- Break away to the Kringle Café
Wear anything with “Santa”-Kris Kringle on it-the more the merrier.
ONE CARDS--REQUIRED on campus for regular day and events and Dance UPDATES
- Students must have their one card at all times. They are used to scan on buses, into school each day, and to stay for ANY afterschool events.
- Please ensure your child has a routine that ensures they have their one card before leaving home each morning. Replacement cards are $5.
Due to some miscommunications we are making an update to collection of dance items. Moving forward for future dances we will not accept any admission/permission slips the day of the dance.
If an eligible child wants to attend they must have their permission slip signed and admission cost turned in by the day before the dance.
Calendar Events
Holiday dress options all week if you choose--see above.
- Monday: Basketball at Western 4:45 pm
- Tuesday: Bball practice; Dance practice til 4:45 and Leadership team meets
- Wednesday: Principal for a Day guest; Basketball at home (concessions by Hospitality); Dance team stay after til 6:30
- Thursday: Arts Night--come support our Band, Chorus, dance team and art department; Chess club; Bball practice; Dance team return for Arts night by 5:45
Arts Night specifics:
- Band performs in the PIT (beginning band and intermediate band)
Art gallery walk in the main entrance hallway and cafeteria hallway
Chorus/dance club in the multipurpose room (6/7/8 general music and 7/8 advanced chorus)
- Intermediate band arrives 5:15 and meets on the PIT stage to practice
Beginning band arrives at 5:30 and gets ready in the band room and stays there until called on to stage
Chorus everyone arrives at 5:45. 6/7/8 general music goes to the chorus room. 7/8 advanced chorus meet in Room 504
Dancers will stay after school with Ms. English
Performance times: Band 6:00; Art Gallery Walk 6:45; Chorus/Dance Club 7:00
SGMS Shout outs
Natural Helpers/Student Council shout outs:
Thank you to everyone from staff, parents and students that helped make the Winter Dance so successful! Super proud of our Natural Helper students and Student Council members that took initiative and were a huge help in making the dance successful and fun for all students! Special shout out to Maholic, Creech, Prattis, Mabe, Aman, Roys and all staff that volunteered or donated items your time and energy are commendable.
Chess team shoutouts:
- Southern’s Chess team competed against other GCS schools at Saturday’s tournament at Kernodle, with Khoa Nguyen picking up 3 wins and a tie, and Jesus Echavarria winning three games as well, tying them for 3rd place. Levi Wright also came away with a win.
- Also, Southern will be for the first time _hosting_ the Spring Tournament in April- it’s quite an event with over a hundred participants from all over the county, but the Knights need more players to have a chance to win. If you are interested the Chess Club meets after school every Thursday- see your homeroom teacher or Mr. Welder for a form.
Way to go SGMS Knights!