Alameda Thursday Newsletter
October 10, 2024
A Message from Principal Goldstein
October 10, 2024
Dear Families,
This week’s update is coming to you on a Thursday as there is no school tomorrow, Friday, October 11th. This is a day that teachers use to attend state sponsored professional learning. While some trainings still occur, the state has long stopped paying districts for this day. However, it still remains on our school calendar. So hopefully you will enjoy the long weekend!
On Wednesday we “Moved for the Arts.” It seemed that the students had lots of fun - running, jumping, and dancing. In fact, I was trying to play DJ and I was impressed with some of the requests - yes, of course Taylor Swift, Chappell Roan, and the sorts…but, also, Dolly Parton, Neil Diamond, and AC/DC! Thanks to the volunteers and to all our students for staying safe and positive while outside. Of course, the donation “line” is still open and will be for the remainder of the month. If you have not already done so, we hope you consider making a donation. Truly any amount will make a difference. Thanks!
Most of the funds will be used for classroom residencies. Last year we had ballet, film making, printmaking, and more. These types of opportunities are super fun and provide students with unique and important experiences.
On Wednesday night we had our first PTA Meeting. Thanks to PTA President Courtney Wright and other board members for highlighting the incredible work our PTA does. Our PTA and the School are committed to capturing as many ideas, questions, and suggestions as possible - the monthly PTA meetings are one opportunity to join the conversation. There are also the monthly coffees (next one is 11/8 at 8:00 AM) and quarterly Site Council meetings (next one is virtual, and on 10/23 from 5:30-7:00 PM) where all are invited to the discussion. I know everyone is busy, but we hope you consider attending some of these upcoming meetings.
As you may have heard, Anna Tofel, one of our counselors, is out on medical leave. We are fortunate that while she is gone, our other counselor Molly Clark will be working full time. In addition, we are also excited to welcome Kristin Lasher, a recently retired PPS school counselor, who will be working on M, W, and F. To learn more about Kristin, CLICK HERE
I hope everyone has a nice long weekend.
Updates & Announcements
TAG Parent Informational Night: For those families considering TAG, please join Mr. Goldstein and Ms. Largo for Alameda's annual TAG Informational Night. This is a wonderful time to learn about the TAG referral process and what TAG services look like in PPS.
The Details: TAG Informational Night
When: Wednesday, October 16th
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Alameda Library
Next week, on Thursday, 10/17, we will have an earthquake drill. Our school based drill coincides with the Great Oregon ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. I encourage you to visit the site and use this information as a springboard for a conversation around earthquake preparedness in your home. On the 17th students will practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold-On” and will also review other information about staying safe during an earthquake.
Garden Party: Join us rain or shine for a garden work party on October 19 from 10 to noon. Bring rakes, shovels, garden gloves, and energy to help put the Alameda Discovery Garden to bed for the winter. No experience necessary and all are welcome! Contact Bonny Cushman for more information bonnybcushman@gmail.com or 503-422-6694.
Reminder, Early Release Coming Up: Wednesday, October 23rd is our next Early Release. Students will be dismissed at 11:50 AM.
Fall Conferences: October always flies on by, so please be on the lookout for conference sign-ups in the next week or so. Teachers will be sending out an online sign-up form. Conferences will take place on Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th. There will be times throughout the day and in the evening hours as well. Families may choose to meet in-person or conduct the meeting virtually.
PTA Updates
October is Fund the Arts month at Alameda! What a wonderful day of moving our bodies for the arts yesterday!
We are at 38% of our fundraising goal! Thank you to those who have made donations and if you haven’t contributed yet, there’s still time! All proceeds will go towards arts-related residencies and arts related field trips throughout the year.
This is a great chance to engage your extended families, neighbors and friends in supporting our community. Residencies allow classes to deep-dive into new and unique arts experiences like paper quilling, ballet, stop-motion animation and more. Additionally, the cost of buses and tickets for arts field trips continues to rise - but the value of these experiences for our students is priceless.
In order to make these experiences possible, we need your help! Click here to make your donation
After School enrichment classes:
After School enrichment classes have started, and new ones are being added. Check out what is being offered here.