Grades 6-12 Science
March 2023 Secondary Science Newsletter
Secondary Science Department
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=2577
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
March 8th District Science PD Day Schedule
Information Flyer Link
Where: Northland HS.
When: 7:15 am to 2:45 pm
Attendance: give your administrator the certificate you earn at the end of the day. You MUST sign up in the PDS if you want CEUs. Course #56855 link
7:15-7:30 sign in
7:30 quick welcome
7:45-8:45 keynote speaker - Becky Nellis from the Columbus Zoo
8:45-11:15 in-person sessions (choose only one):
- Phenomena-Based Learning: How to Teach in Conjunction with the 5E Model of Instruction LaShaunda Robinson
- Teacher Clarity and How to Use the Curriculum Guides to Create your Own Teacher Clarity Slides (you will receive a copy of the book) Missy Scott
- Teaching Science to English Learners (you will receive a copy of the book) Megan Hinz
- Energy Bike: How to Use It and Sample Lessons Eric Sztul and Brenda Rucker
- Visible Learning in Science (you will receive a copy of the book) Jenny Nord
- MTSS Linda Rainey
- Notebook Techniques: Bring a future unit you want to work on. Brian Hamilton
- Material Science Equipment Usage (all day session); kits given to existing teachers; this session is ONLY for existing teachers or those who are chemistry licensed and going to take the summer training to teach the course. After sign in, go right to room 205. Darren Greschuk
11:15-12:15 Lunch (on your own...be back in time)
11:15-2:15 Partner Fair: Stop by the tables of several partners as your schedule allows. Don’t miss this opportunity to make connections and collaborate. You might choose to attend the fair rather than one or both of the afternoon offerings. Your afternoon schedule is fluid and your choice of what to attend.
12:15-1:30 Choices (choose one):
- platform discussions with peers and vendor expert
- in-person Canvas training: Jesse Ireland
- synchronous session in Mastery Connect item authoring
- on-demand session choices for Canvas, Nature of Science and Active Learning
1:30-2:30 breakout rooms for grade level/discipline processing discussions with room leaders
2:30-2:45 sign out and get certificate (no partial day certificates can be given)
Opportunities for Teachers and Students
Students Can Spend Their Summer Immersed in STEM Research:
Students in grades 5-12 in the Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program work in U.S. Army research laboratories and engineering centers at GEMS locations around the country each summer. Registration for this free program is now open for summer 2023. Read More
SSCI Conservation Scholarship:
Below you will find information on a scholarship opportunity for “Students entering college, technical school, or graduate programs in the area of wildlife conservation, outdoor education, game, and land management, and the life/animal sciences.” Awards up to $5,000 per applicant per year will be considered.
Do you have students who are creative in the arts? The Omega Psi Phi Talent Hunt is March 23, 2023, and awards scholarship money to high schoolers who place in the Top 3. Please see the flyer and application below. The cutoff date is March 11 for applications.
OSU School of Music and the Wexner Center for the Arts:
Programming and opportunities offered by the School of Music
- All concerts at the Ohio State School of Music are free, unticketed and open to the public. Our events calendar is always evolving. https://music.osu.edu/events. Highlights:
- The Jazz Festival in March
- Jazz concerts at Mirror Lake
- The Percussion Festival concerts
- Symphony, Concert band and choral concerts. Note that some are held off campus.
- More to be posted soon
- Outreach events for student musicians and music educators. The upcoming events are highlighted on this page https://music.osu.edu/outreach
- Youth Summer Music Programs – 9 summer camps for students in grades 6-12 (depending on the program, found here https://music.osu.edu/outreach/ysmp
Programing and opportunities being offered by the Wexner Center for the Art
- Gallery admission to the Wex is free for all audiences during regular operating hours. Our new set of exhibitions open to the public on February 11. Details: https://wexarts.org/exhibitions
- With more than 150 films a year (frequently with filmmakers in attendance), dozens of performing arts events, talks, conversations, and more, the Wex has year round programs deeply engaged with the issues of our time, providing a platform for conversation and diving deep into challenging topics. See the current lineup of upcoming events here: https://wexarts.org/calendar Upcoming programs of note include a free conversation with Annie Dorsen on February 9, our winter exhibitions preview (free) on February 10, the Ohio premiere new work by dance ensemble Brother(hood) Dance! (with a sliding ticket sale available for all budgets) on February 16, and the return of our Cinema Revival film festival celebrating the best in film restoration on February 23-27. The Wex's education department, Learning & Public Practice, offers free tours of current exhibitions, architecture, and specific topics upon request. Wex tours center thoughtful discussion and inquiry-based learning and are customized for each group.
- Learning & Public Practice offers teacher professional development sessions upon request. Sessions are co-designed with our partners to meet your needs, but often include gallery and studio sessions with Wex Educators and local featured artists.
- The Wex offers unique K-12 experiences with contemporary art throughout the school year. Our program series, Expanded Classroom, connects classes with featured Wex artists, films or performances through workshops, discussions and more. Programs can be customized to meet the needs of your class or curriculum.
- To schedule a tour, inquire about teacher professional development, or learn about Expanded Classroom offerings contact education@wexarts.org.
Educators’ Week: Life Beyond the Glacier (Cincinnati Museum)
June 4-9, 2023
Are you an educator? Do you want to connect with other educators who have a passion for their work? Join formal and non-formal educators in their quest for new knowledge and teaching techniques during Educators’ Week in beautiful Scioto County, Ohio. Educators’ Week provides opportunities to gain an understanding of topics related to state academic standards by being immersive in a natural setting and creating a supportive learning environment. Attend sessions that will explore hands-on best practice strategies for introducing people to the natural world. Learn from top experts on a wide range of cross curricular topics and explore new methods that will enhance your skills as an educator. By the conclusion of this unique, retreat-like conference, you will come away with a renewed sense of wonder, a feeling of community and kinship and the confidence to share your new knowledge with others. Please go to https://educatorsweek.com/ to register!
Ohio Ed:
-2022-2023 Meetups Launched to Focus on Support for New Science Educators
The first convening of the 2022-2023 Science Meetups commenced on October 18, 2022. This series is designed to provide resources for new educators of science and their supporters as they implement the Ohio Learning Standards for Science.
Meetups occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. except for December, which will occur on December 13, 2022.
Meetup topics are listed below. Registration is still available for remaining sessions
March 21, 2023 - What about NGSS?
April 18, 2023 - Looking Ahead – Planning for Next Year
Articles That Might Interest You
-What Motivates Teens to Do Better; the Chance to Redo Work: https://tinyurl.com/53zej6tx
-Make Students' Work Visible: https://tinyurl.com/2p9hcdp8
-Explain Less, Show More: https://tinyurl.com/3w7kj49x
-What Makes for Valuable Feedback: https://tinyurl.com/bf8dmar9
-Asking the Right Questions: https://tinyurl.com/4ep94c54
-Outsmart ChatGPT: 8 Tips for Creating Assignments It Can't Do: https://tinyurl.com/28x8et26
-10 Ways Teachers Can Hone Their Craft: https://tinyurl.com/3djvhuw9
-6 Articles on Motivating Students: https://tinyurl.com/3n6krar9
-Teen Morale and Optimism Are on the Rise: https://tinyurl.com/3ahkhwms
Teacher Highlight
Resources You Might Find Helpful
Franklin Soil and Water:
See January Program Update below.
AI tool that will generate interactive slide decks for you in seconds: https://curipod.com/ai
Ditch that Textbook:
15 AI Tools for the Classroom: https://ditchthattextbook.com/ai-tools
-4 Ways to Upgrade your Worksheet with your Interactive Display: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SLw0FgnFxU
-15 Google Form Templates You Can Use Tomorrow: https://ditchthattextbook.com/google-forms-templates
March Has A Lot Going On!
Date - and - Holiday
March 1 National Peanut Butter Lover's Day
March 2 Dr. Seuss's Birthday, National Read Across America Day
March 3 World Wildlife Day, World Book Day
March 4 National Hug a G.I. Day, National Grammar Day, World Obesity Day, Employee Appreciation Day
March 5 Namesake Day, Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
March 6 National Dentist's Day, National Oreo Cookie Day
March 7 National Cereal Day
March 8 International Women's Day, Holi
March 9 National Meatball Day
March 10 National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 11 Johnny Appleseed Day
March 12 Plant a Flower Day, Genealogy Day, Daylight Saving Time*
March 13 National K-9 Veterans Day
March 14 National Pi Day, Learn About Butterflies Day, National Potato Chip Day
March 15 The Ides of March
March 16 Freedom of Information Day, National Artichoke Day, National Panda Day
March 17 St. Patrick's Day, National Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day
March 18 National Supreme Sacrifice Day, National Biodiesel Day
March 19 National Poultry Day
March 20 Equinox Earth Day, First Day of Spring*, International Day of Happiness
March 21 National Teenager Day, International Day of Forests, World Down Syndrome Day,
World Poetry Day
March 22 World Water Day, first day of Ramadan*
March 23 World Meteorological Day, National Puppy Day, American Diabetes Alert Day
March 24 World Tuberculosis Day, National Cocktail Day
March 25 Tolkien Reading Day, International Waffle Day
March 26 Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, National Spinach Day
March 27 World Theatre Day
March 28 Respect Your Cat Day
March 29 National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
March 30 I Am in Control Day, Take a Walk in the Park Day, National Doctors' Day
March 31 World Backup Day
March Weekly Holidays and Observances
- Read an E-Book Week (March 5-11)
- Celebrate Your Name Week (March 5-11)
- Sleep Awareness Week (March 12-18)
- International Brain Awareness Week (March 13-19)
- National Bubble Week (March 19-25)
- National Poison Prevention Week (March 19-25)
- Tsunami Preparedness Week (March 24-30)
March Monthly Holidays and Observances
- Women's History Month
- National Craft Month
- National Optimism Month
- Honor Society Awareness Month
- National Foreign Language Month
- Irish American Heritage Month
- National Ethics Awareness Month
- Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science and Engineering Month
- Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
- National Cheerleading Safety Month
- National Kidney Month
- National Nutrition Month
- National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- Save Your Vision Month, Workplace Eye Wellness Month
- Trisomy Awareness Month
- Problem Gambling Awareness Month
- Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Spruce Run Nature Center
Once a Month Open Houses: Come with your Family and Join the Fun! (10:00-2:00)
- March 4, 2023
- using technology to identify plants (iNaturalist & SEEK apps)
- learn to use a compass and go for a nature walk
- make a bird house to take home
We have wood bird houses that click together. I'll have paint out and markers to decorate the houses.
- April 22, 2023 (Theme: Earth Day)
- May 6, 2023
See flyers below...
Office of Teaching and Learning
Brian Morton, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Sonja Dill, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Laura Schnebelen, K-5 Coordinator, lschnebe@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Heather Allen, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us