What's Up, Westy Academy!
CMAS Testing Starts for 3rd-8th Graders
We kick off week 2 of CMAS testing next week! Our students did a stellar job knocking out all the tests that were administered this week. Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who helped to ensure their students were prepared for the exams! It is a community effort to help our students shine their brightest.
We do want to remind parents, that it is imperative that students are on time to school, in order to start testing with their class. If students are late after testing has started in their classroom, they will most likely miss out on any other instructional activities their homeroom has after testing commences for the day. The state is very strict with time, and so we hope we can encourage punctuality with everyone.
If you are still unclear as to what CMAS even is, the acronym stands for Colorado Measures of Academic Success, or CMAS, and is the state summative assessment for language arts, math, science and social studies. CMAS is aligned to the state's rigorous academic standards and designed to gauge how well students are mastering the standards and are prepared for their next grade.
Our 3rd-8th grade students will continue to do well and excel during testing next week, we are sure of it! Keep in mind the below tips for parents to help students as they prepare for final testing next week.
- Limit your child's screen time in the evening, and call it quits at least an hour before bed
- Make sure children eat a healthy dinner the night before
- Establish a bedtime routine, and set a reasonable hour for light's out.
- Make sure children are given plenty of time to wake up in the morning to get ready
- Try to get them to eat some breakfast before heading to school (although we will provide breakfast as always, too!)
- Remind students to remember their test taking strategies that they have been reviewing in class all year.
- Remind students that the test counts! High scores on the assessment can be used to mark learning targets!
- Check in with your child about anything they think they may need from you to be successful!
Russ Warwick
Principal, Westminster Academy for International Studies
Westminster Public Schools
7482 Irving Street
Westminster, CO 80030
p. 303 657 3882
Week of April 15th-19th 2024
Calendar of Events
April 15: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm K-8th, 1:30pm preschool
April 15th: Primary field trip to Butterfly Pavilion; prek, kinder, 1st & 2nd
April 22nd: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm K-8th, 1:30pm preschool
April 26th: CMAS cinema
April 29th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm K-8th, 1:30pm preschool
April 29th: Field Day--Preschool-5th grades--Disney Themed!
May 1st: Shakespeare in the Parking Lot; Middle School Event from Denver Center of Performing Arts
May 2nd: Parent Teacher Organization Meeting @ 5:30pm
May 3rd: Dollar Dress Down Day
May 3rd: Flicks on the Field Outdoor Movie Night--tentative date
May 6th: No School for Students
May 8th: Bike & Roll to School Day--details to come!
May 8th: Coffee with the Principal @ 8:15am
May 8th: Outdoor Education Field Trip for Middle School--Overnight at the Museum
May 9th: Math Day @ Colorado Rockies Game field trip for Intermediate students
May 13th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm K-8th, 1:30pm preschool
May 20th:Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm K-8th, 1:30pm preschool
May 23rd: Graduation Celebrations-Kindergarten @ 5:00pm, 8th grade @ 6:00pm
May 24th: Last day of School