Mustang Minute
August 7th, 2023

Principal's Corner
We are excited to welcome back our Mustangs to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer break, and are feeling refreshed and ready to engage in the opportunities that lie ahead.
High school is a time of growth, discovery, and exploration, and I am so excited to see the amazing things you will achieve at Medford High School.
This year, we will be focusing on building our community and our sense of belonging at Medford High School. Our goal is to create a supportive and inclusive community where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
I encourage you all to get involved, whether through joining a club or team, taking on a leadership role, or simply being an active participant in your classes. Your voice matters, and we want to hear your ideas and perspectives.
Let's make this a year to remember. I am so proud to be a part of this community, and I can't wait to see the incredible things we will achieve together.
SCHOOL DAY: The school day begins at 7:40AM with the warning bell and concludes at 2:18PM. Attendance is vital to the academic success of all students. Please be sure that students arrive on time as learning begins promptly at 7:45AM.
Please note that traffic the first few week of school is heavy! Allow extra time to navigate through Medford.
Medford High School is preparing students for Career and Life readiness, therefore students are expected to attend school everyday. Students are allotted 3 unexcused absences per quarter. On the 4th unexcused absence, the student will receive an “attendance failure” grade of a 59. Students who exceed the 3 allotted unexcused absences will have the opportunity to participate in the attendance appeal process and be placed on an attendance improvement plan.
We recognize that parents/caregivers of students attending Medford High School have special rights as well as responsibilities, one of which is to ensure that their student attends school regularly, in accordance with state law. Students who have 10 or more consecutive absences may be unenrolled from the Medford Public School.
All students must be in school at least 3.5 hours in order for them to be counted as present.
Therefore, students may receive excused absences from school attendance only for the following reasons:
Illness, injury or quarantine that prevents the student from attending school (A doctor's note must be provided to the school nurse within two weeks of the absence in order to excuse the absence.)
Observance of major religious holidays
A significant personal or parents/caregivers crisis that prevents the student from attending school as approved by school admin
Court appearances: Students must present evidence of the required appearance
Medical or psychological tests during the school day that cannot be scheduled after school or on the weekend. Students must show evidence (such as a note from the health center) that the tests could not be scheduled after school
Other extenuating circumstances approved by the school administration
School Exculsion
A student may also be excused for other exceptional reasons with approval of the Principal or designee
In instances of chronic or a pattern irregular absence reportedly due to illness, the school administration may request a physician's statement certifying such absences to be justified.
Cell Phone Policy
We value instructional time and want to ensure that students access the high quality instruction that Medford High School offers. For that reasons, cell phones will be strictly prohibited during class. Please note that cell phones will be collected by the teacher at the start of each class period and returned at the end of class.
CTE Corner
Freshman Students: We are excited to meet all of the students beginning their Freshman Exploratory Rotation! Students will complete a 6-day rotation in each of our 15 Programs. Rotation 1 will begin on Wednesday, August 28. All grade 9 students participating in CTE or Arts & Technology Exploratory should report to the Caron Theater during periods 2 0r 3 (depending on your schedule). Contact the CTE office for any questions. 781-393-2260.
Grade 10 -12 students: Welcome Back! Remember, proper shop attire! Safety, safety, safety! We are so excited to see you all in your CTE programs! If you are a student on the waitlist, Mr. Fallon will be reaching out to you along with your guidance counselor within the first few days of school for updates. Also, if you are requesting a change in your CTE week, Mr. Fallon and Guidance Counselors will also be in touch with you at the start of the school year.
House AP Corner
We are excited to welcome our incoming grade 9 students and transferring students to MHS on Thursday- August 22nd at 8 AM. Please be sure to complete the Acceptable Use Form prior to arrival.
Attendance Policy: Students are allotted 3 unexcused absences per quarter (per class). An attendance failure- 59/E will be issued if a student exceeds 3 unexcused absences per class each quarter.
Athletic Corner
We are excited to see our Mustang Athletes again!
Please see the linked tryout schedule and be sure to attend the Athletic Orientation on August 26 from 6-7 PM. Parents and Caregivers are required to attend.
Nurses Corner
School Nurse & Health Reminders:
Medications in School:
In accordance with Massachusetts law and the Department of Public Health, the following guidelines must be upheld regarding medications in schools:
Students are not allowed to carry their own medications to school, unless for emergency purposes and the primary care provider has written a letter so that the school nurse is aware (EpiPens, inhalers). This includes over-the-counter medications such as Lactaid, Tylenol, Motrin, cough drops, etc.
Medications need to be brought to the school nurse by an adult. Students cannot bring their own medications to the school nurse for administration.
All medications brought to the nurse need to be accompanied by a doctor's order form and a parent/guardian authorization form. The school nurse cannot administer medications without both of these forms on file in the nursing office.
Medications should be provided to the school nurse in the original bottle. The prescription label needs to be readable with the student’s name and the specifics of the medication included. Over-the-counter medication should be in the original manufacturer's bottle.
If you are notified by the school nurse that your child is missing required school immunizations, the date for exclusion from school is: 12/1/2024. If you need help getting immunizations, please contact your school nurse.
Updating the School Nurse About Injuries:
Any injuries sustained over the summer or at home that may impact your child’s school day or participation in recess/physical education classes should be reported to the school nurse. Students requiring mobility devices (crutches, wheelchairs) need to provide a doctor’s note for use in school.
Save the Date! Health & Social Services Fair:
Medford Public Schools and the Medford Board of Health present: A Health & Social Services Fair on Saturday September 28 from 10am - 1pm at the Andrews Middle School. Come connect with resources in the city about health, fitness, behavior and mental health support, nutrition, health insurance and more. Including a flu clinic, raffles and healthy snacks!
School Counselor Corner
School Counselors will be available at MHS from August 21-23rd from 8-2PM for students needing to edit their schedules.
Please note that schedules are now "Live" on SchoolBrains. If you have any questions regarding a student schedule- please contact the School Counselor.
PTO Corner
Please consider making a donation to the PTO! Funds are used to support students and staff at MHS!
Please Venmo using: @MHSMVTHSPTO Questions regarding PTO: please email: mhsmvthspto@gmail.com
The first PTO meeting will be on September 10th at 7PM in the MHS Library!
Important Upcoming Dates
- August 22- 9th Grade and Transfer Student Orientation 8-11AM
- August 22- Meet the Principals Night
- August 27- First Day of School!
- August 30- No School (Labor Day Observed)
- September 10- PTO Meeting 7PM
- September 2- No School (Labor Day Observed)
- September 19- Curriculum Night 6-7:30PM
- October 3- No School (Rosh Hashanah Observed)