November News
2024-2025 School Year
Principal News
Hope this newsletter finds everyone enjoying the awesome fall weather. As we begin November, we find ourselves in a season of gratitude and reflection. I am thankful for all the ways our school community supports one another. Whether it be teachers helping students after school, parents volunteering at events, or students helping their peers and participating in service in the community. I am always impressed with what a great community we have here in Gananda.
In addition, Happy Veteran’s Day to all that have served our country. We honor your courage, commitment, and the sacrifices you and your families have made to preserve our safety and liberty. We hope you can enjoy Monday and all the appreciation you deserve. You are the true heroes among us!
Please take a moment to review the rest of the newsletter below. There is important information regarding accessing report card grades for the first marking period, Drama Club’s fall play production that opens tonight, and updates from the Counseling Office.
With gratitude,
Dr. Whipple & Ms. Greibus
An Evening of 10-Minute Comedies!
Gananda PROUD
On November 6th the Citizens of the World club made tie fleece blankets to be donated to a battered women's shelter.
In PLTW's Human Body Systems class with Mrs. Delisio, students practiced collecting data to compare grip strength using a dynamometer. In Chemistry class on Halloween, Ms. Courtney shows how chemists like to carve pumpkins using with some simple, yet effective, chemical reactions.
Students applying their knowledge photographing several pieces of evidence using different angles and distance ranges to practice some crime scene investigation skills in Forensics class with Mr. Griffin and Mrs. Brown.
October PROUD Panther Students of the Month!
Great job to Logan, Landon, Peyton and Jacob for earning the October Student of Month award! They have done a great job exhibiting our PROUD behaviors! Congrats also to Ryan for receiving the Gananda Rotary Citizenship Award for October.
Logan was chosen for his outstanding qualities of Unity and Driven. His ability to collaborate effectively and constant drive for personal improvement have been evident in his excellent performance across multiple classes.
Landon has been working exceptionally hard across all his classes, which is leading to very awesome results. His DRIVE this year has impressed many of his teachers and peers!
Peyton has demonstrated remarkable academic drive in multiple content areas, including but not limited to "digging into Gemini Chemistry without ever having exposure to Regents Chemistry."
Jacob is outstanding in how he is a role model in class who is willing to step outside his comfort zone to help others in subjects like Algebra. He is driven to perform at any task handed to him and strives for excellence.
Ryan has a been very big part of the Gananda Haunted Hayride fundraising event for the past two years. He has been a valuable addition to the event and is always willing to go the extra mile to help. He demonstrates excellence in leadership and is awarded our Gananda Rotary Citizenship award for October 2024.
Grades Released November 15th
This Friday, November 8th, marks the end of the first marking period. Report Cards will be published on Friday, November 15th. Parents and guardians will receive a secure message in ParentSquare containing student Report Cards. Additionally, parents and guardians will also be able to view student Report Cards in SchoolTool via the parent portal on November 15th.
Ineligibility will also be published on Friday, November 15th. Students who are failing one or more subjects will be considered ineligible to participate in athletics, drama and school clubs for a minimum of one week after Report Cards are published. During this period in which a student is ineligible, students may practice but are ineligible for games or performances. After the one week of minimum ineligibility, students must get their course average to a passing grade before their first opportunity to be reinstated. After the initial one week of ineligibility, students may be signed off as now passing by applicable teachers on Fridays. Eligibility lists are updated each week on Friday at noon.
Any questions about Report Cards or the Ineligibility Process may be directed to the Counseling Office.
Tardy to School Policy
Please continue to remind your child/children that they need to be in class by 7:30am. As we progress further into the school year, and especially as the weather turns, we often see an increase in tardies to school. We have noticed an uptick with students coming in late to school with Dunkin' or Starbucks. Please remind your child to build in enough time to make those stops so they are not late to school. We appreciate your support in helping to reinforce the importance of punctuality!
Please note that after 4 unexcused tardies in a marking period, contact home will be made, and students will be assigned consequences starting with lunch detention and/or after school detention.
Counseling Office Update
Seniors have participated in individual post-graduate planning sessions with their counselors, taking a personalized approach to their future goals. We’ll continue supporting seniors throughout the school year as they explore post-graduation options. Interested seniors were able to meet one-on-one with an admissions representative and get an instant acceptance to FLCC to attend in the Fall of 2025.
This October, Juniors completed the PSAT/NMSQT and can expect scores in early November, accessible directly through the College Board. Juniors are currently meeting one-on-one with counselors to discuss career interests and post-graduation pathways, and each will receive the Junior Scholarship Application, detailing scholarships from local colleges for those considering their institutions. The application deadline is December 20, 2024.
Sophomores in Mr. Broussard's Parenting and Daily Living class have been exploring many career development activities. Mrs. Kelleher and Ms. Bertram joined the class to discuss diploma options, trades, military, college pathways, and more, ensuring each student feels supported on their unique journey.
Freshman participated in Freshmen Orientation, a transcript introduction during our opening day assembly, and will be meeting individually with their respective counselor later in the school year to begin their post-graduate journey!
During lunch periods throughout the school year, 9th-12th grade students have recurring opportunities to engage with representatives from several military branches and local colleges, including Hartwick College, SUNY Geneseo, St. Bonaventure, Alfred State, St. John Fisher, Roberts Wesleyan, University at Buffalo, Keuka College, LeMoyne, and Northeast College of Health Sciences. We appreciate our local community members that enrich our career exploration!
The Counseling Office is here to support each student on their path to success!
Panther Paws
Does your student know their plans for next year? Perhaps a commitment to a 2- or 4-year college? Military? Workforce? The trades? TELL US MORE HERE!!
We would really love to make everyone a Panther Paw and note their "thing" with a gold star!
Work-Based Learning News
Women in Manufacturing Event (11/20)
A group of students will attend the Women in Manufacturing event on November 20th, gaining valuable insights into career opportunities within the manufacturing sector.
- PLTW Bio Med Tour: Imaging Sciences Careers (October)
Students in the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Biomedical Science program toured the University of Rochester in October, where they explored a variety of careers within the field of imaging sciences. - Healthcare Career Exploration via VR (November)
Representatives from the Western New York Area Health Education Center will visit select science classes, providing students with an immersive virtual reality experience to explore a range of healthcare careers. - Ranger Career Exploration (October)
In October, students met with a park ranger to learn more about career opportunities in environmental science and park management. - Tesla Automotive Plant Tour (November)
A student toured the Tesla Automotive Plant in Henrietta, where they learned about career pathways in the automotive industry and advanced manufacturing. Mrs. Marang/Mrs. Swartout along with classroom teachers facilitated an immersive virtual reality experience for students to explore careers of interest. (October)
and can you add months to the other bullets-see below
- All 10th-grade students participated in the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) and are utilizing their career interest results to further guide their career exploration. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. This information is not shared with the military unless it is requested by a student/parent. (October)
- All 10th-grade students initiated the creation of resumes and updated their New York State Career Plans. (October)
Reporting Absences
Absences need to be reported to the school health office by the parent/guardian of the student. This may be done so online by completing this form.
District & Building Calendars
You can also click on the buttons below that will take you directly to the Instructional Calendar and Daily Schedules.
If you have not received an invitation to join ParentSquare, please contact the HS main office.
Did you know you can adjust your settings for ParentSquare?
In the app, if you click the three bars on the left, you will see an icon for your account.
There, you can adjust your preferences to make sure you receive notifications when you desire.
Dr. Christopher J. Whipple, Principal
Ms. Mairi Greibus, Assistant Principal
(315) 986-3521, 8, 3154