Kingsland HS - Back to School

Hello Kingsland Families!
I hope this newsletter finds you well and you all are enjoying your summer. While we still have a bit of time before the start of the school year, I wanted to take a quick minute to send you some information and updates regarding the 2024-2025 school year so we can hit the ground running in September.
Please find school supply lists and some important dates below. Student schedules are available on Infinite Campus through your child's portal, but we can also provide a printed copy at Open House if needed. If you have questions or concerns about a schedule, please email Annie Aldrich (aldrich.annie@kingsland2137.org).
Enjoy the remainder of the summer, and please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Dana Simmons
Homecoming Help 2024
Homecoming 2024 is going to have a new look, and we need support from our Kingsland families to make it a success. Please read on and contact us if you’re interested in getting involved.
To enhance the community spirit of Homecoming, Kingsland is introducing a community service day during Homecoming Week. We believe these experiences will help our students build meaningful relationships and develop a strong sense of civic responsibility. If you or someone you know has ideas or connections for this day of giving back, please email simmons.dana@kingsland2137.org for more information.
Additionally, we are seeking adult volunteers to help with the construction of floats. If you’re interested in assisting a grade level with the planning and building of their Homecoming Float this year, please email simmons.dana@kingsland2137.org to sign up.
7-12 School Supply Lists
If you do not see a course listed below, plan to get your supply list at open house or during the first week of school. Plan to have writing utensils, paper, and some form of a folder for all classes.
7th Grade
- Art:
- 50-100 pg sketchbook
- 3-ring binder or sturdy folder
- pencils and erasers
- shirt or apron to protect clothing
- Health/PE:
- tennis shoes
- Band/Choir:
- pencil
- Computers:
- folder
- Agriculture:
- notebook
- folder
- English:
- 1-subject notebook
- folder
- pens and pencils
- Math:
- folder
- notebook
- calculator - TI XIIS
- pencils
- Social Studies:
- 1 1-subject notebook
- folder or binder
- highlighters
- notecards
- pens and pencils
- Science:
- folder
- notebook
8th Grade
- Design and Modeling:
- none
- PE:
- tennis shoes
- Band/Choir:
- pencil
- Computers:
- folder
- Spanish:
- notebook
- folder
- writing utensil
- 2-3 packs of index cards
- English:
- 3-subject notebook
- folder
- pens and pencils
- Algebra I:
- folder
- notebook
- calculator - TI XIIS
- pencils
- Global Studies:
- notebook
- folder
- colored pencils
- Physical Science:
- folder
- notebook
9-12 Electives
- Art (all electives except production)
- 50-100 pg sketchbook
- 3-ring binder or sturdy folder
- pencils and erasers
- notebook
- shirt or apron to protect clothing
- Production
- notebook
- folder
- Anatomy and Physiology
- notebook
- folder
- Sports Biology
- notebook
- folder
- Environmental Awareness
- notebook
- folder
- Band
- pencil
- Reading Skills
- 1.5 inch 3-ring binder
- package of 5 tab dividers
- composition notebook
- Study Skills
- Planner
- Spanish (all levels)
- notebook
- folder
- writing utensil
- 2-3 packs of index cards
- Basic Electricity
- notebook
- folder
- Welding
- notebook
- folder
- Wildlife
- notebook
- folder
- Metal Arts
- notebook
- folder
- Horticulture
- notebook
- folder
- CIS Chemistry
- scientific calculator
- expo marker
- folder
- notebook
9th Grade
- PE:
- tennis shoes
- Robotics:
- none
- English:
- 1-subject notebook
- folder
- highlighters
- notecards
- pens and pencils
- Geometry:
- folder
- notebook
- pencils
- calculator - TI-30 XIIS
- Global Perspectives:
- 1-subject notebook
- folder or binder
- highlighters
- notecards
- pens and pencils
- Earth Science:
- folder
- notebook
- Spanish I:
- notebook
- folder
- writing utensil
- 2-3 packs of index cards
10th Grade
- English:
- 3-subject notebook
- folder
- pens and pencils
- Intermediate Algebra and Advanced Algebra II:
- folder
- notebook
- pencils
- calculator - TI-30 XIIS
- US History:
- 1-subject notebook
- folder or binder
- highlighters
- notecards
- pens and pencils
- Biology and Advanced Biology:
- folder
- 3-ring binder
- pencils
- Spanish II:
- notebook
- folder
- writing utensil
- 2-3 packs of index cards
11th Grade
- CIS English 11:
- 1-subject notebook
- pencils and pens
- highlighters
- notecards
- folder
- English 11:
- 3-subject notebook
- folder
- pens and pencils
- Algebra II, Math for Lib. Arts, or CIS Algebra:
- folder
- notebook
- pencils
- calculator - TI-30 XIIS
- World History:
- folder
- pens and pencils
- Chemistry:
- folder
- 3-ring binder
- expo marker
- scientific calculator
- CIS Chemistry
- scientific calculator
- expo marker
- folder
- notebook
- Food Science
- composition notebook
- folder
12th Grade
- CIS English 12:
- 1-subject notebook
- pencils and pens
- highlighters
- notecards
- folder
- English 12:
- 3-subject notebook
- folder
- pens and pencils
Important Dates
- August
- 28 - Open House 4:00-7:30 PM
- Grade 7 Orientation @ 6:00 PM
- Grade 9 Orientation @ 6:30 PM
- 12th Grade Class Mtg @ 7:00 PM
- September
- 3 - First Day of School!
- 4 - pictures for grades 7-12
- 29 - Homecoming Coronation @7:00-8:00 pm
- 30-October 5 - Homecoming week
- October
- 2 - Community Service Day
- 4 - Homecoming Assembly
- 4 - Homecoming Football Game
- 5 - Homecoming Dance