Monstricola's Message
Keeping the MES Community Connected: August 16, 2024
Welcome to MES!
Welcome to James Mastricola Elementary School !
Welcome to any new families and welcome back to our returning families. We are excited about the new school year.
Meet Monstricola!
Monstricola the Dragon, is our school's mascot. You will see him in various places around the building. This newsletter, Monstricola's Message, is our way of keeping in touch throughout the school year. This newsletter will be emailed home every Friday once school starts. Please read it each week, as important information will be shared through this newsletter. Our goal is to keep you informed without overwhelming your inboxes!
Keep your eyes out for Monstricola!
School Dismissal Manager
School Dismissal Manager is our online dismissal app for efficiently tracking student dismissal. Using your desktop or smartphone browser, you can quickly and easily update your child's dismissal instructions when they need to be changed, making it no longer necessary to call or send notes and emails to the school for dismissal changes.
The easy-to-use interface will allow you to make changes in advance or for the current day by creating “exceptions”. You can report absences, early dismissals, and schedule recurring dismissal instructions for after-school activities. When creating an exception for the current day, note that the cut-off time on regular days is 1:45 PM and on early release days is 11:15 AM. After the cut-off time you will need to call the school office to make any changes for the current day.
You will receive an email directly from School Dismissal Manager on or around August 22nd. Please check your junk mail if you do not receive this email. This email will give you your temporary password to set up your account. If you already have an account, you will still need to wait for the email to make updates.
If you need any help after this August date, please email:
Please click here for more information: School Dismissal Manager Parent Letter
Important Information About Lunch Menus
After the first lunch menu comes home, the menus will no longer be printed and sent home. You can find them at:
Interested in Volunteering at MES?
Per district policy, all volunteers, chaperones, and substitute teachers must complete a background check and be fingerprinted. If you intend to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please contact the district office for an appointment ASAP. If you have already had your fingerprints done through the school in previous years and have volunteered within the last year, you do not need to have them done again.
You will have to complete the two Vector training courses yearly: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention for Schools (K-12) and Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees. Follow this link for directions to the online trainings: Training Directions.
Any questions about the volunteer process, email the volunteer coordinators at
You can reach Kat Knauer to coordinate fingerprinting at (603)424-6200 or
MES Meet and Greet: August 28th! Kindergarten Through Grade Four!
During the Meet and Greet, families may park in the front of the building (near the main office) or in the back of the building along O'Gara Drive. Please know that the Upper Elementary will be finishing up their Meet and Greet as ours is starting, so parking may be tight!
We will have a bus in the back arrival area so that new students may try out the bus!
Our Meet and Greet will need to end promptly at 3:00 so that our teachers can be sure their classrooms are ready for our students the next morning. Thank you!
Medications and Medical Records
Mrs. Webster, our amazing school nurse, will be available during day on August 28th to drop off medication or medical records for your student. She will also be available during the Meet and Greet. If you are unable to make these times and have medication or need to speak with her, please email:
First Weeks of School Schedule
Wednesday, August 28th 2:00-3:00:
2:00-3:00 Meet and Greet: All Students in grades Kindergarten through grade 4
Thursday, August 29th: First Day of School
8:15 Arrival for KINDERGARTEN students only
(Buses will run routes twice.)
Friday, August 30th 8:15 ALL Kindergarten through Grade Four Students Arrive Regular Time
Monday, September 2nd
No School for Students
Friday, September 6th
Preschool Open House:
- Three Year Old Program: 9:00-10:00
- Four Year Old Program: 10:30-11:30
Monday, September 9th
First Day of Preschool
Lunch at MES!
Students have a half-hour for lunch each day. They may bring their lunch or buy hot lunch. Lunch will cost $3.25 and milk will be $.50. Parents may add funds to their students' Student specific information will come to you with the beginning of the year paperwork.
The menu can be found monthly on the MES website under Parents and distributed to students. Here is the menu for September:
Free and Reduced Lunch
Did you know that filling out the Free and Reduced Lunch Form may help provide:
- After School Academic & Enrichment Programs.
- Free/Reduces meal 30-day rollover for the next school year.
- State and Federal funding for school budgets.
- Fund computers and technology at home and for your school.
- Fee waivers for college applications and admission tests.
Instructions for Filling out the Free and Reduced Lunch Form: click here
Free and Reduced Lunch Form:
K-4 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Students at MES come to and leave school in a variety of ways! Please read for specific information about each.
Students may arrive at school beginning at 8:15 and are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:35. Our dismissal begins at 2:45.
Bus: Students may only take the bus to addresses in the Mastricola area. The bus company will publish routes closer to the first day of school. We will post them on our website as soon as they become available.
Rider: This is the car line. Please see the arrival and dismissal maps for specific information and map:
Days One and Two Dismissal Information for Kindergarten and Grade One Students!
Kindergarten and Grade One Families Only:
**Please fill out one form for each student in kindergarten and/or grade one that you have.**
MES uses an app called School Dismissal to assist with the daily dismissal of students. You will be receiving a log in email during August where you will enter the dismissal information for students in ALL grades.
To help ensure that our youngest learners are going to the right place, especially when things may be different those first couple of days, we ask you to fill out this form with dismissal information for Thursday and Friday. Please don't hesitate to reach out to with any questions.
Preschool Arrival and Dismissal
Preschool Arrival and Dismissal is done on the playground side, off of O'Gara Drive. Please see the map for specific directions and schedules.
From the PATT ( Parents and Teachers Together)
Important Dates
August 28th: 2:00 to 3:00 MES Meet and Greet: Kindergarten through Grade 4
August 29th: First Day of School for K-4
- Staggered Start Times (August 29th Only):
- Kindergarten-8:15
- Grades One-Four-10:15
August 30th: All K-4 Students: Arrival 8:15
September 6th: Preschool Meet and Greet
- Three Year Old Program: 9:00-10:100
- Four Year Old Program: 10:30-11:30
September 2nd: Labor Day: No School
September 9th: First Day of School for Preschool Students
September 24th: Picture Day: Preschool through Grade Four
September 25th: Picture Day for Preschoolers who do not attend on Tuesdays
September 25th: 6:00-7:30 Open House and Ice Cream Social for Preschool through Grade Four