Henry Puffer Post
August 4, 2024
Principal's Corner
Principal's Corner
Dear Henry Puffer Families,
We are very excited to embark on the 2024-2025 school year! The first day of school this year is Friday, August 16th! We hope you are able to join us for our Meet & Greet on Tuesday, August 13th, from 2:45-3:30. Afterward, please stick around outside for an Ice Cream Social that our amazing PTA is providing.
Each week, I will plan on sending out our weekly newsletters on Sunday evenings. This will help ensure pertinent information for the upcoming week isn't missed.
We are excited to announce that our school construction projects are coming to completion. We look forward to welcoming students, staff, and families back into our building!
Please note that construction will impact how we typically prepare our building and classrooms for the start of the school year. Our custodians are working extremely hard but will not have the usual time to prepare our school as they focus on moving items back into Henry Puffer. This process is similar to moving into a new home. Consequently, teachers might not be able to set up their classrooms in advance as usual. Rest assured, the rooms and our amazing staff will be ready for the first day of school. While it may take some time to unpack all the boxes, our "home" will be ready for students.
Most years, we prepare our school and classrooms for our students. This year, at our school, we will prepare the school and classrooms with our students. Thank you in advance for your patience, flexibility, and understanding. It will all be worth it in the end!
I hope everyone is enjoying this last week of summer break!
Mark Leipart
Be sure to follow us on X @HenryPufferDG58.
Weekly Preview
Weekly Preview 8/12-8/16
8/5: New Teacher Week Begins
8/13: Teacher Institute
8/13: Meet the Teacher (2:45-3:30)
8/13: PTA - Ice Cream Social (3:30)
8/14: Teacher Institute Day -Our Henry Puffer office will be close until 11:00 - All district staff will be taking part in Opening Day events.
8/16: First Day of School! Wear your Puffer gear or Blue & White!
8/16: PTA Back-to-School Parents' Coffee Hour! - Puffer "Small Gym" immediately following 8:15 bell
Looking Ahead
Looking Ahead...
8/27: Curriculum Night (6:00-7:30 p.m.)
9/2: Labor Day - No School
9/3: Grove Preschool Curriculum Night (6:00-7:30 p.m.)
9/9: Board of Education Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
9/13: Downers Grove Oktoberfest
9/14: Downers Grove Oktoberfest
9:27: Fun Lunch!
Our Newest Staff Members
Please join me in welcoming our newest teammates to the Puffer Family for the 24-25 school year.
- Katrina Shenton (Welcome back!)
- Liz Sevilla
- Georgi Beck
- Kathryn Gorvett
- Wei (Becky) Zhang
Office Contact Information
Henry Puffer Office Contact Information
Mark Leipart, Principal mleipart@dg58.org
Jennifer Srabian, Secretary jsrabian@dg58.org
Natalia Augustine, Part-Time Secretary naugustine@dg58.org
Attendance: hpattendance@dg58.org
Email: mleipart@dg58.org
Website: www.dg58.org/hp/
Location: 2220 Haddow Avenue, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Phone: 630.968.0294
X: @HenryPufferDG58
School Hours
AM Preschool: 8:25 - 11:05 am Monday through Friday
PM Preschool: 11:55 am - 2:35 pm, Monday through Friday
Grades Kdg-6th: Monday - 8:15 a.m.-2 p.m.
Grades Kdg-6th: Tuesday-Friday - 8:15 a.m.-3 p.m.
*Supervision begins at 8:05 for kdg-6th grade arrival. For safety purposes, please do not drop students off sooner.
Attendance Updates
Attendance Updates
Join Our Henry Puffer Team
Are you looking for a full-time or part-time job? Please consider working for District 58 at Henry Puffer! We have several job openings available that we would like to fill prior to school starting. District 58 staff earn competitive wages, and full-time staff receives a comprehensive benefits package.
Henry Puffer is hiring lunch supervisors and full-time instructional assistant positions.
Instructional assistants help supervise students and support classroom teachers through small-group or individual student instruction, under the teacher’s guidance. The starting salary is $17.47/hour Learn more and apply at www.dg58.org/employment.
Curriculum Night
Henry Puffer Curriculum Night
Tuesday 8/27 - Henry Puffer Curriculum Night (6:00-7:30)
Tuesday 9/3 - Grove Preschool @ HP and Gifted Curriculum Night (6:00-7:30)
Orange Mondays
Henry Puffer Spirit Fridays
Raptor System - Visitor Check-In Procedures
Visitor screening system
District 58 will use the Raptor Visitor Management System in all of our schools to strengthen our program of campus safety for students and faculty. The Raptor system will better allow us to screen visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our schools and know who is in our building at all times. District 99 uses the Raptor system at both of its schools.
Upon entering a school, visitors will be asked to present photo identification, such as a Driver’s License, which can either be scanned or manually entered into the system. If a parent or guardian for any reason does not have a US government-issued ID, the school staff member can use any form of identification and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor system. The Raptor system checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded and the information is not shared with any outside agency. Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.
The safety of our students is our highest priority and the Raptor visitor management system allows us to quickly identify those that may present a danger to our students. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your support in enhancing school safety protocols in our district. We appreciate your patience as we implement this new protocol.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Arrival/Dismiss Procedures
Students may arrive at Henry Puffer School beginning at 8:05 a.m. each day when adult supervision begins. In order to assist with a timely and safe arrival process, the school playground will be closed before school. Upon arrival, students should line up by their assigned door. Students will be directed to enter the building beginning at 8:15 am. Anyone arriving after 8:15 a.m. should enter through Door One for an office pass.
Dismissal/After School
Following daily dismissal at Henry Puffer School (2:00 p.m. on Monday and 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday), all students who are not scheduled to remain in the building must leave the school grounds and check in at their destination as there is no supervision on school grounds. We want to ensure the safety of all students.
Students may return to the playground after school hours and/or on the weekends. This will be done at family discretion, as our district playgrounds also function as community parks outside of school hours.
*Please note that entrance times may change as students build routines. We have not used our normal entrance procedures in several years, and we recognize that it may take students longer at the start of the school year to be ready to start the school day. The District also recognizes that bus arrival times vary during the first few weeks of school as drivers learn new routes. As students build routines and bus arrival times become more consistent, student entry times may get pushed back. This will allow our teachers the necessary time to prepare for the day. Supervision times will remain the same and any changes will be communicated in advance.
Arrival Procedures
Arrival: If you are driving and dropping off in the Haddow Circle, please ensure that students exit the vehicle on the passenger side so that we do not have students walking through the parking lot area. Students dropped off by car will walk to their assigned entrance. Parents may NOT park in the Haddow Circle. We ask that you please find a marked parking spot if you wish to park and walk up. Students will enter through their assigned door. Arrival will take place between 8:05-8:15. Students arriving via bus should walk to their assigned entrance after getting off the bus.
Dismissal: Students will be dismissed from their arrival door, expect for 1st grade (door 9). It is a good idea to have a designated "pick up spot" on or near the property. Ensure your child knows where you will be picking him/her up each day. (Kindergarten students must always be released to an adult). Parents may park and walk to an area near their child's designated door. Parents may NOT park in the Haddow Circle. We ask that you please find a marked parking spot if you wish to park and walk up. Parents may drive up in the Haddow Circle only. Children should enter the car on the passenger side. Those picking up on the Belmont side must park and get out of the car to walk up and meet your child. Please do NOT park in the bus lane.
School Hours: Professional Learning Mondays
• Grades Kdg-6th - 8:15-2:00
Students may arrive to Henry Puffer at 8:05. We are unable to provide staff supervision prior to 8:05.
Students may enter the building upon arrival at 8:15 and head straight to classrooms. Please note that there will be no playground supervision before school, and students should walk straight to their designated entrance upon arrival.
School Hours: Tuesday through Friday
• Grades Kdg-6th grade- 8:15-3:00
Student Entry/Exit Doors
Kindergarten Students at Mrs. Murphy's door
Ist & 2nd Grade Students at Door 8 (Belmont Side)
3rd Grade Students at Door 5 (North Playground)
4th-6th Grade Students at Door 4 (North Playground)
Water Bottles
Snack Policy
Please Pack a Snack
Please make sure your child has a snack each day. Snack breaks should consist of nutritious food choices such as fruits, vegetables, and other portable snacks. This aligns with Policy 6:50. The health and safety of our students are our highest priorities. Therefore certain snacks or foods may be prohibited in your child’s classroom due to food allergies. A daily snack can be provided for students who qualify for free/ reduced lunch.
Phone/Wearable Technology Use
We wanted to remind everyone that while a student may bring their electronic device (including cell phones and AirPods) to school, all non-district-issued technologies are to be silenced and out of sight throughout the school day. Students may wear smartwatches, but they are to be silenced during the entire school day, including lunch & recess. The district-provided technology will be utilized for students to participate in lessons and complete assignments. Please be sure to go over the expectations with your student as the policy was recently amended by our school board.
Lens Into Learning
This section will be dedicated to shining a spotlight on the learning taking place in our amazing school!
Celebrating Students & Staff
We love celebrating our students & staff both in and out of the classroom. During the school year, this section will be dedicated to celebrating our students and members of our staff!
Student Materials and Building Access
We recognize that there may be times throughout the day that your child may forget a needed item (water bottle, lunch, instrument, etc.). We ask anyone dropping off materials to leave these on the table in the vestibule. Please use the available post-its and pens to label anything you are dropping off with the student's name and teacher.
PTA Posts
Minutes from PTA Meeting: May 16, 2024
Linked below are the minutes from our most recent PTA meeting.
Meeting Minutes from 5/16/2024
Our next meeting: September 19th (7:00 p.m.)
PTA Meeting Schedule: 2024-2025'
September 19th
October 24th
November 21st
January 16th
December – no meeting
February 20th
March 20th
April 10th
May 8
Save the Date! The 2024 Puffer Ice Cream Social will be taking place on the Belmont Playground after the Teacher Meet & Greet/Supply Drop-off (2:45PM-3:30PM) on Tuesday, August 13th starting at 3:30PM! New this year: Show up with your bike to participate in a Bicycle Rodeo to win prizes!
Want to volunteer at one of our many stations? We'd love your help! Sign up with the link below for any of our 30-minute long volunteer slots:
Can't wait to kick off a great school year with everyone!
Below the Line
Safe2Help Illinois
District 58 has partnered with Safe2Help to give students a safe and confidential way to report potential threats or crises. Safe2Help was launched by the State of Illinois in December 2020 and aims to help prevent suicide, bullying, school violence and other threats to school safety.
With Safe2Help, students can connect with a trained crisis professional during their own crisis, or to report a potential threat. Students can submit a Safe2Help alert via the following ways:
Website: https://app.safe22helpil.com
Text: SAFE2 (72332)
Phone: 844-4-SAFEIL (844-472-3345)
App: "Safe2Help Illinois" app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
Email: HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
All alerts are responded to by a trained Safe2Help crisis professional. Safe2Help is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
District 58 staff are not the initial responders to the alert and will receive each alert after the Safe2Help professional provides support. District 58 staff will review alerts sent by Safe2Help during regular school hours, unless the nature of the alert necessitates immediate school action.