Hawks Happenings
March 2025
Thank you for your support of the NBES PTO Dance-a-Thon!
The PTO Dance-a-Thon was a success and students enjoyed their time in the gym on Friday! Check out the video below for a peek into this fabulous event! Donations will be accepted through Friday, March 8th. These new donations will count towards classroom rewards.
February came and went so quickly! My hope for March is that we will have consistent on-campus learning days! If you are someone who still wishes for snow, then I must politely disagree with you! Let's hope that we are able to maximum our student learning time from now until the end of the school year!
The first week of March is one of my FAVORITE times at school! We celebrate Read Across America which is incorporated into our annual Read-a-Thon event. This week is our dress up spirit week while students are still reading and recording their minutes read at home. Please see below for each daily dress up theme. Friday will be a big event and parents/special guests are invited to campus to watch the Book Character Parade this year. One of our School Improvement Goals was to have more parent engagement activities so we hope you will join us!
Thank you again to several parents who assembled the chair storage carts and unpack our new black folding chairs. We appreciate Ryan Rotundo, Billy Maltry and Shane Marshall! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We have one more cart that needs to be assembled if anyone would like to help out.
This Wednesday, March 5th, is our annual state-wide Tornado Drill at 9:30 AM. We will also have our annual Evacuation/Bomb Drill on Thursday, March 13 in the afternoon. This drill is similar to a fire drill but we move further away from the building.
Thank you for all you do to support North Buncombe Elementary School! We are proud that our students are growing, learning and succeeding here at NBES!
Working Together,
Mrs. Heidi Allison
Examples of Book Character Dress Up Day to help you get ideas!
Family Read Day - March 7
Read-a-Lot Refuge Read-a-Thon continues this week!
Students brought home a new reading log on Friday. We are still encouraging students to read this week as they try to reach their grade level reading goal! Some students may have an individual reading goal according to their needs. Students who meet their reading goal, will get a ticket to attend the Read-a-Lot Refuge on Tuesday, March 18th. In addition, the top reader in each grade level will get to select a stuffed animal/Squishmallow!
This week we will have our school spirit dress up days as we celebrate our love of reading!
- March 3 - Dress up as an animal from your favorite habitat
- March 4 - Wear animal print & bring a stuffed animal to school
- March 5 - Wear your favorite outdoor gear!
- March 6 - Wear your ‘royal crown’ or a hat
- March 7 - Favorite Book Character Parade
Please reach out ASAP to your child's teacher should you have any questions.
NBES Short term data goals!
At NBES, we have been using grade level goals which are very specific to a learning gap area that has been identified. Teachers usually focus on these goals for about four weeks and incorporate very targeted interventions during this time. These goals are rolling which means that once one goal is completed, we will move to the next. I have copied the current 'Red Hot Goals' below. I will start sharing these goals with you each week so you can see when they change. You are invited to discuss these goals with your child and/or check with your child's teacher to see if your child needs extra help at home so they can meet the goal. You may also notice posters and data trackers in your child's classroom and in their pod area to track their work on these goals.
- Kindergarten: By March 4, 56% of students (50) will be able to blend three CVC nonsense words, increasing from 38% (30 students).
- Kindergarten Dual Language: By March 4th, 87% of students (20 students) will read 8 syllables per minute as measured by LSS progress monitoring. (Currently 74% or 17 students).
- First Grade: By March 4, students will increase their NWF-WRC from 46% (39/85) proficient to 65% (55/85) proficient.
- First Grade Dual Language: By March 4th, students will increase their FLO from 79% (19/24) proficient to 87% (21/24) proficient.
- Second Grade: By March 4th, 66% of students (63/95) will read 78 words per minute as measured by ORF progress monitoring. (Currently 54% or 51 students).
- Second Grade Dual Language: By March 4th, 90% of students (20 students) will read 48 words per minute as measured by FLO progress monitoring. (Currently 82% or 18 students).
- Third Grade: By March 4, 70% of third grade students (84/120 students) will read at least 110 words per minute with 96% accuracy on the mClass ORF subtest. (Currently 56% or 67 students).
- Fourth Grade: By March 4, 2025, 70% of students will score 4 out of 5 on RI 4.2 fourth grade RtA practice passage, focusing on determining the main idea and supporting details.(Up from 25%)
NBES Word of the Week!
One of our school-wide goals is to help students increase their vocabularies! Each day we announce a Word of the Day and students are encourage to try to use that word throughout the day. Students can earn a shout-out on the announcements when they use the word correctly. We will start sending families the weekly word list so you can practice at home. Your child's teacher may already send you the words so thank you if you have been practicing these words at home!
National School Social Worker Week!
March 2 - 8 is National School Social Worker Week! We appreciate Ms. AnnMarie McBride and all she does for the students, staff and families of NBES! Please join us in saying thank you to Ms. McBride!
NBES Dual Language Applications for the 2025 - 2026 school year are available!
Call now to schedule an appointment for Kindergarten Enrollment!
Kindergarten Enrollment/Registration Day is Friday, April 11th!
Kindergarten Orientation Meeting is Thursday, May 8th!
NBES Early Check-Out Procedure Reminders
Please review these procedures from the NBES Student Handbook
When it is necessary for a student to be picked up before regular dismissal time (2:25), a note should be sent to the classroom teacher. The person who takes the student must sign him/her out on the computer in the office and be on the student’s pick-up list. A picture ID is required. If a student leaves before 11:30 AM he/she will be counted absent for the entire day. Students being picked up early should be signed out between 1:30 PM and 2:00 PM; otherwise, all students will be dismissed through our regular procedures with buses loading at 2:25 PM and car riders being dismissed at 2:30 PM. Early sign-outs interrupt classroom instruction and students miss valuable instruction time. No student may leave school grounds without permission from the Principal or Assistant Principal.
Please note that we can NOT check out students between 2:00 PM and 2:25 PM!
This is due to student & school safety. Thank you for understanding!
News from NBES PTO!
NBES PTO News & Information:
Please join us for our monthly PTO meetings at 8:30 AM on the dates listed below. Everyone is welcome to attend PTO meetings!
- March 21
- April 25
- May 16
📣Contact us at nbespto@gmail.com or on Facebook: North Buncombe Elementary PTO if you would like to help, have questions.
Help NBES while you shop!
Sign up for Ingles Tools for Schools and give back to NBES!
School Procedure Reminders
NBES Loves Volunteers!
NBES welcomes volunteers! There are many ways for individuals to volunteer at our school. All volunteers must fill out an online volunteer application and be on the approved volunteer list before volunteering.
Level 1 Volunteers - General volunteer - never supervising students
Level 2 Volunteers - Volunteer who supervises/gives directions to students or serves in a leadership role (such as PTO board). This level is required for any parent attending a field trip. This level requires a background check (conducted by Buncombe County Schools).
Parents may get a link to complete a volunteer application by calling the main office at (828) 645-6054 and Mrs. Honeycutt can help you with this process.
Upcoming Field Trips
March 21- Math Competition
April 4- Hawks Nest- Rock the Spectrum
April 9- Fourth Grade- Gray Fossil Museum
April 22- April 24- First Grade- Emerald Village (a few classes each day)
April 23- Battle of the Books
April 24- 4th Grade to NWR
April 25 & April 30- Kindergarten- Hands on Museum (a few classes each day)
April 28- Third Grade- Bowling/Texas Roadhouse
May 1- Hawks Nest- Special Olympics
May 2- Second Grade- Cherokee
Mark Your Calendars!
March 3 - 7 Read Across America Dress up days
- March 3 - Dress up as an animal from your favorite habitat
- March 4 - Wear animal print & bring a stuffed animal to school
- March 5 - Wear your favorite outdoor gear!
- March 6 - Wear your ‘royal crown’ or a hat
- March 7 - Favorite Book Character Parade
March 3 - Midterms for the 3rd Nine Weeks go home this week
March 5 - Tornado Drill at 9:30 AM
March 7 - Favorite Book Character Day and Parade!
March 13 - Annual Evacuation/Bomb Drill in the PM
March 14 - Hobey Ford Performance (thanks to PTO!)
March 17 - Early Dismissal Day - School will dismiss at 12:25 PM
March 18 - Final Read-a-Lot Refuge Celebration Day!
March 18 - Math Madness Month starts - 3/18 - 4/11
March 21 - PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
March 21 - First Grade Program - 10:30 AM
March 24 - March 28 - Book Fair
March 24 - NB District Choral Night at NBMS - 6:30 PM
March 27 - STREAM Night - 5 PM - 6:45 PM
March 27 - Wisely Memorial Dedication - 6:45 PM
March 28 - Career Day
April 1 - Regular Student Day - No Early Dismissal
April 1 - End of 3rd Nine Weeks
April 1 - PBIS Reward for the 3rd Nine Weeks for eligible students
April 9 - Report Cards go Home
April 10 - Math Madness Month culminating event - Family Math Day!
April 10 - Spring Holiday Meal - Special visitors invited for grades 1, 3 and 4
April 11 - Kindergarten Registration - current K students do not come to school!
April 14 - April 18 - SPRING BREAK!
April 23 - Administrative Professionals Day! We love our NBES office staff!
April 24 - Rising 5th Grade Parent Night at North Windy Ridge
April 25 - PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
May 6 - Third Grade Program at 6 PM
May 8 - Kindergarten Orientation
- Dual Language Interest Meeting at 5 PM in theater
- Parent meeting for all rising Kindergarten students at 6 PM in theater
May 12 - Midterms for 4th Nine Weeks go home
May 15 - NBES Advisory Council Meeting at 7:45 AM
May 15 - Transition Night for rising 1st - 4th graders
May 16 - PTO Meeting at 8:30 AM
May 22 - Kindergarten Program - 6 PM
May 23 - Regular Student Day - NO Early Dismissal
May 26 - No school - Memorial Day
May 28 - Tentative Date to start End of Grade testing for students in grades 3 and 4
June 2 - K/1 Field Day - 9 AM - 11 AM
June 2 - Grades 3/4 Field Day - 12 PM - 2 PM
June 3 - Grade 2/Hawks Nest Field Day - 9 AM - 11 AM
June 3 - Field Day Rain Date - 12 - 2 PM
June 4 - Hawks Nest Awards Program - 10 AM in theater
June 4 - 2nd Grade Awards Program - 1 PM in theater
June 5 - K Awards Program at 8:30 AM in theater
June 5 - 1st Grade Awards Program - 10 AM in theater
June 5 - 3rd Grade Awards Program - 1 PM in theater
June 6 - 4th Grade Awards Program - 8:30 AM in theater
June 6 - 4th Grade Picnic at NB Pool - 10 AM
June 10 - K/1/Hawks Nest Talent Show - 8:30 AM in theater
June 10 - Grades 2/3/4 Talent Show - 9:30 AM in theater
June 10 - 4th Grade Kickball Game - 10:30 AM
June 10 - Early Dismissal Day and Last Day of School
Mrs. Heidi Allison
Growing, Learning, Succeeding at NBES!
Email: heidi.allison@bcsemail.org
Website: https://nbes.buncombeschools.org/o/nbe
Location: 251 Flat Creek Church Road, Weaverville, NC, USA
Phone: (828) 645-6054
Facebook: www.facebook.comNBuncombeES
Instagram: @northbuncombees