Weekly Waddle
Pattengill Elementary School
May 17, 2024
Principal's Message
Happy Friday!
This week has been filled with moments of discovery, growth, and shared achievements. From the excitement of classroom projects to the PTA's Ice Cream Social, our students continue to inspire us with their enthusiasm and joy for learning.
Ice Cream Social
The Ice Cream Social was a huge hit! Thank you to the many families who joined us for games, crafts, ice cream, and fun. Thank you to the many parent volunteers who helped run games, passed out pizza, collected tickets, or just came to support. Finally, thank you to the PTA for another amazing Ice Cream Social and to Ashlee Kenworthy and Jessica Malangone for co-chairing this event.
Spring Assessments
M-STEP testing has been completed and our students are preparing to take the Spring NWEA. Our students have worked hard all school year to meet their weekly Dreambox goals and our school's goal is to have 100% of our students show growth on their Math NWEA test. Teachers will notify parents of the NWEA testing date.
Mrs. Corey
Yesterday we said goodbye to 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Corey for now. We are so excited for her, wish her all the best, and look forward to having her rejoin us in the fall.
Have a great weekend!
Pattengill Weekly Video Announcements
Reunification Site Visit
The Berkley School District is always evaluating the safety measures in place to ensure the District is doing everything it can to keep our students and staff safe. One of those safety measures is making sure each school has an off-site reunification partner in case of an emergency.
Once a year, elementary students and staff walk to their reunification sites in the community to practice their evacuation route during a time when our community partners are available. This site visit allows staff and students to familiarize themselves with the walking route and the site itself. Pattengill’s site visit will take place on Tuesday, May 21st.
If our building were to require an evacuation due to a building issue (e.g. gas leak) or crisis situation, we have a full plan in place. Students will walk with teachers and support staff to our off-site location while staff from the Administrative Office will assist with the reunification process. We have reunification kits in place at our partner locations and have practiced the protocols with our staff. If reunification is necessary, emergency contacts will receive detailed messages from the District on what to do, where to go, and how to pick up their children. The best thing you can do as a caregiver during an evacuation is to wait for instructions on when and where to pick up your children. Waiting to arrive until after you receive notifications from Berkley Schools will allow us to have an orderly process for reunifying all students.
We will not send additional alerts regarding our site visit, but please know that we plan to visit our Reunification site next Tuesday.
Kids Zone Registration
Math Curriculum Parent Survey
Berkley School District values your input!
The Teaching and Learning Team is currently reviewing the District's TK-5 Math Curriculum and we invite you to share your perspective through this survey.
Please complete a separate survey for each child you have attending grades TK-5 in Berkley School District.
Summer Enrichment
Elementary Summer Difference Program - STEM Camp
The Berkley Summer Difference STEM program is intended for students currently in Grades TK-5. The STEM camp will focus on problem solving, engineering design and offer hands-on opportunities. Classes will be taught by certified, highly-qualified elementary teachers. Depending on enrollment, multi-grade sections may be organized to better meet staffing needs. The summer program will be educational and enjoyable.
Elementary Berkley Summer Difference Program - Language Arts and Math
The Berkley Summer Difference program is intended for current Berkley Schools students in grades TK-5 who need to maintain or grow in their academic achievement from the 2023-2024 school year. Students who enroll in the program will have both math and language arts instruction throughout the summer program. Classes will be taught in person by certified, highly-qualified elementary teachers. Depending on enrollment, multi-grade sections may be organized to better meet staffing needs. The summer program will be educational and enjoyable!
Community Coffee Series with Superintendent Scott Francis
Superintendent Scott Francis will host community chats this semester. Community members are invited to share thoughts about the Berkley School District at this informal community forum on Monday, May 20, 5:30-6:30 pm.
All Community Chat events will be held at the Berkley Schools Administrative Offices, 14501 Talbot, Oak Park. Refreshments will be provided.
2023-24 Meals Information
Support the Pattengill Garden
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students for the 2023-24 school year. We encourage everyone to participate. You are still welcome to send your child with a lunch from home if you would prefer. 1% Milk, white or chocolate, may be purchased for home lunches for 75¢.
Breakfast begins at 7:45 each morning in the Media Center. Students who would like breakfast should enter through the Main Entrance. Students are dismissed from the Media Center when the bell rings. TK - 1st Grade students are escorted to class by an aide. Breakfast is milk, juice, cereal or a breakfast bar/muffin.
Volunteer at Pattengill!
Parents must annually complete the Volunteer Release Form to volunteer at Pattengill. Please complete the form found HERE and turn it into the Main Office along with a Driver's License to volunteer in our building. We would love to have you!
Spirit Wear Weekly Specials
- 10% off Ladies Stripe Double Hoodie & Fanatic's tee
- 15% off Cyclone Tie Dyes & Crystal Tie Dye Tees
- 15% off Backpacks
- 20% off Glidan Hoodies
A portion of our spirit wear sales comes back to the PTA! Happy Shopping!
A Thank You Message from the PTA
Last night's Ice Cream Social was a blast! We loved seeing all the smiling faces and Pattengill families having fun together. We couldn't have pulled this off without help from the Dad's Club, the Berkley Bears, and so many volunteers who pitched in to make the event run smoothly. We hope Mrs. Womble, Mr. McKelvey and Ms. Connelly have fully dried out; they were great sports! A big thanks to the Classroom Coordinators who put together the amazing raffle baskets, as well as the families who contributed to those baskets. A big shout-out to Lighthouse Exteriors for generously donating the Penguins Are the Koolest prize. Learn about their home improvement services at http://www.lighthouse.com. Thank you to Duffield Dentistry, Books-A-Million, and USPBL Jimmy John's Field for their donations. Several local businesses generously donated to our raffle baskets - please consider supporting them right back!
On behalf of the PTA, thank you for your ongoing support!
Save the Date for an End of the School Year Skating Party!
To celebrate the end of school the Pattengill PTA is hosting an end-of-year Skating Party! Wednesday, June 12th from 6:15 - 8:15 pm at Skate World of Troy (2825 E. Maple). Free Admission, Skate Rental is $3 regular, $5 inline. Bring the whole family! This is not a drop off event, all children must be accompanied by an adult.
PTA Donation Days
Pattengill PTA Renaissance Committee
Are you passionate about advocacy, diversity, and inclusion? Join our committee!
The Pattengill Renaissance PTA committee is excited to welcome interested PTA members to join our committee as we celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion in our school community.
Girls Basketball Camp
May 20 - Berkley African American Parent Network Meeting, Norup 7 PM
May 27- Memorial Day, No School
May 29 - 5th Grade Choir Concert at BHS 7 PM
May 29 - Dad's Club Meeting, 8 PM
May 31 - PTA Pattengill Shirt Day
May 31- Field Day
About Us
Email: shamika.womble@berkleyschools.org
Website: https://www.berkleyschools.org/schools/pattengill/
Location: 3540 Morrison Avenue, Berkley, MI, USA
Phone: 248-837-8700
PTA Facebook: facebook.com/PattengillPTA
Twitter: @PattengillEl