Hall County 4-H Newsletter
February 2025
February is Nebraska 4-H Month—Let’s Celebrate! 🎉
Calling all 4-H’ers! Stop by the Hall County Extension Office during the month of February to grab a sweet treat and join the celebration each week. While you’re here, snap a selfie, share what you love most about 4-H, and let’s spread the 4-H spirit across Nebraska! Don't miss this chance to celebrate everything that makes 4-H amazing—treats, fun, and YOU! 💚 💚 💚
Grow our 4-H Family: Share, Join, Win!
Invite your friends and family to join the 4-H fun, and you could snag a $50 gift card! Here’s how it works:
- Share the excitement of 4-H and encourage new families to enroll online at v2.4honline.com and complete the process.
- New families will receive a verification email from the Extension Office, along with a link to enter the drawing for a $50 gift card!
- When they sign up, they can add your name as their referral—getting YOU entered in a separate drawing for $50!
Know someone who missed out on 4-H last year? Invite them to re-enroll and jump back into the fun—you’ll both have a chance to win big! The contest will run from February 1 - May 28, 2025, and winners will be announced in June. Help us grow our 4-H family, share the joy, and win some awesome prizes!
New and returning 4-H families may enroll at v2.4honline.com. Enrollment fees are $10 per youth. Fees may be paid online during the 4-H enrollment process or by check/cash at the Hall County Extension Office.
Reminders for 4-H Project Selection:
- Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
- Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a specific project area or contest in a single county.
Please call the Extension Office at 308-385-5088 with questions. We are here to help!
4-H Award Sponsorships Available
Award Sponsorships are available for Hall County 4-H animal and static exhibits! Contact the Extension office if your club, family or business would like to sponsor an award at the 2025 Hall County Fair! (Sponsorships are only $30!) Call 308-385-5088 for more information.
4-H'ers Represent Hall County in the State 4-H Indoor Archery Competition!
Congratulations to the following Hall County 4-H youth who participated in the State 4-H Indoor Archery Competition on January 25th in Grand Island. Placings in their division are noted in parenthesis.
Peyton Allan (22nd), Jaxsen Battershaw (13th), Cayleigh Bird (5th), Libby Buettner (9th), Addie Carmin (4th), Dakota Fenster (14th), Hunter Fowler (10th), Kimber Fowler (19th), Quentin Havel (1st), Caden Irvine (1st), Kennedy Reiss (4th), Parker Reiss (25th), Ruger Schutt (1st), Logan Wasick (6th)
Great job representing Hall County 4-H!
Presenting your 2025 Hall County 4-H Council!
Front (l-r): Karen Hurst, Lisa Allan, Reba Watts, Merriah Bockmann, Becky Krueger, Sarah Johnson
Back (l-r): Derek Vogt, Will Moeller, Katie Collins, LeAnne Bird, Colton Krueger, Kade Kosmicki
Not pictured: Matt Carmin, Melody Greer, Allie Horak, Peyton Allan, Gracee Gideon, Eva Lindiman
Thank you for your service to Hall County 4-H!
Teach a Kids College Class!
Do you have a special skill or talent and would enjoy passing that on to youth in our community (or do you know someone who does)? If so, we need your help! We’re looking for adults/teens to lead workshops for our summer Kids College program.
Kids College workshops offer hands-on, learning opportunities for youth ages 5-18, and are held in the month of June. Need ideas? We can help! How about candy making, woodworking, jewelry making, metal working, rockets, bath bombs, or slime. Give us a call if you are interested in learning how to become a workshop instructor.
Workshop proposals are due to the Hall County Extension Office by Feb. 3. Contact Joyce at (308) 385-5088 or jkrolikowski2@unl.edu for more information.
Join Sew Crazy 4-H Sewing Club!
- Who: Any youth interested in sewing, ages 5-18.
- When: Saturday, February 8, 2025
- Where: Hall County Extension meeting room
- What Time: 1:00-4:00 pm
- February Project: Book Buddies
Club Leaders: Annette Schimmer and Barb Hovie
- Annette 308-379-7191 | netterz95@gmail.com
- Barb 308-379-5208 | barbarahovie@gmail.com
PLEASE contact Annette or Barb if you plan to attend, or if you have questions. A list of supplies needed will be sent via email before the meeting.
Buns, Beef, & Beyond: Discovering Where Your Cheeseburger Begins!
Get ready for a fun-filled adventure as we dive into the world of agriculture! Join Megan for a hands-on exploration to discover where our food really comes from at the Raising Nebraska Building. Did you know a cheeseburger is connected to the farm? Spoiler alert: From the beef patty to the cheese and everything between, you’ll be amazed at how agriculture plays a key role. Expect fun games and activities - even a tasty snack! Don’t miss out – sign up today and let’s uncover the secrets behind your favorite meal!
- February 13, 3-4:30 pm
- Ages: 5-7
- Cost: $5 per youth; Friends are welcome!
- Location: Raising Nebraska, 501 East Fonner Park Road, Grand Island NE
- Register by February 10 by calling 308-385-5088 (5 registrations needed to hold the program)
STEM Challenge - What Floats Your Boat?
How do boats and pennies go together? Join us for the next STEM Challenge to find out! Learn the science behind boats and how they can float on water. Design a boat and compete to see whose boat can carry the most weight before sinking.
- February 14, 1-3 pm
- Ages: 5 and up
- Cost: $5 per youth. Non 4-H members welcome!
- Location: Hall County Extension Meeting Room
- Register by February 12th by calling 308-385-5088
March STEM Challenge - Coding & Ozobots
Code, Hop & Roll! A St. Patrick’s Day Coding Adventure!
Did you know that computer programmers use coding to make games, apps, and even robots move? Computers follow special instructions—just like a treasure map!
Join us for a fun-filled coding adventure where we’ll:
- Code a St. Patrick’s Day Hopscotch Game—jump, hop, and program your way to fun!
- Create a coded map for an Ozobot—watch as your tiny robot follows the path you design!
No experience needed—just bring your curiosity and get ready to play, create, and explore the world of coding!
- March 7, 1-3 pm
- Ages: 5 and up
- Cost: $5.00
- Location: Hall County Extension Meeting Room
- Register by March 5th by calling 308-385-5088. Bring a friend!
4-H Fine Arts Night
Share your enthusiasm about 4-H through the 4-H Public Speaking Contest! Youth have the opportunity to write a Speech or a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that incorporates the topic of 4-H and deliver it to an audience. The 4-H Public Speaking Contest helps youth develop skills for communicating about current issues to real audiences, learn how to organize and prepare a speech, develop speech delivery skills, learn how to present themselves to others, and develop self-confidence.
Do you have a musical talent or a flair for theatrics? Share your talent at the 4-H Fine Arts Night! Talent show entries may include, but are not limited to: magic, comedy, instrumental or vocal performance, mime, skit, etc. Top performers may be selected to perform at the 4-H Fashion show on July 9.
Hall County 4-H Fine Arts Night will be held on Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30 pm in the College Park Auditorium. For more information, go to extension.unl.edu/statewide/hall/hall-county-4-h-fine-arts-night/ or call (308) 385-5088. Registration forms are due to the Extension office by February 25.
Save the Date! Clothing Judging & 4-H Fashion Show
Mark your calendars! Clothing Judging Day and the 4-H Fashion Show will be held on Wednesday, July 9th at College Park! If you are new to this day, you’ll want to hold the morning for the judging of all constructed items in the Clothing & Textiles project area and modeling judging. You’ll return in the evening for the fashion show. Below is a tentative schedule for the day to help you plan. If you have questions about how the day works, please contact D’Ette at the office!
July 9th Schedule:
- 8:30 am – 4-Hers begin to arrive at College Park
- 8:30-8:45 am – Judging room is open for modeling practice
- 9 am–Noon – Modeling Judging (a schedule will be sent out)
- 9 am–Noon – Construction Judging (come & go as you are available)
- 9 am–Noon – Theater is open for fashion show modeling practice
- 10 am–Noon - Family and Consumer Science Contest, awards given during the fashion show
- 7 pm – 4-Hers arrive at College Park for the Fashion Show
- 7:30 pm – The 4-H Fashion Show starts!
4-H STEM Activity Backpacks
Check out a STEM Backpack for your family during the winter season! Each of the backpacks contains theme-based books, activity sheets & materials, and a step-by-step lesson plan for adults. Most of the lessons are also available in Spanish.
Go to go.unl.edu/4-h-backpacks for more information & to find out how to check out one of these 4-H STEM Activity Backpacks from the Hall County Extension Office!
Little Free Pantry Needs Your Help!
Kountryside Kids 4-H Club, in partnership with Grand Island Public Schools, is currently sponsoring a Little Free Pantry at Lincoln Elementary School. The club is inviting 4-H families and clubs to join them in keeping the pantry filled with food, hygiene, seasonal needs, and home essentials. If your family or club are able to contribute to the pantry, sign up for a week (or more) in 2024-25, by following this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ABA72DA7FBCF8-45801707-lincoln.
The Little Free Pantry is supported by Hall County 4-H, the Nutrition Education Program (NEP), and UNL Extension. If you have any questions, call the Extension Office at 308-385-5088 or email LaDonna at ladonna.obermiller@unl.edu. For ideas of items to put in the Little Free Pantry, click Little Free Food Pantry Food Safety Information | UNL Food.
Order Your Seeds for the 2025 Special Garden Project!
The 2025 plant will be Goldie Husk Cherry. Learn more about the Special Garden Project and how to get started at 4h.unl.edu/statewide-events-opportunities/special-garden-project/.
To reserve your Special Garden Project seeds,
- Enroll in 4-H at v2.4honline.com.
- Complete the following google form: go.unl.edu/hallcosgporder by February 10, 2025.
2025 Special Agronomy Project - Sunflowers
The 2025 Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project is Sunflowers! Youth participate by receiving seed and resources to grow the crop, research traits of the crop and determine the viability of that crop in the part of the state they live. Youth are then eligible to enter an exhibit at both the County and/or State Fair in the agronomy project area.
Enroll for the 2025 Special Agronomy Project through 4-H Online by enrolling in the Agronomy project and contacting the Hall County Extension Office at 308-385-5088 to order packets of seeds. Orders are due February 25. For more information, go to cropwatch.unl.edu/youth/special-agronomy-project/.
2025 Hall County 4-H Shooting Sports Schedule
The dates are set for 4-H Archery, BB Gun, 22 Rifle and Shotgun practices/competitions. (Dates & times are subject to change.) Youth who participate in practices and competitions must be enrolled in 4-H Online BEFORE practicing and competing in a 4-H Shooting Sports event. *Minimum age for Archery & BB Gun is 4-H age 8. Minimum age for 22 Rifle and Shotgun is 4-H age 11 (Hunter's Safety Certification REQUIRED). Please review the Hall County Fair Book - Shooting Sports section/rules (coming soon!) and the 2025 Hall County 4-H Shooting Sports Schedule, located here: extension.unl.edu/statewide/hall/hall-county-4-h/4-h-contests-events/. Contact the Hall County Extension Office at 308-385-5088 with questions.
Hunter's Education
If you plan to participate in the shotgun or rifle project this year and have turned 11 before January 1st, make sure you take a hunter’s safety course first. To register, visit http://outdoornebraska.gov/huntereducation/.
4-H Shooting Sports Information, Statewide Competitions
Go to 4h.unl.edu/shooting-sports for more information about the Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports program & to view the calendar of upcoming statewide shooting sports competitions!
YQCA Face-to-Face Training
The next YQCA Face-to-Face Training in Hall County will be:
Monday, March 3rd, 6-8 pmLocation: Hall County Extension meeting room
*Remember, YQCA Training is REQUIRED for all youth (4-H age 8-18) planning to show beef, swine, sheep, goats, bucket calves, dairy, poultry & rabbits at County and/or State Fair. Clover Kids are not required to take the course.
**New for 2024-25: 4-H members showing bucket calves will now be required to take Quality Assurance training.
Great news! Attending the face-to-face training costs only $3 per youth (compared to $12 for the online course) and it takes less time than the online training. Important! Youth must be enrolled in 4-H Online for the upcoming 4-H year before completing YQCA training.
Follow these steps:
- Enroll in 4-H Online at v2.4honline.com (remember to use your same login information from last year if you are a returning 4-H member).
- Visit yqcaprogram.org/ and sign in with your same login information from last year, unless this is your first time taking the course.
- Find the training session you will attend on the list and register. Be sure you select the correct date, time, location, and trainer Megan Knuth.
- Pay the $3 fee with a credit card.
- Please contact the office to let us know which session you are attending.
- Complete the pretest prior to the training - located on the “Enrolled Trainings” page.
- Attend the training.
- Following the training take the post survey and print your certificate.
If the above dates/times do not work for you, there are other opportunities for face-to-face YQCA trainings in nearby counties. Call the Extension Office for more information at 308-385-5088.
2025 UNL Chick Days
Chick Days is an annual educational event for small and backyard poultry producers and youth to learn more about the poultry industry. The event is open to both youth (ages 7-18) and adults (ages 19 and up). Go to animalscience.unl.edu/extension-outreach/poultry/chick-days/ for more information or to register.
Chick Days will be held:
- March 22, 2025, 9 am-2 pm
- Animal Science Complex
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus
- 3940 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE
- Registration is due March 15, 2025
Livestock Achievement Program
This additional opportunity for enrolled livestock project youth, is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to improve in their livestock project knowledge and leadership. The program recognizes Members of Excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas including: beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit, and poultry.
Applications are due June 15, but why wait? Visit 4h.unl.edu/statewide-events-opportunities/livestock-program/livestock-achievement-program/ to get started.
Upcoming 4-H Horse Program Events
February 8, 2025: Horse Judges School held at the UNL Animal Science Complex in Lincoln, NE
- Youth: Great opportunity for youth planning to compete in the horse judging contest at Stampede to learn more about judging and get in some practice judging
- Adults: Learn what goes into becoming a 4-H Horse Show Judge as well as the opportunity to recertify as a 4-H judge
March 29 & 30, 2025: 4-H Horse Stampede held at the UNL Animal Science Complex in Lincoln, NE
- Entries due: Friday, February 28, 2025
- Contests include:
- Public Speaking (may compete virtually through zoom)
- Demonstrations (may compete virtually through zoom)
- Horse Bowl
- Art
- Photography
- Horse Judging – new for 2025
- Hippology – new for 2025
July 12-16, 2025: Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo held at Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE
- Entries due: June 1, 2025
- Advancement levels and Horse IDs need to be completed by June 1
For more information regarding the 2025 horse events and contests, go to: 4h.unl.edu/statewide-events-opportunities/horse-program/ or contact Lena Luck at lena.luck@unl.edu.
Upcoming Dog Practices
Do you and your dog want to refresh your obedience and showmanship skills this winter?
Thanks to Fonner Park, we can offer you that opportunity!
Happy Hounds 4-H dog practices will be in the Five Points Bank Arena from 5:30-7:00 pm.
Watch your email for upcoming dates!
Come dressed for the weather as the heat will not be turned on.
What you need to do:
- Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up-to-date before coming to practice. (You can turn in current vaccination forms to the Extension Office at any time.)
- Bring leashes (show leash/collar and a 6-foot leash).
- Bring bags to clean up accidents.
- Bring items you think will make you and your furry friend comfortable.
Attending practice is not required for the Hall County Fair; however, it is an opportunity to refresh your skills so that you and your best friend can practice at home. If you have questions, please call LaDonna Obermiller at 308-385-5088.
Zoom In To CASNR Webinar Series
Do you have questions regarding the college decision process or a desire to learn more about CASNR (UNL College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources) academic programs?
If so, check out the webinar series called “Zoom In To CASNR”, geared toward prospective college students (middle/high school) or current CASNR students. Go to https://go.unl.edu/vb2s to sign up.
Data Driven: A Statistics & Data Science Field Day
Exciting News! Unlock the world of data science at "Data Driven: A Statistics & Data Science Field Day"! Registration is OPEN for teams of 4 high school students! Don't have a full team? No worries! Reach out, and we'll help you find teammates! Join us for interactive learning, friendly competitions, and networking opportunities. Embrace the power of data literacy together! Register here: 4h.unl.edu/data-driven.
NDA's Annual Poster Contest Highlights Amazing Nebraska Agriculture
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture’s (NDA) annual poster contest highlights and celebrates Nebraska agriculture. NDA’s poster contest is open to all Nebraska students in first through sixth grades. This year’s theme, “Agriculture is Amazing,” highlights and celebrates Nebraska’s number one industry. The deadline to submit posters is March 1, 2025.
Poster contest rules and official entry forms are available online at nda.nebraska.gov/kids. For more information, contact Christin Kamm at 402-471-6856 or by email at christin.kamm@nebraska.gov.
Innovative Youth Corn Challenge for 4-H and FFA Members
The Innovative Youth Corn Challenge is a contest open to 4-H members (age 8 and older as of January 1st) and FFA members (in-school members). This competition is designed to guide participants through a comprehensive exploration of all facets of corn production, including aspects related to agricultural careers associated with corn production.
For more information, go to: cropwatch.unl.edu/youth/cornchallenge. Registration deadline is April 1st.
Check Out Nebraska State 4-H Camp!
The 2025 What’s the Buzz? season of the Nebraska State 4-H Camp will share the importance of pollinators in Nebraska- why they’re important, how they impact agriculture, and what youth can do in their own communities to support the various native pollinators we have in Nebraska. From bees and butterflies to hummingbirds and bats- it’s going to be a week full of learning and fun!
The Nebraska State 4-H Camp is returning to Chadron and Burwell for summer camp 2025! Youth new to camping can attend a shorter camp session designed to let them experience all the best parts of summer camp in a 3 day/2 night session. Choose from one of two 5 day/4 night sessions for youth 10-14 years old and returning this year is the Leaders in Training camp for high school youth 15-17 years old! Campers will focus on developing leadership skills with an opportunity to put those skills into practice by volunteering at one of our other camp sessions!
Registration is now OPEN! More information on sessions, dates, and the link to register can be found at 4h.unl.edu/statewide-events-opportunities/nebraska-4-h-summer-camp/.
Hall County 4-H Council Scholarships
Hall County 4-H Council is sponsoring scholarships valued at $500 each! The scholarships are available to current Hall County 4-H members who are graduating seniors this year. Applications are due March 1st to the Hall County Extension Office at 3180 W Hwy 34, Grand Island, NE 68801 or cbeissenherz2@unl.edu. The application can be found: Council Scholarship Application fillable.pdf
or picked up at the Extension Office.
Hall County Agricultural Committee Scholarships
Two scholarships valued at $500 will be awarded to high school graduating seniors who are pursuing a program/career in agriculture/agribusiness. The scholarships will be given to applicants living or attending school in Hall County. The scholarships will be sent directly to the college, university, or technical school upon proof of registration. Applications are due March 1st. For more information, go to 2025 Scholarship Form Ag Society (fillable form).pdf.
Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship
The Nebraska Women Involved in Farm Economics (WIFE) is pleased to offer the Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship. Nebraska WIFE is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving profitability in production agriculture. The one-year $2000 scholarship is available to any woman who lives in Nebraska who will begin her FIRST year in a University/Technical/Trade/Community College in a field related to agriculture and must be postmarked by March 15, 2025. The scholarship may be used at the school of the recipient’s choice in Nebraska. The application can be found here: Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship Application Final.pdf.
Plan to Set Goals & Apply for Awards in 2025!
Have you thought about your 4-H goals for 2025? Now is the time to look at the Diamond Clover Program and the Clover Kids Recognition Program, and set those goals now. For more information, go to: Hall County 4-H awards. To find out more about state and national 4-H award opportunities, go to 4h.unl.edu/statewide-events-opportunities/awards-recognition/.
Have You Been Thinking of Starting Your Own Club?
It's easier than you might think! Contact Megan or LaDonna; we would be happy to answer any questions! We have the tools to help you get started! Call 308-385-5088 or email mknuth3@unl.edu. You can also check out this website: https://4h.unl.edu/clubs/start.
Host Your Next Club Meeting at Raising Nebraska!
Raising Nebraska is the ideal space for 4-H, providing an engaging and flexible learning environment.
- Utilize one of the numerous spaces within our 25,000 square foot exhibit hall.
- Youth can explore more than a dozen interactive educational exhibits about agriculture and natural resources.
- Spaces come with state-of-the-art technology to support meetings and presentations.
- No rental fee for 4-H groups.
- Conveniently located on the State Fairgrounds at Fonner Park in Grand Island.
Contact Mandy Sullivan at (308) 385-3967 or mandy@RaisingNebraska.net for more information.
Sign Up For 4-H Text Messages!
Hall County 4-H will continue using the Remind app (in addition to email & social media) to communicate important 4-H news, events & deadlines to 4-H families. Get information for Hall County 4-H right on your phone! Two-way text messaging makes it more convenient for families to receive important information. Plus, it’s free and easy to use!
Options to sign up for Remind:
- Option 1 - Click the link to sign up, https://www.remind.com/join/4h-hall.
- Option 2 - Text the message @4h-hall to the number 81010.
See the attached pdf below.
Please call Crystal at 308-385-5088 for assistance.
February 12 - Extension Board meeting, 4:30 pm at the Extension Office.
February 13 - Buns, Beef, & Beyond: Discovering Where Your Cheeseburger Begins!, 3-4:30 pm at Raising Nebraska.
February 14 - 4-H STEM Challenge, 1-3 pm at the Extension Office.
February 17 - President's Day; Extension Office is closed.
February 19 - Connecting the Dots program, 9-2:30 pm at the Extension Office
March 3 - YQCA Face-to-Face Training, 6 pm at the Extension Office.
March 7 - 4-H STEM Challenge, 1-3 pm at the Extension Office.
March 11 - 4-H Fine Arts Night, 6:30 pm at the College Park Auditorium.
July 9 - Clothing Judging Day & 4-H Fashion Show
D'Ette Scholtz
4-H Youth Development
Megan Knuth
4-H Youth Development
LaDonna Obermiller
4-H Youth Development
Crystal Beissenherz
Joyce Krolikowski
Nebraska Extension - Hall County
Email: hall-county@unl.edu
Website: hall.unl.edu
Location: 3180 W Hwy 34, College Park, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA
Phone: 308-385-5088
Facebook: facebook.com/HallCounty4HNebraska