Porter eUpdate - 9/27/24

October 3........................NO SCHOOL, in observance of Rosh Hashanah
October 4........................CHESS CLUB STARTS!!! (see before for sign-up information)
October 7-11...................Fall BOOK FAIR! (See below for more information)
October 9........................FAMILY NIGHT @ the Book Fair, 6:30-7:30pm
October 10......................PTO Meeting @ 7pm, via Zoom (REGISTER FOR MEETING)
October 10......................Student interest meeting for MS Science Fair (more information below)
October 11-14.................PTO Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser (SEE FLYER)
October 14......................NO SCHOOL for students, teacher workday
October 17......................FALL PICTURE DAY (see below for more information)
October 18......................PINK OUT For Breast Cancer Awareness (Wear pink shirts)
October 19......................Porter Gives Back "School Beautification Project" (SEE FLYER)
📌October 25.................CAREER DAY (see more information below)
📌October 25.................Elementary Fall Dance 6:30-8:30pm (more information to come)
📌November 13.............2024-25 Multicultural Night, view more information
The Porter Library is excited to once again be hosting our FALL BOOKWORM CENTRAL BOOK FAIR!!
October 7th - 11th
Students will have the opportunity to come in (with their class) and shop for great quality books. The proceeds of sales will be used to benefit our school library!
FAMILY NIGHT @ THE BOOK FAIR.....Wed., Oct. 9th @ 6:30-7:30pm
Come out on Wednesday night and bring your family! We will be hosting our Family Night at the Book Fair!
During family night, we will also be COLLECTING BOOKS and accepting MONETARY DONATIONS for our fall service project, The African Library Project.
We will be collecting books for the African Library Project through October 11th. However, we really need monetary donations towards the shipping costs. We currently have $52 dollars towards the $650 that we need to ship the books we have collected. Any small donation is appreciated. Thank you!
For more information on our African Library Project, CLICK HERE.
To make a donation, via PayPal, use the QR code, and THANK YOU!!
LIFE TOUCH will once again be coming to Porter to take our students' FALL SCHOOL PICTURES. Please mark your calendars for THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17!
You can order your pictures 1 of two ways: online or with the order form. Use the links below to order your student's fall school pictures:
⭐REMINDER: All students MUST be in Porter uniform, as always, on picture day.
Calling all MIDDLE SCHOOLERS.....If you are interested in particpating in this year's PWCS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR, please plan to attend the INTEREST MEETING!
Thursday, October 10th @ 3:45-4:45 in Room 123
CAREER DAY…has been scheduled for Friday, October 25th. This is a big event and a favorite of many Porter students. Elementary students get to come to school dressed as their future career! Middle school students can come to school dressed to impress as if they are going to a job interview!
Interested in presenting on Career Day…you earn volunteer hours that way! Use the link below to sign up as a presenter: CAREER DAY SIGN-UP
DONATIONS ARE ALSO NEEDED! Please consider donating to our Career Day by signing up and bringing in an item for our presenters. All donations must be dropped off by Thursday, October 24th.
Currently, we have sign-ups for the PTO and parents/guardians of middle school students. And remember, the CAFETERIA is always available for volunteers, any day between 11:00am - 2:00pm. Just come into the front office, sign in, and get your 'volunteer' sticker. We do ask that you work at least 1 hour.
ALL current VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNTIES can be found on the "Volunteer Opportunities" page under the VOLUNTEER tab on the Porter website.
Front Office VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES...we've created a VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP for any miscellaneous volunteer work we have for the front office. We will keep it updated as opportunities come up...so, be sure to look at it periodically.
MULTICULTURAL NIGHT...(November 13) Receive VOLUNTEER HOURS for hosting a cultural table representing your country! Use the link to SEE MORE INFORMATION.
⭐ ELEMENTARY BATTLE OF THE BOOKS....will be starting Wednesday, October 2nd!
⭐ ELEMENTARY (3rd-5th) CHORUS CLUB will be starting on Wednesday, October 2nd.
⭐ 1st-3rd Gr AVIATION CLUB...is starting this year on Tuesday, October 1st. This year our club sessions will be 6 days (instead of 4)! Use the link to get MORE INFO & PERMISSION FORM.
⭐ CHESS CLUB IS STARTING!!...Friday, October 4th will be the first meeting of the 2024-25 Porter Chess Club! Ready to get your 'CHESS ON'!? Ready to learn how to play chess? Ready to improve your game? Now is the time to SIGN-UP FOR CHESS!!
⭐ MS Debate Club INTEREST MEETING...Monday, October 7th @ 3:45pm in Mr. Fuller's Room, 125. The 1st meeting of the club will be Monday, October 21st @ 3:45-4:45pm
⭐ The BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING & TECH CLUB will start Monday, October 7th. Calling ALL 7th and 8th graders! Club meetings will be Mondays @ 3:45-4:45pm in Room 128 (Dr. Dhodi's room)
Use this link for MORE INFO & SIGN-UP.
⭐MSA CLUB...will start up again on October 10th for all students (elementary & middle); meetings will be the 2nd Thursday of the month @ 3:45-5:00pm. Participation is limited to the first 25 students who sign-up, using the link below:
PWCS AQUATICS CENTER is now offering 1-day FUN CAMPS on the "teacher workdays," when students are not attending school. "Come join us for a jam packed, fun filled day at the pool with open swim, land games, and many crafts!"
Use the link below for more information and to register for the camps:
- PTO Page.....https://porter.pwcs.edu/our_school/pto/index
- PTO Volunteer sign-up.....https://tinyurl.com/yc8n8u4w
- PTO Membership....https://forms.gle/KKMwWXaWcQfZxPuf7
- PTO Calendar....https://porter.pwcs.edu/our_school/pto/index
- PTO Spirit Wear....https://forms.gle/zekc3GRyQWrmow4E7
- PTO Meeting Registration....https://tinyurl.com/5yx85yp4