The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - Oct. 10, 2021
Important Dates
Mon., Oct. 11 - Begin Second Quarter
Tues., Oct. 12 - Spirit Tee Tuesday & 2pm Dismissal
Thurs., Oct. 14 - School Mass at 8:15am
Thurs., Oct. 14 - Report Cards Go Home for K-8th
Fri., Oct. 15 - NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)
Mon., Oct. 18 - NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)
Mon., Oct. 18 - Happy birthday, Mrs. McCoy!
Tues., Oct. 19 - Spirit Tee Tuesday & 2pm Dismissal
Wed., Oct. 20 - Picture Retakes
Thurs., Oct. 21 - School Mass at 8:15am
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Return Title 1 Forms
We sent home Title 1 Federal Funding forms last week. Please fill out and send them back to the school office on Monday! This helps our school receive access to appropriate funding.
Fall Break Coming Up
Fall Break is coming up this next week. No school on Friday, Oct. 15th or Monday, Oct. 18th. We wish all our students and their families a safe and relaxing break!
Report Cards
Uniform Sweatshirts Pre-order
Youth sizes - $20 each
Adult sizes - $24 each
Place orders using this form to be billed through FACTS (school families only). Sweatshirts will be sent home with the youngest child when they are ready.
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes are October 20th. We will send home your pictures early next week so you can decide if retakes are needed!
Excessive Tardies & Early Check Outs
Stay in Your Car During Carpool
SALT Poinsettia and Wreath Sale Coming Up!
PTO News
Trunk or Treat and Monster Mash Bash! We are so excited to bring CSSE's Trunk or Treat and Monster Mash Bash back this year on Friday, October 29th, from 6pm-8pm. If you would like to host a trunk, click here to sign up. Trunk or Treat will be from 6pm-7pm with the Monster Mash Bash following outside from 7pm-8pm. Eighth grade will be selling dinner and refreshments on site. PTO will be collecting extra candy in case trunk hosts run out---if you would like to donate (for Time & Talent hours!), please drop off bags of candy in the front office.
Class Halloween Parties - Parties will be held on Friday, October 29th. Due to Covid safety precautions, parents are not allowed to attend parties (except for the homeroom parent). Be on the lookout for communication from your homeroom/house parent or teacher if you signed up to bring supplies for the party. Details will follow soon.
Homeroom Parents - If you have not joined the Homeroom/House Parent GroupMe or are not receiving Kari Webber's emails, please email Kari (our Homeroom/House Parent coordinator) at
Upcoming Eat & Earns - Always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a donation back to the school. Thank you, and don’t forget to spread the word to family and friends! Have an idea for an Eat and Earn or school fundraiser? Email us at!
- October 27 all day at Johnnie’s Britton AND May locations. Stay tuned for more!
If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site, and join the PTO Facebook group for more info.
Eagle Excellence
Let us know about your student's achievements or give a shout out to a staff member so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
Please Pray For...
Please pray for Kim Ward, mother of Ashlyn & Ava. She will have her kidney removed on Oct. 12th after many trials and tribulations. Pray this is the solution needed to end her pain. | Please pray for Mrs. Aleman’s sister, Mercedes, who is suffering from poor health. Pray for her family to find comfort and strength. | Please pray for the healing of Thomas Greuel, Mrs. Hattaway’s uncle. He has been having problems with blood clots. | Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Continues to pray for the healing of Nick Aguilera, nephew of Mrs. Goldsworthy and alum of CSSE. He has continued to improve in outpatient therapy. | While the school has a minimal number of classroom-induced quarantines, we still have students, parents and even staff who have experienced exposures and positive cases. Please pray for them. | Pray for those in our community struggling to recover from COVID-19 | Pray for those who have perished to COVID-19 and their families who are grieving the loss of these loved ones. | Pray for our staff, students, and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate the beginning of a new school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Parish News
New Weekly Confession Time Fr. Vic is now offering opportunities for Confession on Wednesdays from 10am-11am in addition to the Saturday time of 3:30-4:30pm. Stop by before or after Adoration on Wednesday!
Looking for Families for the Vocare Chalice! Our church is blessed to have the Vocare Chalice Ministry, through which we pray for those called to serve the church through Vocations. Simply sign up with, let them know the mass you attend most often, and your family will be put on the rotation to take the Vocare Chalice home for a week at the end of your usual mass. The chalice comes with a prayer book to help guide your family. It’s a simple way to enhance your family’s spiritual life AND increase the number of men and women called to Holy Orders!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067