EVHS Weekly Announcements
Thursday, November 7, 2024

January 16, 2025
January 16 - Last day of Quarter 2
January 17 - No School, Data Analysis Day
January 20 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21 - First day of Quarter 3
January 24 - No School, Staff Development
February 7 - No School, Staff Development
New: Parking Permits
**Parking Permits for 3rd and 4th quarters are SOLD OUT.
To park in the student parking lots, students are required to have a current semester parking permit purchased on Edutrak Connect . Semester Two parking permits went on sale January 6 for juniors and seniors and January 13th for sophomores.
Semester Two permits may be picked up during lunch on Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, 16th and then in the Security Office near the west doors beginning Tuesday, January 21st.
Reminder: All students must hand in overdue books and clear fines in the Learning Commons before picking up their parking permit. You can view your current status in Destiny Discover. Other fees/fines may be paid online or in person at the Eastview High School Main Office.
Parking permits are optional. There is free parking available for students in the lot near the tennis courts south of EVHS. (Winner Lot) 😁
Students taking three or more PSEO courses during the school day may be able to purchase a parking permit at a discounted rate. Contact Mr. Habeck in student services for more information.
Missing school can impact your child's success and students who miss more than 10% of school days (just four days each term) are more likely to fall behind academically, struggle with social skills, and drop out of school.
Our goal is to ensure that your child has the best opportunity to do their best. This is an explanation of the outcomes that occur and processes we will follow when students are absent from school.
- Unexcused: An unexcused absence occurs when a student is absent without school approval.
- If an absence is not reported, it will be deemed “unexcused” after 48 hours.
- Excused: Illness, medical/dental appointments during school hours, and pre-planned absences.
- Absences due to illness are excused for up to 10 days. A doctor’s note is required after 10 absences due to illness.
- Exempt: School-authorized absences detailed in District 196 Attendance Policy.
You must report all absences:
- Report all absences online (student ID and birth date required) or call the school’s attendance office, and
- message cocurricular coaches/advisors to let them know your student will be absent.
Stay on track:
- Check Schoology for homework updates.
- Communicate with teachers and classmates to make up for missed work.
Red Cross Blood Drive at Eastview on Friday, January 17
The greater Eastview community of parents, family members, and neighbors are invited to donate blood as part of the NHS-sponsored drive on Friday, January 17 from 8:00AM to 1:00PM in Eastview’s South Gym. Donation registration is completely online @ http://www.redcrossblood.org/give/drive/driveSearch.jsp Type “eastview” (our sponsor code), in the search box and the follow the online prompts. See John Kelly in C232 or email at john.kelly@district196.org with questions. Please keep in mind that there is No School on this date as it is a Teacher Workshop. Ages 16+ are welcome to donate.
Apply for National Honor Society
NHS: Interested in membership to Eastview’s National Honor Society Chapter for 2025-2026?
Current NHS members do not need to reapply.
EVHS Sophomores and Juniors are eligible to complete a Candidate Form. It is strongly encouraged that the eligible candidate have a cumulative 3.8 GPA or higher.
Optional informational meetings will be held on Wednesday, March 12 at 7:15 AM OR 2:35 PM in C232. Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to attend ONE of the meetings.
If a candidate is unable to attend an informational meeting, more info can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/eastviewnhs/home
Responsibility matters, therefore, late Candidacy Forms will not be considered.
If you have questions, see Mr. Kelly in C232 or email him at john.kelly@district196.org
AP Euro Trip 2026
Attention current 10th and 11th grade students – travel to Paris and Spain for spring break 2026! Experience the history, culture, and sites of Paris, Madrid, Seville, Cordoba, and Costa del Sol with your friends. The trip is led and chaperoned by experienced Eastview teachers. Click on THIS LINK to learn more and REGISTER today! Space is limited. If you have question, reach out to Dr. Beach via email at todd.beach@district196.org
It’s not too late! You Can Still Purchase the iPad Protection Plan for 24-25
District 196 offers an optional Protection Plan to families for $20 per iPad to cover the cost of potential theft or accidental damage throughout the school year. The plan is free for families who qualify for the Educational Benefits Program so it is highly recommended to first apply online for that program in order to have the discount applied when purchasing the protection plan.
Students or families without the protection plan will be responsible for costs associated with loss of or damage to a school-issued iPad. Details about the iPad protection plan and a link to the support page for EduTrak Connect can be found here.
Educational Benefits - More Than Just Lunch
Families are encouraged to complete an Educational Benefits Application. Your children may qualify! Applications are now open.
While meals are free for all students, all families are highly encouraged to complete an Application for Educational Benefits. Your approved application provides critical funding to our school district. This compensatory aid helps increase funding for teachers, paraprofessionals and social workers to include math and reading support. An approval for educational benefits also allows families to receive discounted Activities/Community Education fees. Learn more about the Educational Benefits Program.
Questions or concerns: ask our Nutrition Services department at Nutrition@district196.org or 651-683-6958.
Eastview High School and District 196 Text Messages
Zapp Mascot Loose Change Fundraiser
Zapp, the EVHS Mascot, was last seen in public during The FLASH credits on March 9, 2017 (4:32 mark on YouTube). Official history of Zapp and origin story. The original Zapp costume is in bad shape and needs to be replaced. Eastview’s Student Council will be collecting loose change to fund a new ZAPP mascot costume. The cost to replace ZAPP is about $6,000. Bring loose change to Mr. Kelly in C232 or drop in buckets during morning collection at the Student Doors before Period 1. EVERY PENNY COUNTS! See Mr. Kelly (john.kelly@district196.org) in C232 with questions. Go Eastview Lightning!
New: Attention, Juniors Interested In Taking Developmental Psychology
Juniors interested in taking Developmental Psychology (DP)—There will be an interest meeting to learn more about this course on Wednesday, January 22nd at 2:35 and Thursday, January 23rd at 7:15 in the A302 classroom. Students can pick up an application for this course in the main office or from their junior social studies teacher. Students can also complete this application online using the following link: https://forms.gle/5NFXqTLwngPYX52y7 Applications are due by the end of the day Friday, January 31st to the main office or to a DP teacher. See Ms. Dumonceaux or Mr. Oxley in the 3A office or Mr. Prax in the 2C office with any questions.
Calling All Students for WIN Wednesday!
Students can benefit from an opportunity for academic support every Wednesday afternoon from 2:40pm – 4:15pm in the flex room located in the learning commons. Students are supported to complete their schoolwork learning in a supervised setting. In addition students can also utilize the WIN program to make up tests they may have missed. Students can get this approved through their teacher ahead of time and the test will be ready for them to take during WIN. Faculty and staff are available along with upper-class peer tutors (especially skilled in Mathematics). Students will identify their priorities (“What I Need” or “What’s Important Now”), create a plan for the most efficient use of their time, celebrate their accomplishments, and leave with a plan for continued success. Students do not need to sign up in advance for WIN Time. We do ask that students plan to be there for the start at 2:40pm so they can benefit from the full support. We will keep a log of students and their engagement (arrival/departure time and their focus/work while they are there). For students needing transportation home, activity buses will be available departing at 4:45pm.
New: Check Out the Latest Episodes of The Flash & 4Cast
The Flash is Eastview's weekly student news production and the 4Cast is Eastview's bi-weekly student announcements newscast.
Check out the latest of both newscasts here.
New: Support EVHS Robotics at Culvers 1/30
Eastview Community Foundation Scholarships
The Eastview Community Foundation will be awarding over 90 scholarships equaling close to $80,000 to seniors who live in the Eastview attendance area and will be graduating high school in the Spring of 2025. You are strongly encouraged to apply for as many scholarships for which you are eligible!
· Scholarships are funded by EVCF, local businesses, and community members.
· Donors set the criteria for their scholarships.
· Students can apply for multiple scholarships.
· Students must meet the criteria set by the donor to be considered for the scholarship.
· Every EVHS Senior is eligible to apply for the Eastview Puzzle Piece scholarship.
The deadline to apply is Monday, January 20th at 8PM. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
If required, the Student Aid Report (SAR from FAFSA results) must be submitted by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21st to Molly Wellik in the Counseling Office. Please make sure to include your name and student ID on your Student Aid Report (SAR).
You will find a complete description of all the EVCF scholarships HERE.
To begin your application, click HERE.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the following individuals:
Eastview Community Foundation: maggie.bruecken@evcf.org or trista.ward@evcf.org
Eastview High School Counseling: Molly.Wellik@district196.org, or your Eastview Counselor
Best regards to all applicants!
EVHS Counselors
EVCF student meeting 2025.pdf
EVCF 2025 Scholarship Descriptions.docx 1.pdf
New: FAFSA Support
Dakota County Library will be offering FAFSA and MN Dream Act application help at four library locations this winter. This is in partnership with College Possible, who will staff the event and offer one-on-one guidance to students and their families. This is completely free and open to all high school seniors who need to apply for financial aid for college.
Galaxie (Apple Valley) - Saturday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Kaposia (South St. Paul) - Tuesday, Feb. 4, 4:30–7:30 p.m.
Burnhaven (Burnsville) - Tuesday, Feb. 11, 4:30–7:30 p.m.
Wescott (Eagan) - Monday, Feb 24th, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Escape the Vape Video Challenge Returns for 2025
The Escape the Vape Video Challenge, a youth vaping prevention video contest, is back for 2025. Minnesota middle and high school students are invited to create and submit a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) video to educate their peers on the dangers of e-cigarette use, also known as vaping.
Contest submissions are being accepted now through January 2025. Submissions will be entered into a competition for cash prizes for both students and their schools.
More Information: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNMDH/bulletins/3c442ce
College and Career Planning
Financial Aid Updates
The Department of Education has changed the FAFSA launch date to December 1. The hope is that the delay allows any glitches to be resolved in advance.
Need help understanding the financial aid options for college? Attend free virtual sessions for high school students and families offered by a collaborative of financial aid experts starting October 1. All sessions will have interpretation in Spanish, Somali and Hmong. Students who attend any of the sessions will be entered into a $1,000 scholarship drawing. For session dates, topics and to register, visit https://bit.ly/RSFAFSA. Contact tpribnow@ecmc.org with any questions.
New scholarship opportunity for EVHS class of 2025!
Wallin Scholarship
Up to $16,000 over four years in financial aid
Due on 1/31/25
Apply @ https://www.wallinpartners.org/apply.html
Minimum eligibility requirements:
Graduating senior (class of 2025)
Minimum 3.0 GPA (unweighted)
Demonstrated financial need (adjusted gross income (AGI) falls between $95,000-$135,000 depending on household size)
New: College, University, and Military Visits
Prior to the university/college visits students should stop by the Counseling Office and get a pass to attend. The university/college visits are small group meetings typically lasting 20/30 minutes. These admission reps are often times the same people that review college applications, it's a great connection for students. Military visits are during the lunch hour in Student Services.
Army National Guard
Saint John's University (with College of Saint Benedict)
New: Attention Current and FORMER Unified Students
EVHS Unified is hosting a district wide volleyball tournament (see this flyer). Open to all CURRENT and FORMER Unified students. The tournament will be held at Eastview on Friday, January 31st from 9:30-12:45. You will be excuse from your classes if you opt to participate. We are looking for Volleyball players and help running the tournament, so contact Mr. Buckley or Mr. Groebner if you are interested.
Athletics Scoreboard
Eastview Alpine Ski Team Varsity Results from South Suburban Conference at Buck Hill on Thursday January 9th 2025.
Boys Varsity Alpine Ski Team – 3rd place
5th Place Finish – Owen Schultz – Junior
10th Place Finish – Simon Gruman – Junior
14th Place Finish – Alex Kier – Junior
29th Place Finish – Ian Graham – 7th Grade
35th Place Finish – Yuji Suzuya – Junior
40th Place Finish – Max Espena - Senior
42nd Place Finish – Grady Barnidge – Senior
47th Place Finish – Simon Elvrum – Sophomore
49th Place Finish - Landon Ahlberg – Junior
54th Place Finish – Isaiah Markov – Sophomore
55th Place Finish – Wes Johnson – 8th Grade
57th Place Finish – Myles Barnidge - Freshman
Girls Varsity Alpine Ski Team – 7th Place
38th Place Finish – Emma Graham – Freshman
46th Place Finish – Emma Scott – Freshman
49th Place Finish – Millie Roland – Freshman
56th Place Finish – Kinsley Oberding – 7th Grade
- Their next Eastview Alpine Ski Race is Thursday January 16th at 4pm at Buck Hill in Burnsville. Also the Eastview Alpine Ski Team will be participating in the MLK Weekend - Giants Ridge Invitational in Biwabik, MN on Saturday January 18th.
Eastview's Varsity Competition Cheer Team had a great weekend at Minnetonka High School. The team competed in the Tonka Freeze competition and earned the top spot, First place, in the Small Varsity Non-Tumbling Game Day Division. This weekend the team will compete at White Bear Lake High School in the JamBearee competition. Congratulations again and good luck this weekend.
Let's Go Eastview!
The Apple Valley-Eastview gymnastics team traveled to Lakeville North High School this past weekend to compete in the Lakeville Invite. The JV team landed 8th place with a score of 123.2, and sophomore Rayne Kahnke placed 8th on beam with a score of 8.7. The varsity team placed 9th with a score of 137.495. The team also traveled to Farmington on Tuesday for their 4th conference meet of the season. Varsity took home first with a score of 136.35. Top place finishers were sophomore Maddie Nguyen on vault in 3rd place with a score of 8.525; Junior Lauren Heidemann on bars in 1st place with a score of 8.8, 3rd on beam with a score of 8.6, and 2nd in the all around with a score of 34.075; 7th grader Olivia Moore with 2nd on bars with a score of 8.4; sophomore Olivia Hansen with 3rd place on bars with a score of 8.225; senior Jocelyn Pittman tied for 2nd on beam with a score of 8.7; senior Cadence Salo tied for 2nd on beam with a score of 8.7; and junior Brianna Gootee with 3rd on floor with a score of 8.95. The JV team also took home first place with a score of 121.3. Top place finishers were junior Carly Johnson placing 1st on bars with a score of 7.4, 1st place on beam with a score of 8.1, and 1st place on floor with a score of 8.0; junior Abby Alex tied for 3rd place on floor with a score of 7.6 and first place in the all around with a score of 29.15; freshman Nola Parke in 2nd place on beam with a score of 7.8; and freshman Charlotte Paul in 2nd place in the all around with a score of 28.95. Congrats to the team!
1/14 Eastview Varsity Boys Hockey vs Shakopee
Shakopee faced off against Eastview, with #32 Charlie Scanlon guarding the net for Eastview.
In the first period, both teams remained scoreless, and Scanlon made 5 saves to keep the game tied at 0-0.
In the second period, Shakopee took the lead with two goals, making it 2-0. Eastview's #4 Wooten responded with a goal, reducing the deficit to 2-1. However, Shakopee quickly answered back and scored again to make it 3-1. They continued their dominance by scoring on a power play, bringing the score to 4-1. Shakopee added another goal to finish the period at 5-1.
In the third period, Shakopee scored again, extending their lead to 6-1. Eastview managed to score with Colby Taylor finding the net, assisted by Shane Klein, making it 6-2. Unfortunately, Shakopee scored once more, resulting in a final score of 7-2.
Final score: Shakopee 7, Eastview 2.
On Saturday January 11th Eastview faced off against Apple Valley, with #32 Charlie Scanlon guarding the net for Eastview.
In the first period, Eastview took the lead when Liam O'Donnell scored with an assist from #13 Berberena and #4 Wooten, making it 1-0.
In the second period, Eastview extended their lead to 2-0 with a goal from #14 Liam O'Donnell, assisted by Dwyer and DuFault. Later in the period, #13 Isaac Berberena scored with assists from #4 Wooten, bringing the score to 3-0.
In the third period, Eastview continued their dominance as #11 Klinkhammer scored, assisted by #4 Wooten and #14 O'Donnell, making it 4-0. #4 Wooten added another goal with an assist from #18 Powers-Brekke, scoring on an empty net to make it 5-0. Apple Valley managed to score once, making the final score 5-1.
Final score: Eastview 5, Apple Valley 1.
The JV Boys Hockey Team played Apple Valley/Burnsville on Saturday at home. The JV Boys got on the board with an unassisted goal from Nick Titus to end the first period 1 to1. Roman Nigro continued the Eastview lead in the second period with an assist from Marcus Spratt. The third period was a tense one with Apple Valley/Burnsville getting 2 unanswered goals resulting in overtime. Marcus Spratt’s unassisted goal (and second of the game) came at the perfect time along with Ernster’s performance between the pipes to secure the 3 to 2 win. Ernster faced 24 shots in the game.
On Tuesday, the JV Boys traveled to Shakopee. Shakopee got the first goal however, the JV Boys tied it up with a goal from Mason Spray and an assist by Ethan Chiglo. The team followed it up with a goal from Roman Nigro assisted by Marcus Spratt and Isaac Povolny. Shakopee tied the game, 2 to 2, to end the first period. Shakopee got the only goal in the second period. In the third period, Shakopee got their fourth goal of the game but the JV Boys didn’t give up. Derrick Zackery scored with assists from Mason Spray and Eddie Mich. The JV Boys kept shooting but couldn’t score again. Shakopee took the win (3 to 4). Zack Wakefield played strong in the net and faced 39 shots. The JV Boys play again this Saturday against the Eagan Wildcats. The game is at the Eagan Civic Arena starting at 1:00.
Girls Varsity Hockey
Lakeville North vs. Eastview 1/9
Eastview lost a close battle to Lakeville North 2-1. The Eastview goal was scored by Sari Cords assisted by Ella Schaefer and Ellie Patterson. Beth Bigalke had 31 saves in the game.
Apple Valley vs. Eastview 1/11
Eastview fell short in a hard-fought battle to rival Apple Valley, losing 1-0. Jaden Ruzzi had 33 saves in the game. While the game didn’t go as the Lightning would have wanted, the team was able to celebrate their seniors at a celebration before the game. This year's seniors include: Sari Cords, Ireland Murphy, Ella Schaefer, Maddie Olafson, Kaitlyn Patterson, and manager Tate Dihel. Thank you to the seniors for all they have done for the program!
Girls Junior Varsity Hockey
Lakeville North vs. Eastview 1/9
The Junior Varsity lost to Lakeville North 7-3. Dani Dundon had two goals in the game for the lightning and Abby Davis had the third goal.
Apple Valley vs. Eastview 1/11
The Eastview Junior Varsity team had a big 2-0 win over Apple Valley! Both goals were scored by Abby Davis and Jaden Ruzzi had a 22 save shutout in the game.
New: Congratulations to BPA State Conference Qualifiers
Last Wednesday the Business Professionals of America members attended our Region 2 Conference at Century College in White Bear Lake. The chart below shows the students who qualified for the State Conference in March along with their events. Please congratulate them as you see them.
New: Debate State Qualifiers
This weekend, EVHS Debate competed at the MSHSL Public Forum Section Debate Tournament. After two days of competition, the Public Forum teams of Herawie Kebede/Abby Tranter and Naomi Cook/Ari Miranda Morales both emerged at-large qualifiers to the state tournament, joining Congressional debaters Ebrahim Mohamed and Joann Kariapuram (who qualified for their event in December). All six EVHS debaters will compete at the 2025 Minnesota State High School League State Debate Tournament to be held next Friday and Saturday, January 17-18, at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. These results and more can continue to be found on the 2024-2025 Eastview Debate Awards and Recognition Page.
New: Tri M Music Honor Society Salon Nights
Come watch your peers perform! Tri-M Music Honor Society is hosting Salon Nights in the Learning Commons 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 23 in the Learning Commons. Performances range from vocal solos to jazz to original pieces. Everyone is welcome!
Audition for BRAVO! 2025: I Want My MTV
If you love to sing and dance, then BRAVO! is for you! Auditions for BRAVO! 2025: I Want My MTV are on January 27th and 28th. Scan the QR code on the poster for more information.
Lightning Boys Volleyball
The Lightning Boys Volleyball program is hosting some middle school clinics for future Lightning who want to try volleyball, learn the skills, and play some games. Clinics are on Sunday afternoons in January and February. Registration is on the Community Education website HERE.
About Eastview High School
Email: Eastview@district196.org
Website: evhs.district196.org
Location: 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 952-431-8900
Facebook: facebook.com/EastviewHighSchool
Twitter: @EVHSLightning