Title I Parent Resource Center
SPAC - State Parent Advisory Council
What is the Title I Parent Resource Center?
The Title I Parent Resource Center has a large selection of parent resource materials that provide concise and up-to-date information on topics that affect children, teenagers, and their families.
Title I parents are welcome to request a single copy of up to ten free booklets that might help them to discuss important issues with their children.
All you have to do is complete the order form(s) (English / Spanish) and return it to us. We will fill the orders and mail them to directly to the parents/families .
In addition to supporting student achievement, informing parents about the resource center will help you to comply with the Parent and Family Engagement section of PDE’s Title I monitoring instrument.
Where Can I Find the Title I Parent Resource Center Order Form?
You can find the order from by visiting the SPAC (State Parent Advisory Council) website or by clicking the link below. The form is available in English and Spanish on the website.
Click the SPAC logo to visit the SPAC website.
How Do I Submit my Form(s)?
Forms may be mailed to:
Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV
ATTN: Parent Resource Center
453 Maple Street
Grove City, PA 16127
Forms may be faxed to 724-458-5083.
Forms may be emailed to Cheryl Karns at cheryl.karns@miu4.org.
Cheryl is the newest member of the Parent Resource Center team! and we know that you will enjoy working with her! The entire team looks forward to providing you and the children and families that you serve with these valuable resources.
State Parent Advisory Council - SPAC
Contact Information:
Melissa Wyllie, Director of Special Education melissa.wyllie@miu4.org
Cheryl Pilch, Coordiantor of Educational Services cheryl.pilch@miu4.org
Cheryl Karns, Secretary/Clerk cheryl.karns@miu4.org
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) created the Title I State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) in 1990. SPAC includes parents of children participating in Title I. The purpose of this council is to share ideas with the Division of Federal Programs about involving Title I parents to increase student achievement. SPAC parents advise PDE on many aspects of Parent and Family Engagement-from working with children at home to developing partnerships among parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders to create effective and engaging parent involvement programs.