How We Found Africa Born Cousins!
How To Search For Africa Born DNA Cousins Using AtDNA
We Don't Play About Out Ancestry !!
Chief Dr. Naja saw that our DNA was not adequately represented in American DNA testing company databases. She also noticed that we could NOT contact any Africa born DNA matches. She created a non-profit organization.....the 1st of its Kind to fulfill the need for her community.
As a retired Army Veteran, she understood the assignment. She purchased and acquired DNA kits from testing companies, organized travel to Africa and DNA tested multiple ethnic groups in various countries. Our Founder manages the African Database. After you DNA test.... If she finds that you are a DNA match with any DNA that she manages from Africa, she will provide you with info and in many cases, their contact info. Yes.... you read that right. This is her community service. Giving back. There is NO charge for this.
We use the funds received from these virtual naming ceremonies to continue operations within the organization and purchase more DNA kits. We test more Continental born Africans with the kits we purchase.
Additional Resources
U1. Available Educational Material
By selecting the journal links below, you are helping us to raise funds to buy more DNA kits to test more Africans.
Our African Ancestry Activity Book and Journal on Amazon
Our Global Ancestry Activity Book and Journal on Amazon
Our Igbo Ancestry Activity Book and Journal on Amazon
2. Upcoming Naming Ceremonies
The registration link includes the upcoming naming ceremony schedule for 2025.
3. Subscribe to our Emailing list for Updates
4. Watch this video about people making false claims of royalty.
Read The Info Below and Watch The YouTube Video Intros & Classes
The Founder is From Brooklyn, New York in the United States.
The majority of the other officers were born in the USA, so we understand the desire to want to find relatives born in Africa. We are DNA Tested African Descendants in the Diaspora just like you.
There was NO direct method to test African ethnic groups and place the testers in contact with their Diaspora family so she created one. It is the FIRST of its kind since 2011. The rest is history.
⚠️ Regarding DNA Kits We Manage - Respect Their Privacy
On certain websites, we manage many Africa born DNA kits. We have recently started managing a few African American DNA Kits in hopes of helping them find their Africa born family members.
If the Africa born DNA kits are still a part of our project, we may provide the info that we have for them if we are authorized to do so. If the tester declines for any reason, we will not. It is completely their choice regarding who they interact with and when.
Every DNA tester has a right to determine who they wish to interact with. They have a right to determine what they share with you. Intrusive people have caused some to withdraw from any interaction.
Some VERY intrusive and disrespectful people have resorted to trying to seek them out on social media and other platforms instead of following our rules and the steps that the testers agreed on. Some have posted private messages, images and info on social media about the match that they NEVER an authorized to be shared.
As a result, some have decided to NOT interact with anyone anymore. Some have authorized us to convey their African ethnic group and NOTHING more.
1. Click Here to join
2. Select which plan you wish. Selecting a plan will give you access to our Discord higher levels access.
Discord Membership Verification
1. Click Here to join directly or join Patreon for membership access levels.
2. When you join, you will have limited access until you are verified.
3. Agree to the rules
4. Provide your name and which group of ours that you are a member of
5. Upload a screenshot of your DNA percentages or your ethnic group certificate
6. You will be given access to more of our community.
Some Info is Intentionally Duplicated in Different Formats For Learner Types
Which Companies Can I Use To Search For Africa Born Relatives That Also Tested?
You can ONLY use your Autosomal DNA test results from the following websites to search for your Africa born relatives in the manner in which we teach. Companies that test your Autosomal DNA as follows. They provide a list of your Genetic DNA matches. This is the list that you must search for your Africa born relatives.
2. 23andMe.com
4. FTDNA.com
An Unforgettable Family Reunion
Chief Dr. Naja Showed Out That Day Ya'll !!
Look At All of These Folks That Reconnected
Igbo Descendants Meet Their DNA Cousins 13 Aug 2023
52 Igbo Descendants Receive Their Names
Facilitated by Chief, Dr Naja Njoku-Levoe, the DNA Tested Igbo Descendants family meeting with His Majesty Dr. Eze Chukwuemeka Eri, the King of ERI Kingdom and two of his sons was an amazing experience. Chief Ugezu J. Ugezu met several of his DNA cousins. To find out more about Autosomal DNA Testing and how to search for Africa born relatives, see the info and videos below.
That time when Chief Dr. Naja showed OUT! Every Last One of the Amazing Officers, Leadership and Members of UMUAGU DNA Africa Society Understood the Assignment
( www.umuagudnaafrica.org ). They went to work to make it a success. Chief was so proud of them. She cut up that day !! She danced, she cried and most IMPORTANTLY, she reconnected 52 Igbo descendants in the Diaspora with their REAL IGBO family.
The King of Eri Kingdom came to America to reclaim them /us and pray for our bright futures. He brought two of his sons (Prince David and Prince Chinedu). He also brought Chief Ugezu J Ugezu. HUNTY, It was amazing. There were sooo many hands at work behind the scenes to make this happen. Oh ...But when it did. Chief cried like a big ol baby. She's tough but this is the reason why. REAL connections. Real family. Real joy and real drama. And lots of laughs along the way.
We are NOT a DNA Testing Company
We are sharing the tools we used to find family after DNA testing. See the link above
How to Search For Africa Born Cousins
Understanding How You Receive DNA From Multiple Ancestors
Upload Your DNA Data to LivingDNA to Learn Your AFRICAN Ethnic Groups
We are NOT a DNA Testing Company
We Hail From Many Ethnic Groups
It Is Our Right to Reclaim Them All and All of Our Ancestral Names If We Choose
Did you know that our Mitochondrial DNA is less than 2% of our ancestral DNA? That’s the DNA from one line passed down from mother to child.
Did you know that our Y DNA is less than 2% of the male ancestral DNA? That’s the DNA from one line passed down from father to son.
Are you aware of Autosomal DNA that accounts for the rest of your testable ancestral DNA? It is passed down to you from both patents after being shuffled around. Multiple lines of ancestors contributed to us having this DNA. We can find family with it as well.
It’s not just one line (maternal ) and one line ( paternal ) .. We are not just one ethnic group . Take a look at the top row of ancestors . Lets say the Black square at the top is Yoruba, the white square is a Irish ancestor , the red is Fulani , the yellow is Igbo , the blue is Asian, the purple is Hausa , the green is Ewe , and the orange is Cherokee . Look at how much they blended before they all got to you and your siblings on the bottom row .
You see , 50 % of your DNA comes from your mom and 50% comes from your dad . The Ydna from your dad is less than 2% and the mtdna from your mom is less than 2%. Testing The autosomal DNA is needed to find family because it tests your DNA coming down to you from generations of all of your ancestors .
If you only count the maternal line , look at how many mini black squares are in the bottom row . Think of that is being your direct maternal line . Each generation has a small amount of the black squares . It’s important but it is not all of your ancestry .
If you only count the paternal line , look at how many mini orange squares in the bottom row . Think of that as your direct paternal line . Each generation has a small amount of the black squares . It’s important but it is not all of your ancestry . Females don’t receive this at all.
Please don’t let anyone tell you that you are only one or two ethnic groups . Find your family ! As many as possible . Don’t stop testing and researching!
Remain Reconnected
YouTube Channels
Facebook Main Group
We are NOT a DNA Testing Company
Effective 14 July 2023
Visit WWW.DNATESTEDAFRICANS.ORG and complete our contact form. Leadership will respond accordingly.
We will NOT call you, email you, visit your website or connect personally on social media. We will respond to your fully coherent inquiries.
Social Media Group Rules
This link contains our rules in our private platforms. https://tinyurl.com/DNA-Africans-Rules
Our Naming Ceremonies Include Education
Register for AFRICAN Ancestral Virtual Naming Ceremony
Must be AtDNA, MtDNA or YDNA Tested AFRICAN Descendant with results that reflect AFRICAN Origins. The service is for African descendants whose ancestors were displaced and marginalized by the Transatlantic Slavery Trade and whose descendants continue to endure marginalization through systemic oppression as a result.
Complete individual and group assignments pertaining to your ethnic group in our private platform.
Interact positively with your peers and leadership.
Attend virtual naming commencement.
Additional Info
Akan, Akele, Ashanti, Bamileke, Bamoun, Bubi, Esan, Ewe, Fante, Fula (Fulani) , Hausa, Igala, Igbo, Kassena, Mafa (Matakam), Mamprusi (Na Gweba), Mandinka, Mbundu (Umbundu) , Mende, Mossi, Ndebele, Setswana, Shona, Temne, Tikar, Wolof, Yoruba and more
🌟 Email Naming.Rites@dnatestedafricans.org to see if we can add your ethnic group to the ceremony ⭐️
How to find your AFRICAN ethnic group percentages https://youtu.be/6tQ6-nThICU?si=0kY3ZFiNEnLJqGte
Virtual Naming Ceremony Services
Beginners’ Assistance Group
This Reconnection Service is FREE !
Join Us In Our Newest Facebook Outreach - Please Answer All Membership Questions & Agree To The Rules
Companies Used in Searching for Real Africa Born Relatives and Ethnic Groups Using Autosomal DNA
The 3 Types of Ancestral DNA Tests
There are 3 types of DNA that can be tested. Your Mitochondrial ( mother’s line), the male Y Chromosome ( father’s line ) and Autosomal.
This image shows just some of the DNA that is passed down to you from your ancestors.
The people on the bottom row of this image is you and your siblings. We hail from multiple ethnic groups.
⭐️ Your Autosomal DNA accounts for about 96 - 98% of your ancestry
⭐️ Your Mitochondrial DNA accounts for about less than 2 % of your direct maternal line. This means one direct ancestor on your mothers line from each generation passed this down to you
⭐️ The Male YDNA accounts for about less than 2 % of the male direct paternal line. This means one direct ancestor on your father’s line from each generation passed this down to the males
Men will learn more about themselves if they test all 3.
Women will learn more about themselves is they test their Mitochondrial DNA and their Autosomal DNA. Women do not have YDNA, however, the relatives of their father is also theirs.
The 3rd And Most Rewarding DNA Test
1. The Autosomal DNA test is used to help you find biological relatives and potentially Africa born biological relatives. It also provides percentages of your ancestry.
2. The Autosomal DNA tests to consider are AncestryDNA.com or 23andMe.com . These tests have yielded more info about your ancestry and more relatives than other autosomal testing companies.
3. Purchase the kit for about $99. Sometimes they are on sale for $79 or $59. It will be mailed to you. When you receive it in the mail, you can contact us in this telegram group and we will walk you through activating it and providing your dna sample. No blood is required, just saliva or cheek swab.
We are NOT a DNA Testing Company
Getting The Most Out of Your Autosomal DNA
If you took the autosomal DNA test with any of the companies above, they provide you with the following;
✅ Your Ancestry Percentages
✅ A List of Your DNA Relatives
✅ A FREE method to message them
We can ONLY use Autosomal DNA test results to do what we do here. Autosomal DNA testing companies are as follows
Never Share Private Info, Images or Gedmatch Kit #s of DNA Matches
Always respect the privacy of those that you connect with. If you choose to share your private conversation and anything about them without their permission, they may decide to delete their DNA or block you as well as others. This hurts us all. Let’s NOT be selfish.