EJMS Jaguar Weekly Jan. 27 - 31
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
We hope everyone stayed warm during the most recent weather spell. Although it was only two days with students we had a good week back. Students should have days 2-7 of NTI work completed and turned in (note: there are assignments for all core and arts classes).
Teacher of the Year Nominations - one week remaining
Each year we recognize one teacher from each school as the Teacher of the Year and we encourage parents to fill out a nomination. Nominations must be completed by Friday, January 31st.
Reminders about Arrival and Dismissal
Please see below specific reminders for arrival and dismissal.
Morning Drop Off: Please use the car line for morning drop off (in order to move so many cars through the carline it is imperative that everyone uses this system). All students should exit from the car as soon as it gets to the sidewalk (see image below).
Due to safety concerns we will not allow students to cross into the parking lot until all cars have moved through the car line (approximately 4:15). If you still choose to pick your child up from the parking lot please know that they will not be released until all traffic is clear from the car line pickup area. If you have an emergency or unusual circumstance you will need to get out of the car and walk to the front of the school to escort your child to the car.
Nicholasville PD has asked us to remind everyone to avoid using Orchard so we do not create unnecessary traffic.
Students will not be allowed to walk across the bus access road into Red Oak parking lot unless they are a child of a Red Oak staff member and have a pass from Thomasina.
Upcoming Dates (SBDM Meetings at 4:30 PM in the EJMS library):
Tuesday, January 28th - KCSS Safety Audit
Tuesday, January 28th - 8th grade JCTC tours
Wednesday, January 29th - 8th grade scheduling meeting with EJHS counselors
Friday, January 31st - Operation Preparation for 8th grade
School Report Cards
The 23-24 School Report cards are live. We're excited to share this important information and a snapshot at our school's performance with you. To view this, click on the button below. Here is a link to the letter you received last semester in case you would like to review it as a reference.
Announcing our new EJMS Library website - check it out to search our EJMS Library collection as well as links to JCPL and the Kentucky Virtual Library
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement News
Title I Parent News
Families- We wanted to share some reminders about our Title I School-Wide program.
Title I is one of the largest federal programs supporting elementary and secondary education. Title I funding allows us to provide resources to students. These supplemental resources help ensure that:
• All children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education,
• Support and resources are provided to achieve proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments.
At East Jessamine Middle, we use our Title I funding to pay for technology devices and software, additional classroom teachers, resources for family events, iReady diagnostics and instructional program, and professional development.
Please reach out if you have any further questions about our Title I program.
Parent and Family Engagement
Here is one final opportunity to fill out our family engagement survey. If you haven't had a chance yet, please take a few minutes to share your voice and ideas as we design school events. We hope that you will join us Thursday, Jan. 30 from 5:00 - 6:30 (after the PTO meeting), for a planning session with parents and faculty to discuss family engagement and upcoming events. We will have both Spanish and Ukrainian interpreters available and hope to see you and your family next week.
What’s Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. Jan. 27
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (all cast)
🏀 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. Mercer (home game)
Tues. Jan. 28 -
During School: 8th graders visit JCTC
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (Adam, Barbara, Beetlejuice only)
⚽ 4:00 Boys Soccer Tryouts
🏐 5:45 Girls Volleyball vs. Bate (home game)
Wed. Jan. 29
During School: 8th graders working on scheduling with EJHS counselors
⚽ 4:00 Boys Soccer Tryouts
🌟 4:15 - 5:15 Junior Beta regular meeting (all club members welcome)
Thurs. Jan. 30
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal (Charles, Delia, Lydia Beetlejuice only)
🏫 4:15 PTO meeting
👪 5:00 Parent/Faculty Family Engagement Planning Meeting
🏐 5:45 Girls Volleyball @ West Jessamine Middle
Fri. Jan. 31
End of Quarter 3 midterm
⚾ 6:00 Baseball Hitting tryouts (5th - 6th grade) at EJHS
⚾ 7:00 Baseball Hitting tryouts (7th - 8th grade) at EJHS
Sat. Feb. 1
🥎 8:-00 - 11:00 Softball tryouts at PAC Center
⚾ 11:00 - 3:00 Baseball tryouts at Providence Activity Center
Upcoming and Ongoing
Feb. 3 Devine Carama for Assembly and meeting with small groups
Feb. 3 - 4 Girls Soccer Tryouts
Feb. 5 Boys Volleyball tryouts
For 8th grade Families
Yearbook Info
EJMS Athletics and Activities
EJMS Baseball Information
EJMS is looking for head coaches for Golf and Cross Country for the 25-26 school Year. Please apply at https://jessamine.schoolspring.com/
EJMS is hiring a head football coach for the 25-26 school year. Follow the QR code or go to https://jessamine.schoolspring.com/ to apply
In our Community
At JCPL Next Month
Tweens, Teens, and Adults: Join us for a unique and fun-filled evening at our “Not a Valentine’s Day Dance” featuring a Silent Disco! This event is designed for tweens through adults who want to enjoy a night of dancing, music, and socializing without the typical Valentine’s Day themes. Whether you’re single, hanging with friends, or just looking for a good time, this event is perfect for everyone.
For more information, visit "Not a Valentine's Day Dance" Silent Disco | Jessamine County Public Library
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto