Roadrunner News
Week of: February 3, 2025
~LOVE Your School, Be In School~
~~ School Gates OPEN at 8:30, Arrive On Time~
Week at A Glance:
Monday, February 3rd
- No Events
Tuesday, February 4th
- 8:00am-Zen Zone for 3rd& 4th Graders who have confirmed participation
Wednesday, February 5th: MODIFIED DAY for ALL Students, Dismissal at 12:55
- Rancho Ambassadors @ 8am
- 5th Grade Strings @ 8am
- Rancho Flag
Thursday, February 6th
- 8:00am-Zen Zone for 3rd& 4th Graders who have confirmed participation
Friday, February 7th
- No Events
~Run/Walk Club Returns & Starts Tuesday, February 4th~
Calling All 1st-5th Grade Students,
The Run/Walk Club will start on Tuesday, February 4th. The Run/Walk Club is available to 1st-5th Grade students only. Students should arrive at 8:00am and come prepared to move and grove in walking/running attire. This club is weather permitting. Students will enter the Main Gate and arrive promptly at 8:00am to participate.
Order your yearbook!
The Yearbooks are on sale now. Early bird price is $25 till FEB 28. After that it is $30, DEADLINE TO ORDER is APRIL 20. Parents can order online or return the flyer in an envelope with the exact amount plus the child's FIRST & LAST NAME and Teacher.
We will have a VERY limited amount available to sell in person on the last day of school.
5th Grade Yearbook Ads are DUE BY MARCH 15. Pricing is as follows: 1/8 page - $25, 1/4 page $40 & 1/2 page $50.
5th grade ONLY: Yearbook Ad due March 15th!
5to grado Anuncio de anuarios vence el 15 de Marzo!
Hello RES Family!
We have A LOT of sweaters, water bottles, and lunch bags in our Lost and Found. Please stop by in the front of the office to pick up your items. Anything left behind will be DONATED.
Community High Five🖐🏻 Recognize a Rancho employee
~ PBIS Instruction At-A-Glance! ~
Universal Location Expectations:
Garden Area
PBIS Behavior Standards/Skills:
Listening to Others
THRIVER Strength Review: Integrity
Universal Location Expectations
PBIS Behavior Skill
Thriver Strength Review: Integrity
What is Integrity?
- Match behavior with values.
- Demonstrate you positive personal values in all you do and say.
- Be sincere and real.
- Do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
How can I show integrity?
- Always tell the truth.
- Play fair.
- Keep your promises.
- Never take thinkgs that don't belong to you.
- Return things you borrow.
- Wait your turn.
Share a time you showed integrity.
How did this experience make you feel?
~PTA Information Below~
~Volunteer Training Video~
~Important School Links & Information~
~B A S E S Information~
~Before & After School Program: BASES~
31530 La Serena Way Temecula, CA 92591
Hours: 6:00am - 6:00pm
(Closed for lunch 11:30am-12:30 & 11:00-12:00 on Modified Days)Lead Instructor: Vanessa Dickinson
(951) 695-7156
vdickinson@tvusd.usWaiting List:
24/25 School Year - AM/PM
Please email the site Lead to be added to the Wait List vdickinson@tvusd.us
~Rancho Elementary~
Website: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/res
Location: 31350 La Serena Way, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-695-7150