Student Attendance Information
October 2024

Number of Absences and Legal Designations
The law governing students' attendance in New Jersey is "the compulsory attendance law." Below are the number of cumulative days absent which result in a legal designation:
- Ten (10) cumulative unexcused absences - A student is considered truant.
- Fifteen (15) cumulative absences, whether excused or unexcused - A student is considered truant.
- Eighteen (18) cumulative absences, whether excused or unexcused - In addition to being truant, a student is considered chronically absent by the New Jersey Department of Education.
District Response to Truancy
Responses to truancy include any of the steps below:
- Parent meeting
- Attendance action plan
- Retention in the current grade
- Court referral
- Referral to Division of Child Protection and Permanency
A Note About Vacations
Please understand that vacations are not excused absences. While we understand that some families may have specific dates during which they can travel due to work or for specific family events, please be mindful of the total cumulative number of days your child is absent from school. Every effort should be made to schedule vacations when school is not in session. If that is not possible, please limit the number of school days during which the vacation is scheduled. We appreciate your cooperation.
State Excused Absences
The absence reasons below are considered excused by the New Jersey Department of Education.
- Religious observance (must be on the list of Religious holidays provided by the NJDOE)
- Participation in observance of Veteran's Day
- Take Our Children to Work Day (must be on the date designated by the NJDOE)
- College visits for students in grades eleven and twelve (not applicable for siblings)
- Attendance at a civic event for students in grades six through twelve, one day per school year
District Excused Absences
- The student's illness supported by a physician's note
- The student's required appearance in court, supported by a subpoena or other documentation provided by the court
- The student's suspension from school
- Serious family illness or death supported by a written letter from the parent or guardian
- Necessary and unavoidable medical appointment or dental appointment that cannot be scheduled at another time other than the school day supported by a physician's note