Hawk Talk - February 23, 2024
Hawthorne Elementary School
Hawthorne Families
We have lots of great things coming up!
- Keep scrolling for more information, dates and special events.
Parent Volunteer Team Meeting (PTO)
Parents, Teachers & Staff - We will have a volunteer meeting on Monday, February 26 @ 3:30 in the library to coordinate and plan for Spring Events like Dr. Seuss Reading Night, Parent-Teacher Conference support, Teacher Appreciation, Field Day and our Hawthorne Fun Run.
Parents - Our Lost & Found is very full! If your student is missing a coat of gloves, please ask them to look for it in the Lost & Found. We will also have our Lost & Found items on tables for you to look at during Parent-Teacher Conferences on March 7-8.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents - our next Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, March 7 from 3:15-7:15 and again on Friday, March 8 from 9:00-12:00. We will be sending letters with your time on Thursday, February 29, please keep an eye out for them.
Book Fair!
We will host a Scholastic Book Fair this year during our March Parent-Teacher Conferences. Ms. Wood needs some volunteers to help with set-up on Monday, March 4th, during the school day and then more volunteers to staff the fair on March 7th, from 3:30-7:30 and on March 8th, from 9-12 a.m. Please call the school if you are interested in helping or email Ms. Wood at woodmega@sd91.org.
Social Media - Be Aware
Hawthorne Families - Please be aware of issues involving social media and our students. Most (if not all) social media platforms ask that users be 13 years of age before they have an account. Technically, social media issues shouldn't emerge until Middle School. Unfortunately, that is not the case. This month we have seen a dramatic increase in name-calling and insults on TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and other social media outlets. At school (like you do at home) we teach students, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all." and "If you aren't willing to say something to their face in front of an adult, you shouldn't say it." Please help us out by reinforcing those ideas, reporting issues as they arise, and by helping our students learn how to be responsible digital citizens. Children must feel safe and valued in order to be successful. You can find great parent resources and guides to social media at commonssensemedia.org.
Help Wanted!
We have two positions open - you apply for either one by following the "join our team" button at ifschools.org :
- Part-Time Custodian - 2 hours/day, after school, vacuuming and emptying classroom trashcans. This is a great job for a hard-working teenager or an easy "extra" job for an adult who likes to vacuum.
- Title/E.L. (English-Language) Tutor - 29.5 hours/week. Small group and 1 on 1 tutoring. (You do not need to be Spanish-speaking to be an EL tutor).
5th Grade Patriotic Program
The annual D91 5th grade Patriotic Program is fast approaching. Our 5th graders will go to Longfellow for a "mini-practice" on Monday, 2/5, then they will have a whole group practice at Skyline on March 12. Then the program will be at Skyline on Wednesday, March 13.
๐๐๐February is for KINDNESS๐๐๐
We are going to be capturing kindness for the month of February! Students will receive "hearts" from teachers and staff when they are "caught being kind". They will also be able to earn additional "hearts" by completing "RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS" and tracking them on an activity chart. We will have a kick-off assembly for Kindness Month on Tuesday, February 6 and our counselor, Ms. Hamilton, will be teaching weekly lessons on kindness for the entire month during her weekly counseling lessons.
Important Dates
Fri. 3/1/24 Teacher Work Day - no school
Thurs. 3/7/24 Parent-Teacher Conferences (evening)
Fri. 3/8/24 Students at home learning day
Fri. 3/8/24 Parent Teacher Conferences
Wed. 3/13/24 5th Grade Patriotic Program
Mon. 3/18-Fri. 3/22/24 D91 SPRING BREAK