WINTER PARK BAND Weekly Newsletter
July 10, 2023

September 8, 2024
Sound of the Wildcats Rehearsal
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
Winter Park High School, Summerfield Road, Winter Park, FL, USA
Sound of the Wildcats Rehearsal
SOTW students should change and get ready for rehearsal right after the end of the school day. Meetings with teachers, clubs, and other activities should be planned for days of the week other than Thursday.
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 02:30 PM
Winter Park High School, Summerfield Road, Winter Park, FL, USA
Middle School Night - Home Football Game
Since we meet the middle school students at school before the game, the arrival time is earlier than normal. Students may stay on campus in between school and arrival time and will be supervised.
Friday, Sep 13, 2024, 04:00 PM
Showalter Field, Cady Way, Winter Park, FL, USA
From Mr. Clemente
Dear Winter Park Band families,
We had a great week last week both in the Band room and out on the marching band field. It felt great to be outside for both rehearsals last week! The SOTW were able to put two more parts of the show on the field and our goal is to perform 3 out of 4 parts of BEATLEMANIA this Friday at Middle School Night.
This week will be our first football game performance in Full Marching Band Uniform! That means students must have the following to be in uniform for the performance:
- SOTW water jug
- 2024 BEATLEMANIA Show Shirt
- Calf-length black socks with no logos
- Spandex shorts
- Black marching shoes
- White gloves (first pair given to students Friday evening)
If you have a new student and they have not received their SOTW water jug, please send them to see either Mrs. Deane or me at either Tuesday evening or Thursday after school rehearsal. If your student was fitted for black marching band shoes during Band Camp and has not received them yet, that means that the shoes have not been paid for. Please visit SchoolPay.com and pay $45.00 through the "Band Obligations" item. If your student is new and was not at Band Camp, they will be fitted for shoes this week. Please also visit SchoolPay.com and pay $45.00 through the "Band Obligations" item.
This is a big week for our WP Band community at large as we are excited to welcome students from Arbor Ridge School, Audubon Park School, Glenridge Middle School, and Maitland Middle School to our campus for our annual Middle School Night Football Game. This event is a ton of fun every year, and gives our Future Wildcats a chance to experience firsthand an "evening in the life" of the SOTW. Hopefully the rain stays away! Please note that our arrival time for this Friday is earlier to accommodate our extra activities with the Future Wildcat students. Find the itinerary here: http://www.winterparkhsband.com/itineraries.html.
We're in the final week of the Widdy Up fundraiser this past Monday, August 26 and are headed toward our $30,000 goal! Keep sharing the fundraiser on social media, and check-in with Robyn Fodor's update below in the this Newsletter. https://widdyup.com/v2/fundraising/pitch/UNRxEzV94AWrF3TeThU2YrV2
Keep up the great work selling Sponsorships and submitting Student Dedications! An update on the fundraiser is located below from Julie Capps.
The Uniform Crew is looking for volunteers for Tuesday 9/10. Please look at the update below from Andrea Rediske and Jenniffer Randolph.
Together, let's make it a great week!
Mr. Clemente
From our Fundraising Chair, Mrs. Robyn Fodor
As of Saturday, Widdy Up has raised $15,502 for our band! We have now reached the $15,000 mark to receive 95% of what we earn! Way to go, everybody!!
If your student shared contacts but has not received any donations, they might not have shared the fundraiser with their contacts. It’s possible that when they put in their contacts they SAVED them, but did not “share or invite.” Have your student log into their account, go to: “See contact list,” scroll to the right and make sure everyone has been invited.
The fundraiser has been extended by one week and there is still time to join, if your student hasn't already. Log into Widdy Up to the account they created two weeks ago and put in their family and friends contacts, then SHARE! Sharing our fundraiser to contacts is the only way to raise money and this fundraiser has the potential to raise a lot!
Parents-- please share your student's fundraiser to social media! There is a link on your student's Widdy Up home page on the bottom right. Look for it and share, share, share!
If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Robyn Fodor
Sponsorship & Student Dedication Fundraiser
The Winter Park Band Sponsorship and Student Dedication Program is off to a strong start! Thank you to the families and local businesses who have already contributed and CONGRATULATIONS to the students who have earned credit from those sales.
As a reminder, students have two options for earning that financial credit:
- Sell a multi-level Sponsorship to a local business
- Sell a Student Dedication in the band program
Students can earn up to 60% credit or $1000 max from each sponsorship they sell. Students will earn the same 60% credit for any Student Dedication sold. For additional context, a parent who purchases a full-page Student Dedication will earn enough credit back to their student’s account to cover their annual fair share payment of $255, minus $15.
Sales close September 27, 2024, so we can have all ads in for the first concert of the season in October.
More information can be found on the band website here: http://www.winterparkhsband.com/band-boosters.html
If you have any questions, contact Julie Capps at wpbandprogram@gmail.com or 704-258-3306.
Thank you for your partnership in supporting the Winter Park High Band!
From our Uniform Co-Chairs Mrs. Jenniffer Randolph & Mrs. Andrea Rediske
🎉 You’re Invited: It’s an Ironing Party Extravaganza! 🎉
Hi Amazing Band Families,
We’re gearing up to get our marching band looking sharp on the field, but we need your help to make it happen! We’ve got about 100 uniforms that could use a little TLC (Tender Loving Care—or should we say Tender Loving Creases!). Join us for an evening of ironing, laughter, and fun conversation on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:00 PM.
It’s a BYOIB event—Bring Your Own Iron & Board—and let’s make our students look as fantastic as they’ll sound on Friday night! If you’ve got a water spray bottle, bring it along! (No, it’s not for a water fight—though that would be fun—we just need to spritz those fabulous polyester uniforms to get them looking their best!)
To volunteer, just click on this Sign-Up Genius link and let us know you’re coming!
Come for the ironing, stay for the fun! Hope to see you there! ✨👕🎶
We also want to give a special shout out to the volunteers who helped us out on 9/3:
Sarah Paris, Jen Mullins, Harlika Watzman, Mary Lippert, and Kirstin Cowan. Laura Cambridge helped us get the sticker gunk off of the cubbies to get them ready for this year's labels. We know your time is valuable, and we appreciate your hard work!
Warmly pressed and ready to roll,
Andrea Rediske (andrea.rediske@gmail.com) and Jenniffer Randolph (jenrandolph13@gmail.com)
Your Uniform Co-Chairs & Official Wrinkle Wranglers 👕✨
From our Chaperone Coordinator, Mrs. Laura Cambridge
A great big thank you to the football game volunteers! There was a lot of thinking on our feet and jumping in where it was needed and everyone was up to the task. I am looking forward to smoothing out the process together as a band booster team. There are some spots still open on away games and as uniform helpers. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FADAB22AA8-50300062-football#/ Please make sure your ADDitions certification is up to date.
The Uniform Team has worked hard to get all the students fitted, now they are looking for a few more volunteers to come in on Tuesday evening with irons and ironing boards to get the marching uniforms ready so we can show off our uniforms at the next game. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FADAB22AA8-50317815-uniform#/
Order Portraits by 9/29!
September 13: Middle School Night Home Football Game, 4:30 - 10 PM, Showalter Field
September 21: All-State Auditions, Ocoee HS, 9 AM - 4 PM
September 27: Away Football Game, 4:30 - 10 PM, Freedom HS
October 1: Away Football Game, 5 - 8 PM, Edgewater HS
October 10: Home Football Game, 5 - 10 PM, Showalter Field
October 11: Jazz Ensemble 1 @ WPAAF, 8 - 10 AM, Downtown WP
October 14: No School
October 16: Homecoming Parade, 4 - 7 PM, Downtown WP
October 18: Homecoming Football Game, 5 - 10 PM, Showalter Field
October 24: SENIOR NIGHT Home Football Game, 4:30 - 10 PM, Showalter Field
October 25: No School
October 26: WEST SIDE SHOWCASE, 10 AM - 9 PM, West Orange HS
November 1: Away Football Game, 5 - 10 PM, Olympia HS
November 2: MARCHING BAND MPA, 10 AM - 9 PM, Boone HS
November 6: Fall Festival of Bands, 7 PM, WPHS Auditorium
Band Calendar
Since the Cut Time software has been updated, the synced calendar link has changed. Copy the link below to subscribe to the Band public events calendar in Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, or other calendar app:
- Wednesday, July 31, 2024
- Fair Share Payment - $225 OR Fair Share Payment 1 - $100
- Marching Band Shoe (if needed) - $45
- Wednesday, August 28, 2024
- Fair Share Payment 2 - $50
- Wednesday, July 31, 2024
- Fall Fair Share Payment - $325 OR Fair Share Payment 1 - $100
- Marching Band Shoe (if needed) - $45
- Wednesday, August 28, 2024
- Fair Share Payment 2 - $125
Private Lessons
Whether a student is learning a musical instrument to pursue a career in music, or simply for personal musical fulfillment and recreation, private lessons are one of the best investments that a parent can provide for their musical child. When working with a private teacher, students receive one-on-one instruction from a professional musician who specializes on that instrument.
Unlike a full band rehearsal experience, studying with a private teacher focuses in on the student’s individual needs. Students who study privately once a week from a professional musician are usually those who excel and find Band more enjoyable. These students frequently earn positions in honor groups like All-State and All-County, and make entry into our more advanced bands like Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble I. Some even go on to earn college scholarships, even if they are not majoring in music!
Below is a link to a list of local private teachers. This list is not exhaustive, and there may be other individuals who are not on the list. If you are a private teacher who would like to be added to our list (or deleted), or know a private teacher who should be added, please contact Mr. Clemente at michael.clemente@ocps.net.
WPHS Band Social Media
We've been posting lots of photos our social media platforms, and we will continue to post updates, photos, video, and other media to those pages throughout the year. Follow the Band!
- Facebook: @winterparkhsband
- Instagram: @winterparkhsband @wphs_flutes @wphsclarinets @wpsaxes @wphs_trumpets @wphs.trombones @wphstubas @winterparkhspercussion @winterparkcolorguard @wphs.drumajors
- YouTube: @winterparkhsband
- Twitter: @wphs_bands
- Tik Tok: @winterparkhsband
Winter Park High School Band
Email: michael.clemente@ocps.net
Website: www.winterparkhsband.com
Location: 2100 Summerfield Road, Winter Park, FL, USA
Phone: 4076223200
Facebook: www.facebook.com/winterparkhsband