Maize Middle School

A Message From Our Principal Mr. Cramer
Hey MMS Eagle Families!
Thank you for a wonderful start to the first quarter of the school year. We have spent a lot of time fine tuning our routines and getting used to each other. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve as your MMS principal and am finding joy in each day. Below are a few things to be thinking about as we head into September.
Attendance at Events: Beginning next week many fall activities will get underway. Many of our students are participants in these events and we wish them the best of luck. Many students that are not participating will likely attend. Please help us remind our students that their behavior and participation as spectators in USD 266 events is a direct representation of our building, themselves, and your family. This is particularly important at events off of our campus in other communities or at high school events. We will be visiting with students about our expectation to attend events and participate for the purpose intended. For example, if our student is in attendance at a MHS football game we expect them to be spectators of that event and uphold our values and behavioral expectations. Should a MMS student be asked to leave any event outside the school day an administrator will meet with them and may impose a longer term activity suspension. I have great trust in our students, know they will represent MMS well at all events, and appreciate your support in this matter.
Lanyards/ID: One of our policies to help maintain a safe environment is that all students are expected to wear their photo identification on a school issued lanyard each day. We have had good implementation of this so far. Please note if a student does not have a lanyard and/or ID with them at school for any reason at our daily check they are required to purchase a new one that day. This includes if students leave it at home. These fees are added to Skyward. Please login to family access to track fees. In addition, if a student has 3 instances of needing to purchase a new lanyard and/or ID they will be assigned a one hour detention the following Tuesday or Thursday. Thank you for your support of this and please continue to encourage your student with this. They are doing great so far!
Fastbridge Testing: We are using Fastbridge as an assessment for math and reading skills. We completed our fall benchmark testing this past week. Please be looking for student scores and plan to visit with teachers about them as you have the opportunity to do so.
All of our fall sports and activities are underway and competitions have begun or will begin in the next week for all groups. In addition, our school sponsored clubs are getting organized and beginning to plan some great activities. Please be looking for communication about any upcoming events. Please encourage your students to get involved as it is vital to a successful school experience.
We have spent time talking with students and staff about telling our MMS Story. As I have told them, if we do not tell our story someone else will and they will leave out all of the good stuff! We also invite all of you to be part of telling our story. If you have questions, concerns, suggestions, or affirmations please share with us.
Chad Cramer
Visit our website at www.usd266.com/mms.
Connect with Mr. Cramer at ccramer@usd266.com or call 316-729-2464.
Maize Middle School is located at 4600 N. Maize Rd. Mazie KS
Meet Mrs. Burgess
Lisa Burgess is our new Assistant Principal at Maize Middle School. She is in her 14th year in education. Mrs. Burgess has been an Elementary teacher, PBIS Admin Liaison, Instructional Coach, and Middle school level administrator.
Mrs. Burgess has two middle school aged sons, so she is fluent in middle school language. Her sons are active in their school from participating in scholars bowl to playing every sport there is to offer. Her husband is also a teacher/coach and as a family, they stay busy attending and supporting each other in various events throughout the school year.
Mrs. Burgess is an avid camper, enjoys running and is an active board member of Girls On The Run Heart of Kansas. She raises a fun flock of chickens, enjoys gardening, and considers herself a crazy plant lady.
Mrs. Burgess truly believes that, “Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”― Rita Pierson
Mrs. Burgess is beyond excited to be part of USD 266 and Maize Middle School. Go Eagles!
Meet Mr. Hudson
Mr. Hudson got his start in education 6 years ago right here at Maize Middle School. He taught 8th Grade US History, Study Skills and Exploratory Social Studies. He also coached Football & Baseball at Maize High School during that time.
Mr. Hudson was married this past June and bought his first home with his wife. Mr. Hudson's wife is an Athletic Trainer who has experience working at the NAIA and Division 1 levels.
In his spare time Mr. Hudson enjoys walking his dog, hunting with his dad and playing the occasional video game from time to time. Mr. Hudson is also a K-State alum and avid Wildcat Fan.
Mr. Hudson is excited to continue his educational career by stepping in the Assistant Principal/Athletic Director position, in the same school where he first started teaching. He is so grateful to continue serving the district that gave him his start.
Our MMS staff is excited to welcome students back to school!
Calendar Reminders
Sept. 2nd - No School
Sept. 4th - Fall Sports Photos
Sept. 4th - PTO meeting in the MMS Cafetorium
Sept. 10th - Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A
Sept. 10th - WatchDOGS meeting in the MMS Cafetorium
Sept. 12th - Screen Sanity event at MPAAC
Sept. 17th - Travel with MMS Meeting
Oct. 2nd - PTO meeting in the MMS Cafetorium
Oct. 3rd - Fall Photo Retakes
Oct. 8th - PTO Spirit Night at Culvers
Oct. 9th 4-8p.m. - Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 10th 8am-3:40pm - Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 11th - No School
Oct. 14th - No School
Oct. 24th - Group/Organization Photos
Access the 2024-2025 Maize USD 266 Calendar by clicking here.
From the Health Office
1) Remember that all incoming 7th graders are required to have updated immunizations. They are needing a Tdap booster AND a Meningococcal ACWY. The district cut off date for getting these done is Oct 1, 2024. If you have not gotten documentation of those immunizations to your school nurse- please do so!
2) If your student has a health need, please contact your school nurse so that we can be sure your student is safe and healthy at school!
3) Remember that students are NOT allowed to carry any medication at school (unless it is an emergency med that we have a Dr order on file for). Any medication brought to the Health Office needs to be in the original container.
4) If your student carries an inhaler, be sure your nurse has a Dr order on file. Be sure to label the inhalers with your student's name! A lost inhaler that has no name is disposed of.
5) We will be starting vision, hearing and dental screenings soon! If you want to opt your student out of any of these, you must contact the nurse!
Please feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns! We will do everything we can to help your student have an amazing year!
Patriots Day
On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, students will learn about the impact of September 11, 2001 in social studies and science classes. The 9/11 Memorial & Museum in New York City creates a 30-minute program each year designed to teach about the events that occurred that day as well as their continuing impact on the nation and the world.
This year’s program features the personal stories of four speakers: a pair of film makers who captured many events of that day, a New York Waterway Captain who evacuated people to safety, a first responder with health issues related to rescue & recovery efforts, and a 2001 senior at West Point who later served in the military in the years following 9/11.
Learn more about this year’s program here as well as by visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum Anniversary in the Schools website here.
From Ms. Shively (Intro to LPSS & health Careers)
I am excited to introduce a new class called Introduction to LPSS and Health Careers. This course aims to provide our students with insights into various career paths within the healthcare field, as well as in fire, police, and law-related professions. As part of this initiative, we are looking to invite guest speakers from these fields to share their experiences and expertise with our students. If you or someone you know works in healthcare, fire services, law enforcement, or the legal profession and would be interested in speaking to our students, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Hearing firsthand accounts from professionals can inspire and inform our students about potential career opportunities in these vital areas. Thank you for your support in enhancing our students' learning experiences. Please reach out for more information.
Whitney Shively
wshively@usd266. com
KAY Club News
KAY (Kansas Association for Youth) club is a leadership and service organization offered in school districts across Kansas through KSHSAA. Last summer we had 3 KAY board members attend summer leadership camp to prepare them in leading our KAY club this year. Those students were President-Brennan Pepper, Vice-President Aria Sanders, and Treasurer Miles Hamilton. These students spent one week of their summer at Rock Springs 4H campgrounds where they attending trainings, learned about new service project ideas, and participated in a lot of activities such as rock climbing, swimming, horseback riding, and rifle range.
KAY club has 14 total board members who are in the process of planning and organizing activities for the 2024-2025 school year. Some of these activities include the following:
Charity Hat Days, Activities with the Rising Stars Preschoolers, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, Trash pick up, Winter fundraising, Citizenship week, School Recycling, Volunteer at the Treehouse organization, Attending KAY conferences, and Club celebrations/parties.
Maize Band News
Follow the band on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and find up to date info on the band website.
Maize USD 266
Co-Director of Bands
S.A.D.D. Council
Meet our 2024-2025 S.A.D.D. Council Student Board.
President-Harper Hageman
Vice President- Lilli Dwyer
Secretary- Nova Unger
Media Team: Chloe Couture
Taylor Hunter
Ayannah Lutembeka
Kaitlyn Niedens
Evelyn Minge
Ashlyn Veatch
A Note From The Counseling Office
Did you know? Group counseling in middle school is a supportive environment where students can learn about themselves, develop new skills, and connect with peers who may face similar challenges. Group counseling can help you feel less isolated and negative and more connected with peers and staff. During small group counseling, students are given the opportunity to learn more about themselves, develop new tools like coping strategies and self-awareness, improve confidence, and hear from peers that they are not alone.
Fill out our MMS Small Group Counseling Sessions form if your student is interested in small group counseling at Maize Middle School this year?
National Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is a leading cause of death for youth but can be prevented. Suicide can be a difficult topic to discuss but is important to address in order to remove the stigma surrounding mental health.
Knowledge is power! Please review the following links that include additional information, tips, and resources. Talking about suicide provides an opportunity for others to share and does not encourage additional suicidal ideation.
The district utilizes this link as a platform to submit anonymous tips if you are concerned about someone in the district.
The Kansas Suicide Prevention Headquarters includes a list of warning signs and steps to take if you fear someone you know is considering suicide.
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
“In 2020, Congress designated the new 988 dialing code to operate through the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.” 988 went live in 2023 and offers an easy to remember number for those experiencing a crisis. You can read more here. You can also use the free, 24/7 Crisis Text Line.
Eagles Landing
We are very excited about Eagles Landing again this year! We will continue to focus on character traits through Capturing Kids' Hearts social-emotional lessons on Wednesdays. Mondays will still be devoted to helping students organize their binders and check grades (Making Mondays Matter). Tuesdays and Thursdays will focus on homework help and re-teaching concepts as needed via Study Hall. Fridays will be all about engaging in passion projects and getting to build new relationships within the building. Each month, the building will focus on a new character trait. September is Empathy. During the month, social-emotional lessons and student of the month will be focused around this theme.
We are excited to recognize our students that exude these character traits!
The MMS Counseling Office - Please don't hesitate to reach out to the school counseling office if you have questions or concerns.
Maize Middle School Counselors:
Monica Heide | Last names A-F | mheide@usd266.com
Bridget Paasch | Last names G-N | bpaasch@usd266.com
Melissa Fleeker | Last names O-Z | mfleeker@usd266.com
Travel with MMS
This summer Mrs. Soukup, MMS Art teacher, led a group of Maize students and families traveling to Italy for a 10 day tour of Venice, Florence, Pisa, Assisi, and Rome! They had learn so much on tour about the following: Italian food by making pasta; famous artwork of Renaissance artists; world famous monuments such as the Leading Tower of Pisa and Vatican City, as well as a hand to hand combat gladiator experience before viewing the Colosseum.
In the summer of 2026 the international tour will be going to southern Italy and Greece .
On Tuesday, September 17th at 5:30pm there will be an informational meeting for parents and students, hosted by Mrs. Celina Soukup, for families interested in traveling on upcoming international tours. The meeting will be held in the MMS library. Please park on the southeast side of the school and enter door 15 to the library. Mrs. Soukup encourages you to sign up for the meeting. You may email her at csoukup@usd266.com to reserve your spot at the meeting. Don’t miss out on hearing more about these summer tours for Maize families. These opportunities are open to all Maize students and families.
Maize Middle School PTO
PTO Meetings in the Cafetorium
September 4th
October 2nd
November 6th
December 4th
Spirit Nights
Tuesday, September 10th - CFA
Tuesday, October 8th - Culvers
Tuesday, November 12th - CFA
Thursday, Feb 6th - CFA
Tuesday, April 8th - CFA
The PTO spirit store is STILL open!