The Cougar Connection
Weekly Update for Families - January 16, 2025
Office Hours 7 AM - 3:30 PM
Attendance Hotline 913.993.7245 (All Day)
Attendance Office 913.993.7242 (Partial Day)
Email: lisagruman@smsd.org
Website: https://smnorthwest.smsd.org/
Location: 12701 W 67th St Shawnee, KS
Phone: 913.993.7200
X (Twitter): @smnw_office
Instagram: @smnwoffice
A note from Principal, Dr. Lisa Gruman
Dear Northwest Families,
We have had a great week of engaging learning opportunities and are grateful for the better weather!
I wanted to take time in my section to share information about the new policy regarding Personal Electronic Devices. Our Board of Education passed this guidance on Monday and we will scale up to full implementation on February 3rd. I have included both highlights and links to the presentation and Policy JCDC.
Below are some highlights and context for the new policy:
- Our SMSD Strategic Plan was created by teams of staff, parents, community members, and students. Their work shapes our future vision and next steps. The Action Team for Strategy 4 created the guidance for these recommendations.
- Our goal is for students to fully engage with their peers, teachers, and learning experiences without distractions.
- Personal electronic devices other than smart watches must be put away during instructional time and stored in a student's backpack or other personal storage bag, or in a secure storage location within the classroom as designated by the classroom teacher.
- Students may access personal electronic devices during non-instructional time, which includes passing periods and lunch.
- Headphones (wireless and wired) and earbuds may only be used with District-issued devices and with teacher permission for the benefit of learning.
- School Staff will provide exemptions for students with medical plans or other identified needs through their 504 plan or IEP. For example, a student that monitors their blood sugar with their personal device would have access to that device to appropriately monitor their health needs.
- We will communicate expectations to our students and answer questions prior to full implementation.
Click here to view the Policy JCDC and/or click on the button below for additional information on the SMSD website.
Have a wonderful week and stay warm!
All the best,
Lisa Gruman
Mark Your Calendar
January 23, 2025 - 7pm NW Area Band Festival
January 27, 2025 - 6pm Future Cougar Night
January 30, 2025 - 7pm Winter Choir Concert
February 5, 2025 - 5pm-8pm P/T Conferences
February 7, 2025 - 7pm Hall of Fame Basketball Game
February 15, 2025 - 8pm Sweetheart Dance
Online Absence Reporting
Online Absence Reporting
This option is for reporting all day absences and late arrivals only.
When requesting an early dismissal please call 913-993-7242 or email jamieprosser@smsd.org
Winter weather is here and we want to be sure families are as ready as possible for possible schedule changes or inclement weather cancellations. As of December 5, 2024, the Shawnee Mission School District has updated its inclement weather plans to include Plan C- which includes a 2-hour delay option. This new option aligns us with our neighboring districts in Johnson County and will facilitate common decision-making with regard to inclement weather. Please review the district’s inclement weather procedures on this website: https://www.smsd.org/families/weather
From our Northwest Counselors
Zach Cash A-D zacharycash@smsd.org
Barb Legate E-J barbaralegate@smsd.org
Katie Cole K-Pe katherinecole@smsd.org
Jessica Andrade Pf-R (ELL) jessicaandrade@smsd.org
Jordan Landis S-U jordanlandis@smsd.org
Erica Jablonski V-Z (RWL) ericajablonski@smsd.org
Please see the SMNW STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE for more information on the following Real World Learning events!
Free Parenting Event!
information and registration form for the free parenting event to be held at Trailridge Middle School on Wednesday, February 12th 5:45-8 pm: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1131393411149?aff=oddtdtcreator
PTSA Updates
Visit the PTSA website for the January PTSA Newsletter!
Help Us Reach Our Goal!
Please take a moment to become a member! Our 2024/2025 membership goal is 125 and we currently have 115 members. Becoming a member doesn't commit you to volunteering, it simply supports what our PTSA does for NW students, staff, and families! CLICK HERE to join.
Win Premium Parking!
IT'S COLD OUTSIDE, but your student could win a premium parking spot for the entire 2nd semester! See the flyer below and enter Friday, January 17 for your chance to WIN AND STAY WARM(er). Purchase tickets at http://www.smnwptsa.org
There's No Place Like Northwest!
After Prom '25 - There's No Place Like Northwest - is coming on April 12! SMNW After Prom is a party with a purpose, giving junior, seniors, and their guests the opportunity to gather and celebrate safely and smartly! The After Prom committee has been working behind the scenes for months already on this huge undertaking which includes inflatables, casino and carnival games, snacks and drinks, and AMAZING PRIZES!
Our entire school community is needed to make this an event succeed! Volunteer opportunities will be coming soon, but donations toward After Prom can be made anytime (quickly and easily) online or through Venmo! Please visit the After Prom page HERE for full details on how to donate or become a sponsor, upcoming fundraisers, and more!
NW Athletic Links
All Sports Passes are now available for purchase! All ticket sales including the All Sports Pass are available digitally through GoFan!
All Sports Passes are ONLY available in the digital format. You will have access to your All Sports Pass through the GoFan platform throughout the entire school year. There are two types of individual sports passes:
(1) Individual Sports Pass–Adult: Admits one adult with the cost being $75
(2) Individual Sports Pass–Student: Admits one person, who is not a SMNW student (with valid ID) to get into games. Please remember that all individuals grades K-12 are considered students. Cost is $50
The Shawnee Mission Northwest All Sports Pass allows you to pre-purchase your admission to Shawnee Mission Northwest regular season home regular season athletic events. This convenient option can allow for quicker access by eliminating the need for cash at the entrance gates. The All Sports Passes are not valid for KSHSAA post-season events and regular season tournaments hosted by Shawnee Mission Northwest High School.
In summary, two different passes available:
Individual Pass–Adults are $75.00
Individual Pass–Students are – $50
See below to order your individual passes today. For questions contact the SMNW Athletic Office at 913-993-7400 or email angelogiacalone@smsd.org
Note from Athletic Director, Angelo Giacalone
SMNW is moving and shaking with several activities throughout the upcoming week, including boys basketball tournament/showcase week. Girls basketball will play three games (one a makeup at Lawrence) while wrestling has district duals for boys and girls. We also host district area band festival. So with all the action you will want to keep up on it. Lots to choose from and we hope you enjoy your week.
Northwest Yearbook Information:
A Word from Nurse, Wendy Woods
Your SMNW student may be missing KS state required immunizations. These may include any Meningitis ACWY for Juniors 16 years or older (this is a 2-dose shot and the first should have been received in 7th grade) or they may be missing other state required immunizations. If this is the case please see the attachment for an upcoming immunization clinic at the health department.
Thank you, Nurse Wendy Woods
Please provide proof of vaccination to the nurse aid or I. You can email this to myself at wendywoods@smsd.org or the nurse aid Brenda Renteria at brendarenteria@smsd.org.
Please turn any athletic papers to the athletic secretary in the main office.
I would also like to introduce our new health office nurse aid Brenda Renteria; she will be helping with vaccinations, paperwork and everyday office needs.
Feel free to email or call with any questions or concerns about your student’s health or vaccine needs! You can reach me, Wendy Woods (nurse) at 913-993-7216 or Brenda Renteria (nurse aid) at 913-993-7606.
Thank you,
Wendy Woods, RN, BSN, MSN
NW Nurse
Medications at School:
Immunizations and Physicals: