School Counseling: The Happenings
January, 2019
What's New This Year???
As many of you know by now, this year Michael Anderson has brought me on board as a School Counselor, and we have had a really great start to the school year! It is my goal to partner with families and the community as much as possible, and the first step in doing so is to reach out and begin effective communication. Therefore, I want to highlight a few things that I am currently working on, or have already put together to help support our students and staff here at MAE. Know that I am always willing to talk with you and your students, and have listed my contact info at the bottom. Thanks!
Seth Sammons
Small Groups
Classroom Lessons
Base Buddies
Other Things I've Found (Student/Family Resources)
-The most current issue of the MCEC official magazine highlights education, technology, military kids, and other MCEC resources. I really liked the article titled "Does staying in touch with children during deployments make a difference?" (p. 14), as it pertains to the reasons behind starting Base Buddies and our effort in finding more ways to support military families. You can find the link to download the current issue, as well as any of their past issues, here:
Virginia Career View
-A website that I visited last year with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to learn more about and explore different career paths. They have a ton of great information at an elementary student level, and even though we mostly worked in Career Town and Kids Search, they also have links to other resources to research specific careers more in-depth. If you have time or are just interested in checking it out, follow the link:
In Conclusion...
Phone: 509-565-3606