Thompson News & Notes
August 2024
Welcome to Thompson School District's August 2024 Newsletter
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Welcome Back TSD Families!
Dear Thompson Community:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It is hard to believe how quickly the summer has passed and that in just a few days, we will be welcoming students into our buildings once again.
First, I want to extend a sincere thank you to all of our first responders for the actions that they took to extinguish the regional wildfires as quickly as possible and to help keep our community safe. I also want to thank the many staff members within TSD who worked so hard to assist our families and to maintain our campuses during this challenging time. Your care and support mean so much.
It has been a very busy couple of months here in Thompson. As we head into the new school year, I want to provide you with a quick update on some of the projects that have been underway.
- As we were entering the summer season, Bohemian Foundation and Larimer County announced that they are awarding grants of $2 million to Thompson School District and Poudre School District to enhance regional workforce development. Each entity is providing $1 million to each of the school districts, for a total of $2 million per district. The grant from Larimer County is being provided through funding allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act. Here in Thompson, the funding will be utilized to construct and develop a new emergency medical technician pathway for students.
- Our TSD Summer Scholars program was highly successful, with over 1000 K-8 students participating in the summer classes this year. We had a great time working with the students and we look forward to putting together yet another robust program next year.
- Our facilities team has completed some air cooling improvements at several schools within our district, which will help to further mitigate heat impacts on our campuses. The team has also completed several infrastructure projects at our schools to help make our campuses more accessible.
- Staff members have been busy putting the final touches on our last remaining 2018 bond projects. I am exceptionally proud of our entire bond crew, as well as our contractors and partners who assisted us with all of these projects. With the utilization of grant awards, the sale and reinvestment of targeted district assets, and bond premium and earned interest, the district was able to increase the original $149 million taxpayer investment into over $208 million in project development and improvements throughout the district.
- In preparation for the upcoming school year, our staff members have been engaged in professional development activities, training and other planning exercises.
This upcoming school year will certainly be a time filled with excitement and accomplishment for students across TSD. I look forward to connecting with you throughout the school year, informing you of important events, celebrating accomplishments, and sharing news and exciting updates. This is an incredible school district and I could not be any prouder to be serving as your superintendent.
On behalf of our staff and Board of Education members, thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you later this week!
Dr. Marc Schaffer
Thompson School District
Back-to-School Guide for 2024-2025 Now Available
Thompson School District is pleased to announce the arrival of the "2024-2025 Back-to-School Information Guide."
The guide contains district and school information, school start and release times and other pertinent "back-to-school" material. It also includes information on a variety of district programs and services and can aid as a road map to understanding all that Thompson School District has to offer.
Here is a direct link to the information hub:
Plans Outlined for 2024-25 Heat Management in Buildings
As we prepare to welcome students back to school for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, we wanted to share some information about how the district will evaluate the potential impacts of heat within our buildings.
The opening weeks of the school year often present the most heat-related challenges for several of our campuses. Even though a total of 15 buildings are not equipped with full air conditioning, district staff have taken a number of steps to lessen the impact of excessive outdoor temperatures when they occur, including working with staff members at each building on mitigation techniques.
Each school day, Thompson School District will continue to take all reasonable steps to help ensure that district buildings are open and ready to serve our community. In the remote chance that the district needs to make adjustments to our school schedules due to excessive heat, here are the criteria and measurements that will be used for decision-making purposes.
- Larimer County publishes a Heat and Health Tracker in conjunction with the National Weather Service that provides information about the impact of heat in the community. The district will utilize this resource as one of the pieces of data that is used in decision-making. The district will consider an early release for all schools if a color designation on the tracker is red or magenta.
- The National Weather Service has created specific designations regarding the impact of heat. A designation from the NWS of an Excessive Heat Watch or an Excessive Heat Warning is a factor that would also be used in making a decision.
Thompson School District will continue to partner with local and state officials as needed to gather and evaluate accurate data that can be used in our decision-making process.
Don't Forget to Complete Your Annual Family Check-in
Have you updated your Annual Family Check-in (AFC)? Are you receiving communication via phone, text and email? Pick your preference while you review your Annual Family Check-in!
The AFC is required for ALL current students in Thompson School District. Families are required to have a parent or guardian in the current student’s primary household review and sign permission forms and update (if needed) the student’s household information, emergency contacts, and health information. Annual Family Check-In is located in the Parent Portal Account.
For assistance, please contact Portal@TSD.org.
TSD Transportation Gearing Up for a Great School Year!
The Transportation Department is hard at work preparing for the 2024-25 school year. If you have any questions around transportation services, please contact our dispatch office at 970-613-5185.
Make a Difference In Your Community - Drive with Us!
Parents, looking for a way to contribute to your child's school and community? Become a bus driver for the Thompson School District! Help ensure the safety and well-being of our students. Great benefits, flexible hours, and the opportunity to be a role model. Start your journey today!
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- Bus Driver: $25.05/Hour
- Paraprofessional: $20.39/Hour
- Crossing Guard: $18.00/Hour
Call us or complete the Transportation Interest Form, and we will take care of the rest! 970-613-5186 https://www.tsd.org/bus-driver-interest
TSD Master Plan Committee Applications Now Available
Thompson School District is now accepting applications for service on the district's Master Plan Committee (MPC).
The Master Plan Committee is an advisory body to the Board of Education. Its charge is to prepare, update and revise the school district’s Facility Master Plan on an ongoing basis and to make periodic reports and recommendations to the Board relative to the Plan. Individuals serve staggered three-year terms. The deadline to apply is August 26th.
Members will be selected by staff and applicants will be notified the first week of September. Existing members are welcome to remain on the committee.
To apply, please fill out the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdf35Y124giF4PDhFwSXQQ0zaqNZ1xW-xiAZF9a3jabkivOxw/viewform
ITS Welcomes You Back with Tech4All
I.T.S. has had a productive and busy summer preparing for the new 2024-2025 school year. Check out our quick Welcome Back Video!
Our largest support is our 1:1 Tech4All program that is a part of the District’s Strive 2025 plan. It is all about helping students succeed by giving all students access to digital tools.
The Innovative Technology Services (ITS) team is the momentum behind Tech4All. It is about more than just technology - It is actually a learning program. It helps students and teachers work together, communicate better, think critically, and create valuable resources for authentic audiences.
This “Digital Access and Equity” link under the Innovative Technology Services section of the Thompson School District website provides lots of helpful resources and support pertaining to:
- Device Repair Information: If a student's Chromebook or iPad needs fixing, you can find all the information about what steps to follow.
- Devices By School and Grade Level: Each school and grade level uses different devices. Here you can find out which ones are available to you.
- Device Care: We have some rules and tips on how to take good care of your device so that it lasts longer and is ready for learning.
- Device Parental Controls: If you're a parent, you can learn how to manage your child's device at home to keep them safe and focused.
- Affordable Internet Access: To stay connected, we can help you get affordable internet access, both at home and in the community, so that you can keep learning online.
- Get Your Questions Answered: We've got you covered with our Frequently Asked Questions section.
We're excited about the possibilities and can't wait to see how our students and teachers make the most of the Tech4All program!
Manage School Meals with LINQ Connect
Nutrition Services is excited to share that we have contracted with a new software company to manage our meal and application program. My School Bucks is no longer active, but the new software is called LINQ Connect and all student balances have been moved over. This program offers many new features that weren't available before. We're sure you're going to love it!
As a reminder, school meals are free for students this 2024-25 school year! We encourage everyone to complete a Free & Reduced application, as it provides benefits to you and the district such as grants, program funding and fee waivers.
Download LINQ Connect on App Store
Download LINQ Connect on Google Play
For more information, please review these Frequently Asked Questions.
Thompson Education Foundation News
Help Kids Succeed
TEF's Help Kids Succeed school supply program has prepared 1,485 school supply-filled backpacks and kits for TSD students for the 2024-2025 school year. The kits and backpacks are available at each TSD school to any student who needs a little help with back to school purchases. Students should request supplies in August from the school that they are registered to attend during the school year. Kits at the elementary, middle and high school levels are filled with age-appropriate supplies.
Moonlighting Teachers
Laugh along as Moonlighting Teachers poke good-natured fun at just about every facet of the world of education. Featuring a cast of local educators, both current and retired, this hilarious, fast moving show will appeal to anyone who has attended school... or worked in one! https://www.thompsontef.org/mlt-2024
TEF GIVE35 Fundraising Campaign
Thompson Education Foundation is celebrating 35 years of supporting students and teachers in Thompson School District. Help us grow and continue providing exceptional educational experiences by donating $35 in honor of this milestone. Learn more: https://www.thompsontef.org/give35-fundraiser
Sunrise Thompson Health Clinic Open for Walk-In Healthcare
Sunrise Thompson Health Clinic is available for medical, dental, and behavioral health needs, including back-to-school check-ups and physicals, all on a sliding scale. Contact them at sunrisecommunityhealth.org or 970-613-9800, or visit them for a walk-in appointment at 2880 N. Monroe Avenue in Loveland.
You Can Make a Difference Through the Partners Program
The Partners School-Based Mentoring Program places positive adults into schools to provide one-to-one mentoring services to youth who may be facing challenges in their social, academic, and/or personal lives. Youth (mentees) are matched with an adult volunteer (mentor) based on the needs of the mentee and on the schedules, personalities, and interests of both the mentee and mentor. Mentors spend 1 hour per week with their mentee and commit for one academic school year. Partnerships spend time together doing various activities that help them build a relationship with one another including eating lunch together, playing games, shooting hoops, working on an art project, or just hanging out and talking. It's all about the connection and overall support of the youth!
Mentoring matters, and YOU can make a major impact in our community by giving a local youth just one hour/week of your time! Getting involved with Partners is a great opportunity for individuals who desire to work with youth, or want to give back to our community in a meaningful way.
If you would like to be the difference in the life of a youth, please consider becoming a mentor. Visit https://poweredbypartners.org/mentoring/ or reach out to Noah Davidson for volunteer/internship opportunities: ndavidson@poweredbypartners.org.