NBJH Weekly Update 1/24/25

January 24, 2025
Principal's Message
Hi folks,
I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend. Then again, the frigid temps made it difficult to do a whole outdoors. This week -- for an abbreviated 4-day week -- we sure seemed to pack a lot into it. And we have much more in store on Saturday too!
Our 8th grade basketball teams wrap up their seasons this week, and we roll right into boys volleyball tryouts next week. (See the Athletics section below for specific dates and times of the tryouts.) Our Maple co-op wrestling team continues to perform well at their meets...hopefully they are peaking at the right time. This Saturday we have a slew of events that include a jazz workshop at Buffalo Grove HS for our Big Jazz Combo; Dance Assembly for our 6th graders; and our Local Science Fair in the NBJH main gym for all of our Independent Science Research students. Wishing the best of luck to all of our students/teams/groups performing this weekend.
Next week we will attempt to break out of the winter doldrums with our Winter Spirit Week. We will have dress up days throughout the week, and we will wrap up the week with an afternoon spirit assembly that includes an exciting Mario Kart competition. Should be VERY interesting! Here is a sneak peek at our NBJH Winter Spirit Week 2025.
Enjoy the weekend...and the warmer weather!
8th Grade Registration on Thursday, January 30
To our Class of 2025 families -- Your child will meet their counselor in a 1-on-1 setting this Thursday to learn more about GBN offerings, finalize their schedule, and have their freshman ID photo taken. Students should bring with them a printout of their course recommendation form and the elective worksheet they were emailed last Friday. X-Block teachers will be sharing with students their 10-minute assigned time for next week.
Academic Integrity
As we continue to encounter new technologies at our disposal, the field of education is tasked with adapting the teaching and learning process to current realities. At NBJH we are discussing ways to incorporate appropriate technology into our instruction while also communicating the importance of our values with students. Please take a moment to read this memo about Academic Integrity that our building leadership team created.
Parent Resources: The Anxious Generation
Dr. Meek and Greenbriar Principal Dr. Ginny Hiltz held a book discussion for families on "The Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt on Jan. 22.
Haidt discusses a clear formula that has contributed to the rise in childhood anxiety: The decline of play, which has resulted in more supervised play that has prevented children from the chance to explore, test and expand their limits, build close friendships through shared adventure, and learn how to judge risks for themselves. Add in the use of the smartphone, which became common in 2010, and you have the great rewiring of childhood. Haidt refers to this as a generational crisis.
Their presentation provided an overview of the book and resources for parents trying to navigate technology and social media with their children
Download the presentation and links to resources.
Coming soon: The next Insight28 Podcast with Dr. Meek and Dr. Hiltz discussing the book and offering school and parent perspectives.
Learn About The April 1 Referendum
Podcast Discusses The Building Plan
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jason Pearson talks with Chief School Business Official Jessica Donato and two leaders of the community committee Building Tomorrow Together, Tamara Reese and Steve Szumokski. This episode will cover how the district determined the extent of building needs, funding issues and how the Board of Education involved the community in formulating a plan.
Visit northbrook28.net/referendum for more information.
Listen Now with the link below or find it on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify.
Submit questions to d28communications@northbrook28.net
Music Parents Club Needs Concert Greeters
Volunteering with the Music Parent Club is low commitment and HIGH REWARD! We need greeters for Winter and Spring concerts. Our volunteer committee chairs will provide clear communication for what is expected of you and plenty of reminders! The Bottom line is we need YOU, a small amount of time and all of the love and enthusiasm you give for your kid.
· GREETERS: One of the cornerstones of our program is greeting families at all concerts. We want to welcome families, set up the photo booth for students and then pass out treats to musicians and siblings at the conclusion of the concert. Parents who volunteer at the concerts will be able to reserve up to 4 seats for that concert.
Sign Up To Be A Greeter Today!
Thank you for your support,
Tamara Reese
President, Music Parents Club
Buddy Group Outing on Friday, January 31, 2025 *repeat*
Our students and staff in the foundational classroom are extending an open invitation to all NBJH students for the first Buddy Group Outing of the year. Up for an evening of curling and a whole lot of fun? Come join us on January 31, 2025!
8th Grade Yearbook Baby Pictures *repeat*
Looking to include a baby picture of your soon-to-be-graduate in this year's yearbook? The deadline for submission is February, 27, 2025 for photos and an accompanying message. Read more about the Yearbook Baby Pictures for specific instructions on how to upload and submit a photo.
Important Dates
Multilingual Families Meeting - Please Complete Survey
Please join us for our second Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting this school year on Thursday, February 6, 2025! The meeting will take place at the District Office, located at 1475 Maple Avenue, in the HOH room, from 6:30–7:30 p.m. Please complete this brief survey by Monday, February 3rd.
Kindergarten Registration Starts Feb. 3
Online registration for children who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 will be held February 3-February 10.
Parents can prepare for online registration by downloading and completing the registration forms listed on the Kindergarten Registration webpage. If you are unsure which school your children will attend, review the the district boundary map.
Please visit the Kindergarten Registration webpage for more information.
This Week...
01/27 - A Day
- Winter Spirit Week - Pajama Day
01/28 - B Day
- Winter Spirit Week - Flannel/Plaid Day
- Board of Education Meeting H.O.H. Community Room - 7:00 p.m.
01/29 - A Day
- Winter Spirit Week - Beach Day
01/30 - B Day
- Winter Spirit Week - Black Out Day
- 8th graders meet w/ their GBN counselor to compete freshman registration 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
01/31 - A Day
- Spirit Week - NBJH Spirit Day
- Spirit Week Assembly - 2:45-3:30 p.m.
- Math Counts Chapter competition
- 6th Grade Dance Assembly - 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Looking Ahead...
02/03 - B Day
02/04 - A Day
- D 28 PTO Council meeting 9 a.m. in HOH room
02/05 - B Day
02/06 - A Day
- BPAC Meeting - H.O.H. Community Room - 6:30-7:30 p.m.
02/07 - B Day
- NBJH PTO meeting 8:45 a.m.
- Session 3 Classes End
- NBJH Solo & Ensemble Festival @ NBJH - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Athletics Events Next Week
- Round Lake Rumble Wresting Tournament - 9:00 a.m.
- 8th Grade Boys' Championship at Caruso/Shepard (Snow Date) - TBA
- 8th Grade Girls' Championship at NBJH (Snow Date) - TBA
- Wrestling @ Twin Groves - 4:45 p.m.
- Wrestling at Homer - 4:45 p.m.
Boys' Volleyball Information
6th Grade
Optional Clinic - 1/27 3:45-5:15
Tryouts - 1/28 and 1/30 3:45-5:15 (must attend both dates)
7th Grade
Tryouts - 1/29 and 1/30 3:45-5:15 (must attend both dates)
8th Grade
Tryouts - 1/27 and 1/29 3:45-5:15 (must attend both dates)
Virtual Backpack
District 28 invites local non-profit organizations and community government agencies to promote events for families and children. Each week, some event are highlighted in the newsletter. View the complete list of events on the Virtual Backpack web page. To submit an event, please email the web-friendly flier to Terry Ryan, Communications Director. All fliers are subject to approval.
YMCA Hosts Navigator Nights
Navigator Nights is a monthly fun, vibrant, and secure haven for ALL middle school students in our community by offering engaging activities and a welcoming environment while simultaneously affording parents the gift of free time for self-care and relaxation.
Friday, Feb. 13, 6-9:30 p.m. at Enterrium
Friday, March 7, 6-9:30 p.m. at Dave & Buster's, Hawthorn Mall & Dinner
Overparenting Unplugged: How To Let Kids Thrive
Are you ready to rethink what it means to support your kids? Inspired by Emily Oster’s podcast, Raising Parents, CATCH, Community Action Together for Children's Health, will tackle the challenges of overparenting in today’s world. In this interactive session, we’ll dive into why the culture of helicopter parenting isn’t working and how we can shift toward a healthier, more empowering approach -to let your kids—and yourself—thrive. Register for the Zoom Presentation.
Pickleball For A Purpose CATCH Fundraiser
What: Pickle for a Purpose
When: Friday, February 28, 2025, 5:00pm-9:00 pm
Where: Pickleball4All, 2105 Johns Court, Glenview, IL 60025
Come play, nibble, get some custom-printed swag, and enjoy an evening benefiting CATCH. MANDO Consulting, a long-time friend of CATCH, is hosting the evening so that 100% of the registration fees are donated to CATCH.
NGSA Softball Needs Umpires
Northbrook Girls Softball Association needs umpires to house league games for grades 2-8. Boys or girls in grade 7 & 8 or high school are eligible, an no experience is required.
Free training will be held in March and games will be played in April and May on evenings and weekends. Earch $25 to $40 per game. A work permit is not required.
Contact Mark Harris for more information.
Community Wellness Fair
The District 27 PTA is excited to invite the Northbrook community to its annual Wellness Fair! With over 25 vendors and school-sponsored activities on site, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, engage, and access valuable resources to support your family’s well-being. Parents and kids are welcome!
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Date: Saturday, February 22 Location: Wood Oaks Junior High, 1250 Sanders Road, Northbrook
NBJH Principal