Mr. Matthew Reiner, Principal
Upcoming Events For January / February
- February 10th- Wear Red for Women's Heart Health Day
- February 11th- Reading Camp Out Night in the APR
- February 14th- Valentine's Day and Lunch Time Valentine's Bingo
Valentine's Day Guidelines
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and I wanted to share the guidelines for Valentine's Day at SJG.
Valentine's Day Cards- Students are welcome to bring in cards.
- There must be a card for each student in the class.
- NO candy can be handed out with the card because of allergies.
- NO goody bags. If a goody bag is sent in, we will kindly send them back home.
Valentine's Day Parties-
- Classes will have Valentine's Day Parties that will be planned and run by the teachers / class moms.
Valentine's Day Book Bingo
- We will have our annual Book Bingo on Valentine's Day during recess. Each student will receive a book on Valentine's Day!
Our 5th Grade Pledge Leader For The Week!
Sean did an amazing job this week reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, as well as our kindness quote for the day. Thank you for being so awesome Sean!
The Weather is Getting Chilly!
Winter is on the way to SJG, and we will go outside for recess as long as the temperature is above 32 degrees. Please make sure your children come to school dressed in layers with a coat, so they will not be cold at recess!
SJG Calendar of Events
If you are looking for future events, we update the SJG Calendar of Events as we solidify dates. You can find the calendar on our website but below is the link that we will keep in our newsletter going forward.
Late Student Sign In- IMPORTANT!
In the event that your child arrives at school late, please park your vehicle and come into the building to sign them in. It is essential for us to maintain accurate records of student attendance. Therefore, parents are no longer permitted to have students ring the bell and enter the building unaccompanied when they are late. Thank you for your cooperation.
Elementary Handbook for 2024-2025
Please see the handbook below for the school year.
Attendance Matters!
Being present in school is super important! Full days out, 1/2 days out, being late, and leaving early affect your children's learning. See below!
Game On Gavin!- Please Help Support One of Our Own!
Today we are asking you to help send strength and support to one of our own, Gavin Brady, a 9th grader student at PTHS, who has recently learned that his leukemia has returned. While in elementary school, Gavin was diagnosed with leukemia and battled it courageously with the support of his family and our community. Once again, we will rally around them with our support, strength and care. Gavin has shown incredible resilience, and we know he will continue to fight with the same courage and inspiring determination. As he begins his treatment journey once again, we want him to feel the love and encouragement of his Golden Panther family.
Pequannock Township High School is hosting a “Game On Gavin” fundraiser on February 21st at 7:00 pm when our Golden Panthers boys basketball team takes on the Roxbury Gaels in our final regular season home game. As he battles leukemia, Gavin continues to love basketball and watches the games regularly from home and in person when he can. We want him to know that his supporters in the Golden Panther community and beyond are teaming up with him in his fight. On Friday, February 21st we would like to have an "Orange Day" in the district. All fans who attend the game that night are encouraged to wear orange as we cheer for Gavin and the Golden Panthers. “Game On Gavin” T-shirts are available for pre-order at: https://hs.pequannock.org/students/game-on-gavin-shirts and will be available for sale at the gate. Donations will also be accepted at the door. All proceeds will go to support Gavin and his family during this time. Thank you for your compassion and support for Gavin and his family -- together we will help Gavin continue to be #pantherstrong!
Portrait of a Graduate Parent Survey
Our district is engaged in a Portrait of a Graduate project that involves input from staff, alumni, families, community members and students. The end goal is to align our efforts and embed key competencies that students will need for success in the future. A key component is to garner feedback from various groups in the school community as to what these broad competencies for future success should be. As parents, you are an essential part of this feedback and we invite you to take this important survey that should take 10-15 minutes to complete. Some question numbers may appear out of order; this is for data collection purposes. Simply answer the questions as they appear in the survey. Thank you and we look forward to sharing our progress with you! Just click the link below!
HSA Calendar
Stay in the know with the HSA calendar below!
Reading Rocks!
Thanks for a great first week of Read-a-Thon! We have one more week to go. Let's reach our goal!
SJG Trivia Night- Thursday February 27th
Family Trivia Night Registration is Open!
Space is limited for this fun event for SJG families.
Click HERE to register.
Save The Date: Dueling Pianos and Beefsteak, March 28th! A Great Night Out!
Registration is NOW OPEN for SJG's first ever Dueling Pianos & Beefsteak Fundraiser on Friday, March 28th at The Brownstone. This will be a great night of food and fun, all for an amazing cause. See the flyer for details and register using the QR code or click HERE.
Staying Healthy This Time of Year!!!
We are at the beginning of cold and flu season. We can also see other childhood ailments.
These can include Covid, Strep throat, Coxsackie viruses and stomach viruses. There are
common things we can all do to lessen the spread of such illnesses. These include:
1. Proper hand washing. Reinforce to your children how and when to wash hands. Hand
washing is the number one way to protect yourself and others against all of
these childhood illnesses.
2. Remind children to cover their mouths and noses with a tissue or sleeve
when sneezing or coughing. Throw tissues away after each use. This is always
reinforced here at school.
3. The flu and covid vaccines are recommended and available.
4. Keep sick children home. If your child is ill, PLEASE keep them home for 24hrs -
symptom free. This means symptom free without medication like Tylenol or Advil.
Symptoms include temperature 100.4 or above, vomiting, diarrhea, consistent
coughing, runny nose, sore throat, new skin outbreaks or rashes etc. I will only have
to send them home if the symptoms continue at school. Most illnesses, if
contagious, are spread right before and right after the illness appears. Staying
home while symptoms persist can lessen the spread to others. It also protects your
child from picking up secondary illnesses while their immune system is already
working hard.
5. Have children get plenty of rest and eat a nutritious diet. While these are
important every day, it is even more important when children are not feeling well.
6. When your child is ill, please call or email the main office by 8:15am to report
an absence. The attendance line is available 24/7. I also ask that you let the
school know why your child is absent and be as specific as possible. If you
take your child to the doctor it is helpful to bring documentation of the illness
from the doctor. Let us know if your child has a specific illness.
1. Below you can find some resources on these childhood illnesses.
2. Below is additional information on head lice, a childhood concern that can occur any time of year.
Meningococcal Reminder
Please read the PDF below about Meningococcal Vaccine.
Stephen J. Gerace Elementary School
Email: Matthew.Reiner@pequannock.org
Website: sjg.pequannock.org
Location: 59 Boulevard, Pequannock Township, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 3055615
Twitter: @SJGPride
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjgpride/