Celebrating Gifted
January 2024
Greetings, GT Families!
It is our sincere hope that you enjoyed the winter break with friends, family, and lots of unplugged downtime. It is refreshing to embark on a new semester after a period of rest and holiday enjoyment. Use this energy to set positive intentions, establish good study routines, and approach challenged with a renewed perspective. Wishing you a successful and fulfilling semester ahead!
FBISD GT Department
Spring Referrals 📘📙📗
Spring Referral Window is Open: January 4 - January 31, 2024
Eligibility for referral during this window:
- Fort Bend ISD students who enrolled after the closing of the fall referral window (after September 30, 2023)
- Fort Bend ISD students who are identified for GT services and wish to be re-evaluated to add an area of service (fee assessed for re-evaluation)
Family Series Winter Challenge 📘📙📗
Did your family complete the “Let It Snow" challenge? Please be sure to submit your video submission by Tuesday, January 16, 2024 so we can showcase it on our YouTube channel starting on Monday, January 22, 2024! Please visit the Family Series Web Page for submission instructions. See you soon!
Recaps! Lettuce Live and GT Family Game Day 📘📙📗
Lettuce Live Community Service
Thanks to those families who came out to help Lettuce Live winterize beds and harvest sweet potatoes! Please visit the Lettuce Live web page for opportunities to attend workshops, request a consultation, or learn how to volunteer at this awesome non-profit urban farm!
Family Game Day
Such a fantastic turnout for the December Family Game Day. Everyone had a great time whether it was playing one of the many games of chess, Monopoly or even the huge floor version of Sorry! Thank you to all of the families who came out for a day of play!
Information Download is back! 📘📙📗
We are happy to invite all of our GT families to the monthly Information Download sessions this semester. We will have our January Information Download on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. This is a recorded session providing updates from the GT PAC and from the GT Department, but a live Q&A session will also be active during this time. The GT PAC Meeting will being promptly after the download at 7:00 p.m.
UH STEM Zone Saturdays 📘📙📗
The University of Houston is hosting STEM Zone Saturdays over several dates this semester! Students in grades 3-12 are invited to work with UH faculty, industry professionals, and college students on a variety of STEM topics, along with a STEM kit with tangible materials to explore during the presentation. For more information, please see the event flyer linked below.
Icon of the Month - Over Time 📘📙📗
The "Over Time" icon encourages students to examine a topic over multiple time periods. Don't just make a list of changes! Instead, add layers of complexity by comparing and contrasting two or three topics over the same time periods, offer observations and explanations, or consider hypothetical changes for the future!
Sentence Starters for Over Time:
What aspects of the past affect _____ in the present, and how will it possibly be affected in the future?
How has our understanding of _____ changed over time?
How does the passage of time affect our study of _____?
As we move into January, campuses will be finalizing the dates and committees for the campus showcase. Students will continue working on their project research and planning their final products. Be on the lookout for campus-specific information and dates related to the spring showcase on the Gifted and Talented website.
To navigate to your campus GT web page, please go to the campus home page, click the "Students and Parents" tab, and select "Gifted and Talented."
Innovation Hour 📘📙
For our twenty-one campuses that engaged in the Innovation Hour pilot, we will continue to provide support through campus walks and open labs. Our students are extremely excited to share their projects and share the rationale behind their projects. The creative and innovative ideas that are rising to the forefront demonstrate that students are taking the lead in the development of their products.
GT Learning Plan 📘📙📗
During January, students will review the goals listed in their GT Learning Plan to define their next steps and make any revisions necessary to meet their goals. Parents can support the GT Learning Plan goal review by asking reflective questions to help your child focus on the steps needed to accomplish their goal and provide positive re-enforcement to encourage your child to continue the path to success. Additionally, parents can discuss challenges or concerns your child may have about meeting their goal (s) and help him/her to brainstorm ideas to achieve their goals.
5th Grade Parents and Students: GT Academy at Quail Valley 📗
The 2023-2024 GT Academy Recruitment, Application and Selection Timeline has been published and is available on the GT Academy Webpage. School tours and 5th grade night are also on the GTA calendar. Please go to the GT Academy web page for all information related to the GT Academy!
Class of 2025 GT Mentorship Information Meetings 📗
GT Mentorship Information Meetings for the class of 2025 will be held on each high school campus during the month of January 2024. Campus COGS, GT Counselor, and GT Administrator will notify all GT-identified juniors of the date, time, and location for the meeting. Two virtual parent information meetings will also be held. Please see the meeting calendar for all dates and times.