The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: May 7, 2024
Not Your Typical Day
Dear Raider Nation,
We are down to the last six weeks of school and there are a few atypical schedules coming up for various reasons. As you take note of important dates coming up, please ensure you have these on your calendar:
- 5/14- No School for Students
- 5/17- 11:35am Dismissal
- 5/27- Schools & Offices Closed
- 5/28- Atholton HS dismissed at 1:50pm due to graduation
- 6/5- 11:35am Dismissal
- 6/11- Full day, but a modified schedule for period 1 final exam
- 6/12- 11:35am Dismissal (Period 2 & 3 final exams)
- 6/13- 11:35am Dismissal (Period 4A & 5 final exams)
- 6/14- 11:35am Dismissal (Period 4B & 6 final exams)
No underclassmen final exams may be administered prior to 6/11. Teachers may be able to accommodate make-up exams before 6/14; however, students who miss exams will need to schedule time in the summer to take these assessments. More information about this process will be shared in an upcoming newsletter.
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
Staff Appreciation
Last call for Staff Appreciation thank you notes. One of the best "gifts" staff can receive is hearing the gratitude you have for the support they have provided you/your child this year and/or during their high school career. Take some time before the link closes at midnight tonight to share these words of appreciation here:
As we wrap up the school year, I wanted to share a couple of reminders since we've had some recurring issues lately with these two things:
2) After School Expectations-if students are not involved in a supervised activity after school, they should head home as soon as possible after the end of the school day. Students may wait a short time in the lobby for a ride after school, but if their behavior (wandering around the school, goofing off, etc) becomes an issue, we may revoke after school privileges.
MESA Wins at State Competition
Please join me in congratulating our MESA Planetary Landing Expanding Structures Team for their PHENOMENAL 1st PLACE win at Saturday's Maryland State MESA Competition AND our National Engineering Design Competition (NEDC) Team for their outstanding performance, securing an IMPRESSIVE 2nd PLACE! Their innovative solutions and exceptional problem-solving skills have set them apart as true champions, and we are immensely proud of their well-deserved victory.
Summer Workshops
Affordable & Convenient Summer SAT & ACT Prep, College Essay Writing Workshops & Admissions Crash Courses in Partnership with Howard County High Schools
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour summer college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake High Schools and are open to students from all high schools.
Virtual ACT Prep: Sun., June 30 & Sun., July 7 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
SAT Prep at Atholton HS: M/W July 8 & 10 from 5 pm - 9 pm
College Essay Writing Workshop at Atholton HS: W/Th July 17 & 18 from 5 pm - 9 pm
These workshops are designed to affordably help students craft their Common App personal essay from idea generation, to outline, to the completion of a first draft.
Virtual College Admissions Crash Course: Aug. 5, 7, 12, 14 from 7 pm - 9 pm
Each college prep class is only $199,* or choose a College Prep Premium Bundle and save up to $300! AHS students can register for any Answer Class, at any location or online, – and 20% of tuition will be donated to AHS PTSA! Visit www.theanswerclass.com to view the full class schedule and to register your student.
Important Information-Reposting
The Yearbook Needs Your Photos
The AHS Yearbook is in desperate need of photos for the following sports:
1. Boys Varsity Lacrosse
2. Girls Varsity Lacrosse
3. Boys JV Lacrosse
4. Girls JV Lacrosse
Please add details when you upload your photos so we know if they are of JV or Varsity. Click on the link below to upload your photos. Thanks.
https://images.jostens.com/0DKUk5p3lrsf2pAKw_6k7NQLinks to an external site.
Above and Beyond Awards
As you are thinking of "Staff Appreciation” in the coming weeks , it is also a good time to think of staff you’d like to nominate for the "Above and Beyond Awards”. See the information below:
Nominate Faculty & Staff Members for Above and Beyond Awards: Parents & Students, every year the PTSA recognizes faculty & staff members who have made a real difference to support students and have gone “Above and Beyond” the normal call of duty this school year. Nominees are recognized in three categories: Academic, Extracurricular, and Student Services/Support (e.g., office staff, Student Services, custodians). You can nominate one staff member in each category.
To submit your nomination(s): Send an e-mail to Michelle Maslan (amaslan@comcast.net) indicating:
-Name of the staff member you are nominating
-The category for the nomination (Academic, Extracurricular or Student Services/Support), and
-A few sentences explaining/supporting your nomination
Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 10, 2024 and the winners will be announced at the final staff meeting on June 3, 2024.
Food Pantry-Save the Date
The next food distribution will be May 15th at 2:45pm in front of the school.
Graduation Updates
If you haven't seen the info on the website, we're steering folks to this document to get the most updated graduation information as we approach May 28th.
The senior calendar of events was also shared recently and we have subsequently been required to change the date of the crab feast from May 13th to May 6th. More info will be shared soon with seniors on how to buy tickets for this event.
Mimi's Outreach Initiative
Hello Atholton! Join the Mimi's Outreach Initiative with a community service project helping a charity called MACONA support communities across Africa with educational, medical, and essential resources. Help make a difference by donating books and toys (April 14-26), clothes and essentials like sanitary products (April 29-May 10), and food and money (May 13-24). Donation boxes will be available around the building for two weeks during each time frame. Your contributions are important to uplifting those in need. Together let's bring hope and opportunity to those in need.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and check out the full school calendar on our website:
5/7-5/10 Government MCAP
5/9 & 5/10 Dance Concert
5/13 Senior Final Exams Periods 2 & 5
5/14 Schools & Offices Closed for Election Day
5/15 Senior Final Exams Periods 4B & 6
5/15 Athletic Awards
5/16 Senior Final Exams Periods 1 & 4A
5/16 Music Awards
5/17 Senior Final Exam Period 3
5/17 11:35am Dismissal