Rim Rock Family Handbook
We nurture and equip mindful, engaged and empowered learners
Arrival and Departure Times
School Ends: 4:00 pm
Friday - First Bell: 8:50 am Tardy Bell: 8:55 am
School Ends: 2:00 pm
Supervision on Playground Before and After School
THERE WILL BE PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION BEGINNING AT 8:35 A.M. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ON THE PLAYGROUND OR AT SCHOOL BEFORE THIS TIME - unless involved in Morning School, Lego League, or part of our Student Council or NEHS work crews.
If you need your child to arrive prior to 8:35 a.m., the Extended Hours Program begins each morning at 6:30 a.m. and is located in the modular behind the school. To register a child for Extended Hours please stop by the school and pick up a registration packet. If you have additional questions, you can call Sheryl Fisher at 241-3603 or visit the website at www.extendedhoursprogram.com.
A problem arises when parents believe their child is in school and we believe that the child is at home ill. In an attempt to better monitor student attendance, we are asking parents to call the school between 8:00 - 9:15 a.m. any time your child will not be in school or will be arriving after 8:50 a.m. If you call before 7:45 a.m., please leave a message on the machine. If children are not in class and we have not heard from you, we will call your home and/or cell phone and leave a message if no one answers. Your student will be marked unexcused in the system until we hear from a parent/guardian via phone call or note.
Please contact us immediately if any of your telephone numbers (home, work, emergency) have changed! Please be sure to notify the office of changes and absences...do not rely on the teacher to get that message to us.
All students arriving late to school need to check in at the front office to receive a Student’s Admit Slip before going to class. Tardies will be marked unexcused in the system until we receive parent/guardian contact via email, phone call, or in person.
Another issue that can be problematic is excessive early pick-ups/check-outs. Though some early pick-ups are unavoidable (ex. Doctor or dentist appointments), please avoid picking up your child early on a consistent basis. Early pick-ups can be disruptive to your child’s learning and the classroom environment.
Check Out Policy
Bicycles, Scooters and Skateboards
Cell Phones and Cell Phone Watches
We encourage all students to leave electronic devices at home. If your child does brings a cell phone or cell phone watch to school the following rules will be enforced per school board policy:
1. Phone must be turned OFF and kept in a backpack during school hours.
2. Phone usage during school hours is not permitted.
3. The school is not responsible for lost or missing phones.
4. The school reserves the right to remove a phone being misused during the school day. If your child’s phone is removed, school personnel will inform you of this and you may pick it up from the principal.
5. If the problem persists the student will not be allowed to bring the phone to school anymore.
Dress Code
- No clothing that displays inappropriate language, and/or advertises alcohol or tobacco.
- Shorts & skirts should be approximately to the end of the index finger, or longer when arms are held at the sides.
- For shorter-styled skirts, it is suggested that shorts be worn underneath.
- No crop tops
- No spaghetti straps (straps should be at least 1 in wide)
- No skate-shoes or Heelies
- No hats, caps, or bandanas (unless a spirit day - or at teacher discretion in the classroom)
- No masks
**On days when your child has Physical Education class, appropriate shoes should be worn (i.e., ones that students can run in - not flip flops)
Emergencies and Drills
Inclement weather or other factors may result in school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissal. School closing will be announced over local radio stations. Close contact is maintained with the District Transportation office, Bus Company, Highway Department, Weather Bureau, and News Media.
Closing decisions are made as early as possible. On a questionable day, listen to the radio or check the District 51 website at www.d51schools.org rather than call the District office or the school.
In the event of an early school dismissal, parents will be notified. If parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact person will be called.
We will have a fire drill once a month. In addition, we will have a shelter-in-place drill once a year and two, lock-down drills - one each semester.
Program Information:
This program offers children an opportunity to be with their friends, enrich their day through special activities, work on homework assignments, and to relax. The program includes open-ended activities from areas including art, math, science, athletics, drama, and literature that allow children to explore ideas and solve problems independently.
We offer Before and After school care Monday – Friday for grades K – 5.
- Hours:
- Before School: 6:30am – School Start
- After School: School End – 6:00pm
- Early Release Friday: School End – 6:00pm
Registration Information:
Please visit the Extended Hours Program Website at www.extendedhoursprogram.com to register your child.
Extended Hours Program requires a new registration each school year. All paperwork must be submitted online and processed by the Extended Hours Main Office before children are allowed to attend.
A complete registration includes:
· Online Application
· $55 registration fee (per household) for the School Year
oOnce we have downloaded your registration, we will email you a link for payment.
· Calendar of anticipated attendance for the upcoming month
oAuto -pay set up OR Pre-payment for attendance for at least the first two weeks
· Immunization forms for each child or exemption forms
· Medical Forms for Epi Pen, Inhaler, Medication, etc. (If applicable)
· For Families receiving CCCAP assistance:
oOnline application, immunization records, & medical forms (if applicable)
oCCCAP Authorization (confirmation from caseworker)
oCCCAP Extended Hours Contract (required for all families receiving CCCAP to fill out and sign verifying you have read and understand Extended Hours policies in regards to your account)
**Our program requires up to 10 business days to process registrations before children are able to start care. We recommend registering as soon as possible to be sure care is available when you need it! The registration deadline to guarantee care for the first week of school is July 27th. After July 27th, registrations will be processed in the order they are received and start date will depend on when all items are turned in as well as when our office is able to deliver the student file to your child’s school.
All rates are available on our website https://www.extendedhoursprogram.com/copy-of-school-year.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties and could use assistance, our program accepts funding through Mesa County Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP). CCCAP is designed to help low-income families with their childcare needs. We work very closely with the county in providing care for families, and enrollment for this assistance program is at an all-time low! They have many openings and enrollment requirements have changed, so even if a family was not able to qualify in the past, they may be eligible to receive assistance now.
Families can apply for CCCAP by contacting the Department of Human Services at 970-241-8480. Information is also available through the Mesa County Department of Human Services website at https://humanservices.mesacounty.us/assistance-programs/low-income-child-care-assistance/.
We are looking forward to another great year! Please don’t hesitate to contact the Extended Hours Main Office with any questions.
Extended Hours Program
970-241-3603 (main office)
970-241-3523 (fax)
Health Office
Because of the number of medications given at school and the number of individuals who may be trained to dispense medication, no medication will be given at school unless the above criteria are met. Over The Counter medication such as aspirin, cough drops and cough syrup cannot be administered unless parents have signed a “Request for Medication to be Given at School” form, including exact dosage and time to administer the medication. OTC medications must be in their original container. These items must also be kept in the Health Assistant's Office - they cannot be carried by students.
School personnel shall provide the time and place for students to take properly prescribed and authorized medication.
Students should not carry/be in possession of any medications at any time - this includes cough drops, cough syrup, aspirin, etc.
Illness or Injury
In the event of an emergency, 911 will be called first and then the parent/guardian contact.
In case of serious injury or illness (but not an emergency) of any student at school, the home is called first. If a parent cannot be reached at the home or work number, the people listed as the emergency contacts are called next.
Items Not Allowed at School
The following items are not allowed to be in the possession of students at school:
*Hardballs (baseballs, lacrosse balls etc.)
*Electronic Game Devices
*Toys and trading cards (e.g., Pokemon cards)
*Electronic devices such as phones and watches
*Electronic Toys
*Remote Control Items
*Video Camcorders
*Sports Helmets, Shoulder Pads. Baseball Bats
*Weapons of any kind
*Ammunition (live or spent)
*Replica or pretend knives, guns, ammunition, or weapons
*Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping items
Trading, bartering, selling, or buying items is not allowed at school (example trading cards) All items of value should stay at home - we cannot guarantee they will not be damaged or stolen. We understand some of these items may need to be brought to school for practices after school - we ask they be left in the office or stored in a secure place in the classroom.
Lost and Found
The “Lost and Found” is located in the hallway outside of the cafeteria. Items not claimed will be donated to a charity at the end of each year.
Lunch and Breakfast
All students in Mesa County Valley School District 51 will have access to free healthy, nutritious school meals beginning in the 2023-24 school year thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All program approved by Colorado voters.
1. Just like in previous years, it’s important for families to still provide their household income information when requested by their district. While meals will be provided for free to all students in participating schools, it’s important for districts to continue gathering this information in order to receive full access to federal funding. This packet includes an application for meal benefits, and a set of detailed instructions. You can also find applications at all school locations, at the Nutrition Services office located at 2280 East Main St. Grand Junction or apply online at www.MySchoolApps.com. Below are some common questions and answers to help you with the application process
2. We enjoy visitors for lunch. We ask that you wait until 2nd quarter to come and visit.
4. After the original free lunch - extra lunch costs: (subject to change) daily $3.25 - weekly $16.25 for students and $4.60 for adults. Extra milk or juice .90/day - $4.50/week.
5. Breakfast is free and is served between 8:35-8:50 a.m. Extra breakfast costs are $2.25 for students and $2.75 for adults.
Lunch Times
Kindergarten - 1:15 - 1:35
1st - 12:20 - 12:40
2nd - 12:40 - 1:00
3rd - 12:00 - 12:20
4th - 1:00 - 1:20
5th - 1:20 - 1:40
1. Walk and talk quietly while entering the cafeteria
2. Use quiet voices when talking with students at your table
3. Food should not be shared or traded for safety
4. Clean your area before you leave
5. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
6. All food and drink must remain in the cafeteria
You can find our menus, including nutritional values here: https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/RimRockElementary
Parent-Teacher Organization - PTO
Your PTO Board for 22-23:
Myra Gaither - President
Devin Quarles - Vice President
Sarah Bearden - Treasurer
Sara Streetman - Secretary.
You can reach out to them through email at: Fruitarimrockpto@gmail.com .
Parent Visits and Volunteers
Parents are encouraged to visit and/or volunteer in their children's classrooms. This is one of the best ways to know what is going on at school. Visitors MUST sign in at the office and receive a visitor's badge or sticker before visiting a classroom. In addition, each volunteer must fill out an annual "Volunteer Agreement Form" which can be picked up at the front office. Please be sensitive to the learning environment when allowing younger siblings to visit the classroom. It is often best to have younger siblings visit their brother or sister at lunchtime with the parent.
Parking Lot - Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Safety and Flow of Traffic in Our Parking Lot
Drop off is not as busy due to families coming at different times; however, we ask that you do not leave your car unattended at the curb at any time. If you need to run into the building, please park in one of the parking spots.
To keep students safe, help with the flow of cars and prevent staff and parents from being blocked in, we have the following expectations:
*Stay in your car if you stop along the curb. The curb is for PICK UP / DROP OFF ONLY.
*Avoid stopping in the areas marked in red or outlined with cones. Please do not block the curve at the end of the parking lot - pull forward, or park in a spot so we can keep traffic moving.
*If you are going into the building, please park in a parking space or along the road – not behind parked cars or along the curb or in the bus loop.
*For Safety reasons children are instructed to remain on the sidewalk until escorted by an adult to cars out in our parking lot. Please help us reinforce this procedure by discussing this procedure with your child and not waving them out to your vehicle.
*If you are parking on the dirt path along the fence, please park with your car facing South.
*Many families/students walk and ride to school together – please remember, for safety reasons, all bikes, scooters and skateboards need to be walked on campus – this includes adults as well as older and younger siblings.
*Please refrain from cell phone use in our parking lot.
*Please do not block the handicap designated spots or ramps.
In addition, you can park all along J 6/10 – you can also park along the west side of South Fremont Street – however, it is a no parking zone along the east side (the fence side).
Please do not pull into our bus loop at any time during the hours of 8:10 am to 4:30 pm.
Our district prohibits any dogs or cats on school grounds (except service animals). Our policy includes pets walking onto our grounds to and from school. Basically, our furry friends should not be on school grounds unless confined within a vehicle. As most of you know, I am an animal lover and enjoy seeing all of your pets; however, we need to follow the required State Health Departments guidelines (‘Rules and Regulations Governing Schools in the State of Colorado’, Regulation 3-402) and Board Policy IMC-R (Animals on School Premises).
Playground Expectations
Students are not to leave the playground without permission from an adult on duty. Students should not talk to strangers on or around school property. Students should notify an adult with a school ID if they see a stranger.
School ground rules before, during and after school:
⮚ Take turns, share kindly, and be respectful of others.
⮚ Pushing or pulling other students is not acceptable.
⮚ Tackle games are not permitted.
⮚ Running or standing on top of playground equipment is not permitted.
⮚ Leave rocks, sticks and snow on the ground.
⮚ The fence and backstop are not climbing areas.
⮚ Food and drink must stay in the cafeteria.
⮚ Inappropriate language is unacceptable.
⮚ Stay on the playground and in view of the adult on duty.
Specific Guidelines:
✔ One person at a time on the swing.
✔ Stay out of swing pit until it is your turn.
✔ No standing or swinging on your stomach.
✔ No twisting in the swing.
✔ Do not jump out of swing.
✔ One person on slide at a time.
✔ No gravel or toys on the slide.
✔ Go down feet first and on your bottom.
✔ No climbing up or out of slide.
✔ No jumping or flipping off the bars.
✔ No standing on the bars.
✔ No buddy stunts.
✔ No penny drops.
✔ No tackle games.
✔ Only plastic bats, tennis balls and whiffle balls are allowed for baseball games.
✔ Establish rules before game is started.
✔ No hard balls i.e. golf balls, baseballs, softballs.
Rim Rock School Advisory Council
The purpose of the School Advisory Council shall be to provide recommendations to the building principal for school improvement planning and implementation, and to perform specified tasks relative to the administration of the program of accountability as provided in the Colorado Educational Accountability Act. The council shall meet a minimum of once per quarter.
Specific charges and responsibilities of the School Advisory Council may include:
• Make recommendations to the principal on expenditures of state, federal, local or private grants and any other discretionary funds.
• Make recommendations to the principal regarding prioritization of expenditures of school monies.
• Make recommendations to the principal on safety issues related to the school environment.
• Be involved with staff in developing the Individual School Improvement Plan.
• Work with the principal and building staff on decisions, which affect the educational process and student performance.
If you are interested in this committee, please see Ms.Huddle.
ROAR Report
School Behavior Expectations
R. O. A. R.
take Ownership of your actions and words;
Attitude "keep it positve";
be Responsible for your learning.
Each classroom will review these expectations for the classroom, cafeteria, hallways, bathrooms, and all other areas in our building.
Special Services
Requests for assistance may be initiated by anyone. This is generally done by the child's teacher or parent through the school. Questions should be directed to the principal, counselor, or school psychologist.