Westwood Middle School
February Newsletter
February Calendar
February 14- Jump-A-Thon 5-7 grade
February 17- Valentines Day Dance
February 20- No school
February 21- Choir Concert 7pm EHS PAC
February 22- Conferences 2:30-5:30
February is a month when we shift from the holiday season and look forward to a brand new year! There is plenty to look forward to in this new year as we trudge through the doldrums of winter and dream of sunnier days. This is also the month that we celebrate Black History and those who are credited with promoting civil rights and equality for all.
Valentines Day is also a holiday which we celebrate during the month of February. A time to show love and compassion to those we hold dear, and make our lives more bearable. I hope that all of us will take some time to “smell the roses along the way”. This month is a great time to show appreciation to those who walk with us on the journey of life!
On a more random and lighthearted note, some unofficial days we celebrate during the month of February are:
National Pizza Day, Groundhog Day, National Tater Tot Day, World Cancer Day, National Thank a Mail Carrier Day, Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, Unity Day, and National Frozen Yogurt Day, just to name a few. This month is a great time to celebrate diversity, promote kindness and compassion, or possibly celebrate your favorite cause or food.
Mr. Brad Miller
Meet Deputy Jeremy Lipscomb
Westwood Campus SRO
Working out, reading, mentoring youth groups & hanging out with friends.
2. How many years have you been in Law Enforcement?
9 years
3. What is your role as a SRO at Westwood Campus?
Making a connection with kids and staff. Ensuring safety for all.
4. Favorite thing you like about Westwood?
Getting to know the staff and sitting in on classes in all grade levels.
Sweet Treat
You're so sweet
So here’s a treat!
Student Council will be selling Hersey Bars the week of
February 6th-10th
for $1.00
Candy grams will be delivered on Valentines Day during WIN. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Supan or Mrs. Griffin
Spelling Bee
The Westwood Spelling Bee will take place on February 2nd during school.
The top 4 Westwood Spellers will participate in the Lorain County Preliminary Spelling Bee on February 23rd.
The top 25 Spellers will then advance to the Lorain County Bee Final which will be held at Avon Middle School
on Thursday, March 9, 2023. The winner of the Lorain County Bee Final will represent Lorain County in
Washington DC in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in May.
The 8th Grade WEB Leaders will be sponsoring the Valentine Dance!
The dance will be held on Friday, February 17th from 7-9pm.
Tickets will be sold during WIN starting on February 6th.
Tickets are $5 and snacks/drinks will be available during the dance.
(If you have an obligation, you may not purchase a dance ticket.)
Tech -E Club
The next meetings for Tech-E Club will be Thursday, February 9th and Thursday, February 16th. The students will be using the the Tinkercad Site to design a keychain on February 9th. Then they will be using a 3-D Printer to make the keychain on February 16th.
We will see your students then....Ms. Yates and Mr. Wise
Westwood Track
Westwood Boys and Girls Track Team will begin training in early March for our spring season. In order to participate a student must have a current physical on file with the Westwood Athletic Department. If an athlete participated in a fall or winter sport they will have a physical on file already. Physicals are good for one year. More information about practices times, location, etc. will come out in mid February.
News from the Nurse
Dear Families,
February is National Dental Health Month!
Make dental health part of your daily routine and share these reminders with your whole family:
Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, especially after breakfast and before bedtime. Drinking water after eating also helps to clear your teeth of food particles.
Floss every day. An adult should help children under the age of eight to floss. Older children should be ready to floss on their own.
Limit the number of times you eat snacks, especially the sticky ones and long lasting ones.
Visit a dentist regularly for a routine check up and a cleaning.
Protect your teeth by wearing a mouth guard when playing sports.
Don’t forget to change your toothbrush regularly, and after an illness.
Sweet snack facts:
Eating a lot of snacks with sugar may cause cavities.
Every time you eat sugar, plaque in your mouth mixes with the sugar to make acid. The acid hurts the teeth and causes decay over time. This can be painful!
The school nurse can help you find a dental home for your family!
School Nurse
3rd Quarter Incentive
Students who earn the Incentive will be going April 3 or 4
Westwood 2022-23 Yearbooks
Price $25
You may order your Westwood Year Book using the following link:
There are also paper order forms in the office that are available upon request.
Thank you for your support.
All orders due by April 7
Jump for Our Hearts
Jim Basketball Jones Family Assembly
Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023, 06:00 PM
Northwood School Campus, Abbe Road North, Elyria, OH, USA
5th grade class trip
Cost: $137.00
Down payment is due ASAP
6th grade class trip
Cost: $99.00
Down payment is due ASAP
7th grade class trip
Cost: $175.00
Down payment is due ASAP
Spring Basketball
Soccer Skills Clinic
Westwood Middle School
Website: www.elyriaschools.org/westwood
Location: 42350 Adelbert Street, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: 440-284-8017