4-H Achievement Celebration
Applications Due October 18th
Achievement Application
The Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application is a standard application form used for the selection of county and state award winners, including Nebraska delegates to National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference, as well as Nebraska 4-H Foundation scholarship award recipients.
Two versions of the application are available:
- Junior Achievement Application for ages 8-14 (county-only)
- Senior Achievement Application for ages 15-18 (state-eligible)
Applications can be found here: https://4h.unl.edu/achievement-application
County Awards
Application Assistance
What is included in the Achievement Application?
A complete application includes:
- Designation of Awards and Program Area of Submission
- About Me page
- My Experience pages - Limit responses to a maximum of four pages, single-space, 12 point font.
- DELEGATE APPLICANTS ONLY: Representing Nebraska 4-H (National Application) page - A fifth page is allowed for youth applying as delegates to National 4-H Conference or National 4-H Congress.
- SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS ONLY: Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarship page - Youth applying for the State Scholarships must complete this additional section and attach the following items with their application:
- Copy of current transcripts
- ACT/SAT score
Applicants should not send a list of awards received. Youth may include selected awards as part of their "My Experiences" section of the application.
Creativity is encouraged. Applications may include bulleted lists, photos, infographics, etc. to help tell the 4-H member's story.
Only one application is required and permitted even if youth are applying for multiple awards and recognition.
How to Submit Applications
Achievement Applications must be submitted to Scotts Bluff Co Extension office by October 18 for county-level participation. Hard copies in Green 4-H Folders are encouraged, however, we will also accept electronic submissions emailed to abrown132@unl.edu for county-level participation.
Following a county-level review, youth may make revisions as needed before submitting for state-level review.
State Achievement Application Submission
- After County Achievement Score Sheet is returned, improve Achievement Application following suggestions.
- State-level applications must be emailed to 4HAchieves@unl.edu. The state-level application submission deadline is January 5. Files should be labeled with the applicants last name, first name, and county. For example: "Walker Robin Scotts Bluff.pdf".
Diamond Clover Awards
Other Awards-Diamond Clover!!
Give the Extension Office a call (308-632-1480) if you need assistance with your level.
2024 Achievement Celebration
4-H Achievement Celebration is planned for November 3
Deadline to submit nominations to the Extension Office for the following awards is October 18:
Volunteer and Heart of 4-H Awards
The 4-H Council honors several individuals and businesses each year for their support of our youth program. Please contact our office with names of people you think deserve to be nominated.
4-H Council Nominations
Executive Council Members (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected at the Achievement Night. By October 18 please contact a Council Member or the Scotts Bluff County Extension Office if you have nominations. The 4-H Council meets every other month. The President of the Council is also the 4-H representative at six Extension Board Meetings each year.
I Dare You Award and Outstanding 4-H Member Awards
The “I Dare You” Award and Outstanding 4-H Member Award are two of the highest honors given on the county level. Both awards are based on a 4-Her’s activities and accomplishments. Each of these awards is given out every year. 4-H leaders, parents, the 4-Hers themselves, or a friend can submit an application for the 4-Her of their choice. Members who are 16–18 years of age as of January 1, 2024 are eligible. Applications are due October 18 and can be found online at https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/scottsbluff-morrill/I_dare_you_form_fillable.pdf.
Outstanding Leader Award
4-Hers and 4-H families, here is your chance to recognize your 4-H leader and all of the hard work they do. We are now accepting nominations for the Outstanding 4-H Leader Award. Our leaders are vital people in 4-H. Anyone who belongs to our 4-H family can nominate a leader. Just submit their names along with a short story about why you think they should be chosen. Applications are due October 18 and can be found at https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/scottsbluff-morrill/Outstanding_4-H_leader_form_fillable.pdf.
New Horizon 4-H Alumni Award
Scotts Bluff County 4-H has many volunteers that are recent 4-H alumni. 4-H has made an impact on their lives so they have decided to give back to the program as volunteers and are already making a difference in the 4-H program. If this describes someone you know who is making an impact on the 4-H program, let the Extension Office know.
Spirit of 4-H Award
This award is to honor the memory of Tom Holman, long-time Extension Educator in Scotts Bluff County. It is given to 4-H members in their first few years of membership who are trying a variety of project areas. If this describes a 4-H member that you know, contact the Extension Office.
Nebraska Extension - Scotts Bluff Co.
Email: abrown132@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/scottsbluff-morrill/
Location: 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NE, USA
Phone: 308-632-1480
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scottsbluffco4h