Crocker Viking News
September 15, 2022
Support Needed
As you know, there is a substitute shortage throughout the bay area. We are looking for dynamic, caring, and supportive parents who may have a little time in their schedule, would like to give back, and would be able to help fill vacancies at Crocker this year. If you'd like to know more, please contact Margaux Mansfield at the Hillsborough City School District Office at: mmansfield@hcsdk8.org/(650) 342-5193 or complete the online application through Edjoin.
Thank you!
Upcoming Dates
Sept 16: 8th Grade Networking in Crocker Library @ 8:45am
Sept 16: Spirit Day - Wear Black & White
Sept 23: 7th and 8th Grade Back-to-School Dance on Blacktop @ 6pm-8pm in Multi. Please have your 7th or 8th grader rapid test before the dance and stay home/report if there is a positive result-tests will be distributed at the end of the day Friday 8/23.
Sept 28-Oct 4: Conference Week EARLY Dismissal at 2:15pm
Sept 29: HSF Giving Day - Wear GREEN and donate here
Sept 30: Superintendent Coffee in Crocker Library @ 8:45am
Oct 6: 6th Grade & New Parent Reception @ 6pm-8pm
Oct 6-7: Picture Day
Oct 7: HSF Hillsborough Classic Tennis
Oct 10: NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Development
Oct 12: HCSD Board Meeting in Crocker Lecture Hall @ 6pm-9pm
Oct 14: HSF Hillsborough Classic Luncheon
Message from Crocker Parent Group President
Go Vikings! I am so proud to be a part of our incredible Crocker community! The students and staff have hit the ground running and the energy is contagious. Our new principal Keith Rocha, Assistant Principal Lisa Ayer, and counselor Bonnie Slater have teamed up with the incredible Crocker staff to lead our students into a fantastic new school year.
It feels like we have pressed the reset button, and everyone is energized including so many parents that we have seen on campus for the CPG Welcome Back Coffee, WTEN, and our grade level Networking Coffees. It’s been fun to see smiling faces back in action!
We’ve fit a lot into the first three weeks, and there are many great people to thank. Starting with Linda Willey who helped CPG provide a delicious welcome back lunch for the entire Crocker staff on the first day of school. I would also like to thank our Networking Chairs, Karen Crawford and Karen Folgner for organizing grade level Networking coffees for 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents. Along with them, many thanks to the Networking Reps and Grade Level Reps, Melissa Farris, Kimberly Wickam, Kelly Couch (6th grade), Suzy Butler, Bessie Seybold, Danielle Simon, Marlo Go Stroud (7th grade), and Lisa Javaherian, Mirra Desuasido, Jessica Zucker (8th grade). Finally, a huge thank you to Donna Wei for her tireless effort and time spent helping with our ever-evolving lunch program. Thanks to Lisa Ayer and all the parent volunteers that have helped support Donna in the last few weeks, and the families who have been patient with the changing process.
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @crockerparentgroup and visit our CPG Website to pay your dues and sign up to volunteer! I hope to see all the 6th grade and new parents at the reception on October 6th!
Welcome Back!
Shelby Van Doren
CPG President
Update COVID-19 Notifications
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Due to the structure of Crocker Middle School, we must streamline our exposure notification process. Therefore, we will not be providing individual exposure notifications. Instead, please know that there is a high potential to be exposed to someone with COVID-19 (both in and out of school), and we encourage ALL students to follow the actions below to protect one another:
Wear a mask in indoor settings to protect yourself and prevent the spread of COVID-19. High-quality masks with a good fit and filtration provide the best protection.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, stay home and get tested. You may click here to find a testing site near you. Over-the-counter (at-home) tests may also be used. If your child starts to feel sick or shows symptoms, they should get tested right away, even if they had COVID-19 before.
If you test positive for COVID-19, isolate at home and notify us right away by completing the questions on the airkit app at https://app.airkit.com/c/hcsdcovid. When you notify us, we can take additional steps to keep our school community safe.
Stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations. Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself against severe disease. Make an appointment to get vaccinated or contact your healthcare provider.
With these mitigation measures in place, close contact notifications will no longer be emailed to families at Crocker Middle School, aligning our protocol with other districts in our area. Although, principals will continue to notify staff who are close contacts. Also, note that infections diagnosed in students and school staff are not necessarily the result of exposure at school, and when safety protocols are followed in schools, COVID-19 transmission remains more likely to occur outside of school settings.
Thank you for considering this important information. We consider the health and well-being of our community a priority. If you have questions and concerns, feel free to reach out.
Keith J. Rocha, Principal
Powerschool Access
Parent Conferences
For new families to middle school, our parent conferences scheduled for September 28, 29, 30 and October 3 and 4 look a little different than you may have experienced in the past.
Because teachers have 120+ students at the middle school, please know that they will need to prioritize the parents/students with the most need during the limited time available. Teachers will reach out directly to those families. However, if you do not receive an email, but are still interested in participating in the OPTIONAL needs-based parent-teacher conferences, please reach out to your student’s teachers directly. As a reminder, we will run an early dismissal schedule on these days with students being excused at 2:16pm. Thank you for your understanding.
Be a Viking Volunteer! Take a look at Signup.com for the Crocker volunteer opportunities in the 2022-23 school year. Click HERE to get started. There are opportunities to help with many events/school activities, including 6th and 7th Grade Socials, Turkey Trot, Lunar New Year, Library, Hot Lunch, HTV, Staff Appreciation, 8th Grade Memory Video, and 8th Grade Events (Grad Dance, Parent Cocktail Party, Grad Rehearsal Lunch, Grad Ceremony). If you have any questions, please feel free to email Wendie Leung (wendietran@gmail.com) or Jen Keane (jenprentiss@gmail.com), Co-VP of Volunteers. Thank you for getting involved, we welcome your participation!
Lunch Program Volunteers Needed
This is a rare opportunity to peer into your child's world and see your child in action on campus! Crocker's lunch program needs dedicated parent volunteers to run smoothly, so meals can be served on time. The LunchMasters program is new, and we appreciate your help and your patience as we work to improve the process. To sign up, please email Donna Wei (ddwei16@gmail.com).
*Parent volunteers on campus need to be vaccinated.
Meal orders for LunchMaster are at least four business days ahead on every Tuesday by 9:00 AM. If you ordered breakfast, please make sure to drop off your students between 8:00-8:20 AM to allow them time to eat before school starts. Meals that are not picked up by students are not reimbursed by the State, so please remind your middle schoolers to retrieve their meals each day. Thank you!
Dues are Due!!!
Pay here: http://crocker.corecommerce.com/
In addition to paying for the school yearbook, parent dues help fund grade level social events, teacher appreciation efforts and more!! CPG Committee members are already busy in the works planning for a great school year. Thanks to those families who have already paid their dues for the 2022-2023 year.
Any questions please email Katrina at crockertreasurer@gmail.com
Thursday, October 6th & Friday, October 7th
Memory Makers Images will make picture day less of a hassle and more of an experience to look forward to by offering an entirely online ordering system that cuts out the envelope and order form process. Each student is photographed for free with no pre-ordering beforehand needed. You will be able to view and order photos online 7-10 days after photos are taken.
Please mark your calendar now so picture day doesn’t sneak up on you! Visit Memory Makers Images for more information about us and tips for a successful photo
Crocker’s 6th Grade Parent and New Parent Reception
Thursday, October 6th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
The Evans' Home
45 Knightwood Lane, Hillsborough
Join us to meet fellow 6th grade Crocker parents, newbies to the Hillsborough School District and to celebrate the start of a great school year!
Please RSVP to Paperless Post
Cocktails and light apps
Casual cocktail attire
Adults only
Save the Date - 6th Grade Students' Social
Friday, November 4th
Sports House
Redwood City
6:00 to 8:00pm
*More details to come
Save the Date - 7th Grade Students' Social
Thursday, October 20th
Bel Mateo Bowl
5:00 to 7:00pm
*More details to come
8th Grade Networking Meeting: Public and Private High School Application/Registration Process
Crocker Counselor, Bonnie Slater will present information on the Public and Private High School Application/Registration Process.
Please join us on Friday, September 16th at 8:45am in the library
- Private High School Application
- How to request transcripts, letters of recommendation
- Important Crocker dates and deadlines
- Standardized Testing (ISEE, SSAT, etc.)
- 504/IEP transitions to private schools
- Public High School Registration
- Student assessment and programming
- Special education and 504s
- Important registration, shadow, and transfer dates
- Spring programming at Crocker
Citizen of the Year & Community Care Award Recipient Celebration!
On behalf of The Associated Parents' Groups of Hillsborough, you are cordially invited to the Citizen of the Year and Community Care Award Recipients Reception. We are all looking forward to celebrating our incredible recipients! Please kindly RSVP to apgboard@gmail.com by September 17th.
Thank you all who participated in our annual "Sharing the Journey" RISE Kickoff coffee on September 7! Slides from the event are posted on our website, and feedback from the breakout sessions has been collected to guide RISE's efforts this year. Forgot to exchange contact info with someone you met? Join the RISE Online Directory to find each other and connect!
RISE supports students of all abilities to achieve excellence on their individual journeys; promotes a school community where students of all abilities and their families can thrive and have a fulfilling school experience; and strives to increase awareness and decrease stigma about learning and ability differences.
HCSD Building Belonging Week (BBW) October 24-28, 2022
Your family is invited to join Hillsborough City School District (HCSD) and the IDEA Committee for Building Belonging Week (BBW), a special district-wide initiative designed to enhance students’ sense of belonging in their school and community. This week-long celebration aims to honor the wonderful diversity in our school community and help students learn that they have a role to play in making our schools feel welcoming and inclusive for everyone. IDEA is looking for volunteers to help with BBW. To get involved visit our website and follow us on Insta @hcsdideacommittee.
IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access) is a district-wide, parent-led group that supports the families, faculty, and staff of the Hillsborough City School District (HCSD) to create an environment that welcomes and is informed by diversity, fosters a sense of belonging, and prepares our students to make a positive impact on the world.
You're Invited to the 42nd Annual Hillsborough Classic
Round-robin tennis played on local courts is open to ladies and gentlemen of all skill levels.
San Mateo Marriott, 1770 S. Amphlett Blvd., San Mateo, CA
Enjoy a curated shopping experience featuring over 15 hand-picked vendors, two runway style fashion shows spotlighting the latest fall trends from Les Deux Copines and Sam Malouf Authentic Luxury, a raffle featuring fabulous items from Kerns Fine Jewelry and Steiner Jewelry, followed by a reception style lunch where you can mingle with friends from our four marvelous schools. (While premium seats for the runway fashion show are available for purchase, note this year's luncheon will feature a reception style format, so no need to reserve seats at a table).
The Hillsborough Schools Foundation (HSF) was established to close the financial gap that our district faces every year, with the generosity of HCSD families. Watch this video to learn how HSF directly supports our student’s education and HCSD’s financial needs.
Special Request: Substitute Teachers Needed
Hello Parents,
As you know, there is a substitute shortage throughout the bay area. We are looking for dynamic, caring, and supportive parents who may have a little time in their schedule, would like to give back, and would be able to help fill vacancies at Crocker this year. If you'd like to know more, please contact Margaux Mansfield at the Hillsborough City School District Office at: mmansfield@hcsdk8.org/(650) 342-5193 or complete the online application through Edjoin.
Thank you!
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331