July 11, 2024

Letters From Leadership
July 25, 2024
Dear SVA Families,
I admit the closer we get to the start of the year, the more excited I get about having our community back together!
As promised in my previous wire, I linked important beginning-of-the-year information to this wire. I encourage you to review each link to familiarize yourself with our safety procedures, the carline process, and a few exciting updates for the 2024-2025 school year!
SVA Safety:
The videos linked here are each 30 minutes in length. The slide show in the links is the one I used during my SVA Parent University presentation on safety. Attending evening events can be tricky for a busy family. This is an excellent alternative to an evening meeting.
Safety Video Part 1
Safety Video Part 2
SVA Carline:
Important to Review: AM Carline Process
Important to Watch: PM Carline Video
SVA Holistic Approach to Education:
A tried and true program for SVA will be revisited during our August staff and faculty professional development. We look forward to being recharged in this program to strengthen our educational environment further and build better relationships!
A new program to SVA, we look forward to implementing this character-building curriculum. We know The Six Pillars will positively impact our community in and out of school.
I close with key reminders in case you missed our last Thursday Wire Edition.
We will host our new Hawk Families for SkyView 101, an orientation event designed to provide you with all the information you need to start the new year well, on Thursday, August 8th, from 6:30 to 8:30.
Join me as I share all you need to know to start the new year well.
This event will take place 30 minutes after our BASE Orientation.
We want to be mindful of the number of evening events before the start of the school year.
IMPORTANT: Student Check-In:
Express Check-in is underway!
Express Check-in Deadline is July 30th
Registration Fees are available through My School Bucks (MSB).
3rd Grade has an additional Recorder Fee.
6th Grade Outdoor Ed will be a store item available in MSB on July 22nd.
6th and 8th Grade has an additional CPR Course Fee for PE.
HS Registration Fees are due at this time.
HS Course Fees will be assessed after the ADD/DROP Deadline of August 28th.
This ensures that fees assessed are accurate to each studentβs actual schedule.
Fees need to be paid on or before Wednesday, September 11th.
HS AP Courses have an additional fee for the Exam that will be assessed after the ADD/DROP Deadline of August 28th.
Monthly Payment Plans are available upon request.
Contact our Business Manager, Mrs. Cintia AlemΓ‘n caleman@svak12.org.
BRAND NEW Website Updates:
Need PS/ES Updates? Bookmark this LINK!
Need MS Updates? Bookmark this LINK!
Need HS Updates? Bookmark this LINK!
Celebrating a Senior? Bookmark this LINK!
Have an MS/HS Athlete? Bookmark this LINK!
As you enjoy the final weeks of summer break, remember that sunscreen!
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
Dates to Remember
Upcoming Dates
This year's school Google calendar and 24-25 yearly approved calendar is linked above. The Google calendar contains the dates of school events by each school. It will be updated for the entire school year by Friday, June 28th. Events will be added from time to time throughout the year. Click here for our new Athletic calendar.
August 8th: All School Back-to-School Community Day at Beau Jos Pizza
August 8th: BASE Orientation
August 8th: New Families 101 Meeting
August 12th: ALL Student Check-In/PS and ES Open House 8:30-3:30 PM
August 13th: 6th/New Student & 9th Grade Orientation-Half Day
August 14th: First Day of School PreK, 1st-12th, Kindergarten Soft Start
August 15th: Kindergarten First Day of School
Important Now
All School Student Check-In | August 12th 8:30-4:00 pm
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend Mandatory All Student Check-In Day. Please note that if you arrive right at 8:30, there may be long lines at 8:30 - to avoid the lines spread your arrival times throughout the day. Student Check-In Day is mandatory for all students. The purpose is for families to turn in necessary forms and medications, take student pictures (dress of choice), bring school supplies to set up lockers/classrooms, and pay outstanding fees.
Items to Bring to Check-In for the Health Office
Up to date immunization records for each student attending SVA if we do not already have the updated record. Please click here to read the immunization requirements.
Medications: Bring any medications and the correct forms by the first day of school. Example - If your student has asthma, please bring the inhaler in its original box (it cannot be expired), the completed Asthma Care Plan, and the Medication Permission Form. If your MS/HS student will be self-carrying one day's worth of medication or emergency medication, fill out and bring a Permission to Carry Form for each medication. Students cannot self-carry controlled substances, including ADHD/ADD medications. These must be kept in the health room.
Click here to learn more details including what you need to bring and other important details.
Student Fees Now Due
All student accounts have been assessed registration fees. Third graders have an additional recorder fee, and 6th and 8th graders in PE have a CPR course fee. All fees are now due. Please log in to www.myschoolbucks.com. High school registration fees are due, and course fees will be assessed in late August after the add/drop deadline.
Prepare for the new academic year by paying any fees from last year on www.myschoolbucks.com.
Click here for all the details.
Enrollment Reminders
You are receiving this Summer Wire because your student(s) is/are enrolled at SVA for the 24-25 school year. If your student(s) plan(s) to attend a different school, please email the Registrar at mjacob@svak12.org. This will help to ensure your childβs transfer is completed in a timely manner and helps us to start the school year off with full classrooms!
SkyView Academy's Express Check-In is now open. Both Express Check-in and Registration Fees need to be completed by July 30th. Please remember, new this year, sign in with your Parent Portal (username+@p.dcsdk12.org) and password. Your password is the same as it was before.
Back To School
The First Day of School | August 14th
August 14th: PreK, 1st-12th, and Kindergarten Soft Start (half day).
August 15th: Kindergarten first FULL day.
Middle/High school students can be dropped off starting at 7:40 a.m. at the north entrance, along with ES students with a sibling tag (obtained at Student Check-In day). ES siblings must have a tag to enter. ES students without an older sibling can be dropped off beginning at 8:00 a.m. at the east entrance.
School begins at 8:00 am for MS/HS and 8:20 for PS/ES. Students must be in their seats to be counted as present.
HS Dress Code Updated Information: The SVA Governing School Board approved a revision to the High School Dress Code. The changes can be reviewed here.
Uniforms: Refer to the K - 8 Uniform Policy for guidelines.
Embroidery: Find our updated list of embroidery vendors here.
Carpool With Another Family Through Way To Go
Unless you opted out, you should have received an email from MyWayToGo, with a map showing nearby families. Use this resource to connect for school transportation. Contact matched families to make arrangements. There is no obligation. If you haven't received the email, check your spam/junk folders or contact drcog@drcog.org.
Traffic and Parking
Parking: For safety reasons, we have designated parking areas for staff, students, and visitors. Staff and students will have traffic tags and stickers. Visitors must park in the designated visitor area and provide the make, model, color, and license plate number at the front desk. Click here for the parking policy and map.
- Click below for information on SVAβs carline.
All families must complete at least six traffic shifts throughout the school year. Sign up now!
Middle School Students & Families
PreK & Elementary Families
News and Events
Click here to learn more about some of the new faces you will see around the halls this year.
Hawk Shop Preorders Now Available!
Get ready to show off your school spirit with our exclusive preorder collection! Secure your perfect sweatshirt and elevate your spirit wear with style and comfort. Preorder now through Friday, August 23, 2024, and rock your unique sweatshirt by mid- to late September. Preorder here.
Why Preorder?
Our preorder process ensures that each sweatshirt is crafted to exceed your expectations, delivering a unique piece tailored just for you.
How It Works:
1. Select your style: Choose from various styles, colors, and sizes ranging from $26 to $42.
2. Place your order: Reserve your sweatshirt by placing a preorder. Your payment secures your chosen design before it hits the shelves.
3. Receive your exclusive piece: You can choose to have your order delivered to your childβs homeroom or advisement or pick it up at the Hawk Shop.
Feel free to reach out to Allison Caudle, Hawk Shop Manager, with any questions.
Hawk Shop Early Access: Pre-Owned Uniforms Available August 5th
Early access has been granted! We will open our doors early to offer you the best selection of pre-owned uniforms. Visit us early to browse our extensive collection. We will have polos, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, plaid, formal uniform attire, and NEW Spirit Wear!
Early Access Event Details:
Date & Time: Monday, August 5th 3-7 pm
Location: SkyView Academy Hawk Shop
The Hawk Shop will be open August 5th 3-7 pm, August 8th 4-8 pm, and on check-in day August 12th from 8-5 pm. We will resume our normal business hours during school.
Bring the Whole Family Together and Vote!
Your vote has the power to significantly impact our journey towards community recognition. With the voting window still open, every single vote contributes to our opportunity to clinch victory in SCHOOLED. If you haven't yet had the chance to cast your vote, now is the perfect moment to do so!
Thank you sincerely for considering our request and for your continued support. Your vote could be the crucial difference-maker and bolster our chances of being acknowledged as the finest! Please vote now!
Set Up Your Track it Forward Volunteer Account
Track It Forward instructions were sent out to all families today. Please make sure to check your email (spam folders included!) for how to sign up. ALL families will need to create a new account. Questions? Contact Allison Caudle at acaudle@svak12.org.
There are many opportunities already available, so please check out the calendar!