Weekly Parent Newsletter
Friday, July 26, 2024
STEM School-Wide News and Updates (K-12)
STEM PTO Pool Party This Weekend!
Back to School Information Hub
Anxiety is always high at the start of the school year as all families are trying to be as prepared as possible. While we send all of the important information in each week's Parent Newsletter, we've also compiled all of the important information that you need to know in the Back-to-School Information Hub.
Don't Forget! Complete Express Check-In
Phase One of Express Check-In is open we strongly encourage all families to complete that part of the process so that we have accurate information in IC. Click here to access the DCSD Express Check-In information. We understand that DCSD's system was impacted by the Microsoft outtage last week so please be patient as you attempt to complete this process.
Phase Two of Express Check-In will be sent this weekend. All families will receive an email from STEM that includes all of the documents for you to review. The email will also include a Google Form that all families will need to complete.
Please email info@stemk12.org with any questions.
Need a Carpool? Want to host a Carpool?
We've partnered with WaytoGo School Pool for the last several years to provide our community with a resource to connect with other families to either host a carpool or search for a carpool. Click the button below to log into the secure, unique system just for STEM. Please do not post this link on Facebook or any other platform as it is a unique link just for STEM.
In order for this resource to be successful, we need families who want to host a carpool to also sign-up in the system. Please email info@stemk12.org with any questions.
School News and Updates
Elementary News/Updates
In this week's Elementary News, you can find information about:
- Welcome Message from Mrs. McElroy, Elementary School Director
- Upcoming Events
- STEM PTO Pool Party
- Medication Drop-Off and Driveline Placard Pick-Up - DON'T FORGET!!
- Welcome Back-to-School Parent Zoom Webinars
- Kindergarten Spartan Launch - REMEMBER TO SIGN-UP!
- Elementary Meet 'n Greet
- Elementary First Day of School
- Kindergarten First Days of School
- Kindergarten Tissue and Tears
- News ad Updates
- Elementary Supply List
- Preparing for Kindergarten
- Elementary Quick Start Guides
- Update on Student Fees
- Learn about our Driveline
- Learn about PikMyKid
- Free and Reduced Lunch Information
- Elementary (1st-5th grade) Class Assignments
- Important Medical Forms for 2024-25 School Year
- Join STEM's Parent Facebook Pages
Secondary News/Updates
In this week's Secondary News, you can find information about:
- Welcome message from Mrs. Ridder (MS Director) and Mr. Alsup (HS Director)
- Upcoming Events
- Middle & High School In-Person Schedule Change Opportunities
- STEM PTO Pool Party
- Medication Drop-Off and Driveline Placard Pick-Up
- Welcome Back-to-School Parent Zoom Webinars
- Secondary Spartan Launch
- Middle School Schedule Change Make-Up Day
- Secondary First Day of School
- Secondary School Photo Day
- News ad Updates
- Learn about our Driveline
- Learn about PikMyKid
- Secondary Lunch Periods
- Free Event! Air N Space-A-Palooza
- Free and Reduced Lunch Information
- No Secondary Supply List
- Secondary Class Schedules
- Secondary Locker Sign Up
- Student Parking Pass Sign-Up
- Student Fees
- Checking Grades in Infinite Campus
- Important Medical Forms for 2024-25 School Year
- Update on STEM Laptops for Sixth Graders
- Join STEM's Parent Facebook Pages
Athletics Camps and Fall Sports Registration
Athletics Camps and Fall Registrations
Summer Camps
July 29-August 2 - Girls' High School Volleyball Camp
July 29-August 2 - Boys' High School Basketball Camp
Fall High School Athletics Registrations
HS Boys Soccer
HS Girls Volleyball
HS Boys Golf
HS Speech and Debate (Coed) (Late Fall/Winter season)
HS eSports (Coed)
HS Cross Country (Coed)
Physicals are NOT required for Summer/Off Season Activities, eSports, or Speech & Debate.
To register for any or all of these please click here.
Middle School Athletics & Activities
- Registration will begin after MS Club Rush (Aug 15)
- Planned Offerings: MS Cross Country, MS eSports, MS Boys & Girls Basketball, MS Spirit/Cheer, MS Speech & Debate
Please address questions to: Athletics@stemk12.org
Enrichment News and Registrations
New year, new club registrations! Sign-Up Now!
Enrichment at STEM is the place students can find all of the school’s after-school, summer, and other enrichment offerings. Because many of the offerings are as unique as our school is, we invite students from throughout the Denver metro area to participate in our Enrichment program. Through Enrichment at STEM, students can participate in a variety of amazing clubs and programs, in arts, athletics, robotics, technology, and a variety of special interests.
Do You Love STEM?
Leave us a review!
Niche.com is an online platform that helps connect families with their future schools in their neighborhoods. It is one of the top search platforms that families use when looking for a new school. If you love STEM and what we have to offer your student(s), please consider leaving us a review. Click the button below to visit our school's profile, where you can leave a review.
You can also leave us a review on our Google Business page. Click the button below to share why you love STEM School Highlands Ranch.
Thank you in advance!
Employment Opportunities at STEM
We're recruiting for these positions for the 2024-25 School Year