8th Grade Families
8th Graders and Parents-
We want to remind you that ALL photos are due in by this Friday May 8th to be included in the traditional 8th grade class video that highlights our students.
Please follow these guidelines to ensure the video is school appropriate.
-All photos must be in appropriate clothing per the school dress code.
-All photos must be from 2019-2020.
-ONLY 8th graders from Station are allowed in photo.
-Individual photos of 8th grader are allowed.
-Photos from Spring 2019 School Activities/Sports are allowed.
-Send up to 4 photos per student
*The school reserves the right to not use photos.
Photos must be ONLY sent to the links below:
email them to stationpics2020@gmail.com
(upload onto google) https://tinyurl.com/20208thgrade
(use drop box) https://www.dropbox.com/request/sD3hapYF7dApIvhgVnEv
If you have questions please reach out to Doreen Muhs @ 847-910-8391.