Review/Update Personal Information
Have you logged into Employee Self Service lately? If not, the start of the school year is the perfect time to double check your personal information, learn how to view your paychecks, and confirm other important information. Please use the links below to find guides on how to do all of these tasks and more!
How to login and what’s available?
Getting Started with PeopleSoft HR/Employee Self Service
Has is it been more than 60 days since your last login?
Unlocking Your PeopleSoft Account
Need to update your contact information?
Checking and Updating Personal Information
What are the SY24/25 pay dates?
Want to view your paycheck?
Sabbatical Leave
The purposes of a sabbatical leave are to enable an employee to pursue an activity that will benefit FCPS by enhanced professional competence or enable an employee to perform in a critical area of need, as well as benefit the employee personally.
Teachers and Administrators
- Requests for sabbatical leave must be receive in writing to Human Resources no later than December 1st of the year preceding the school year for which the leave is requested.
- No applicant with an unsatisfactory rating on the prior year’s evaluation will be considered.
- An applicant must have completed at least six (6) full years of active service with FCPS.
- An applicant must register for a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours per semester, unless an exception is granted by the Director of Human Resources.
- An approved applicant will be paid by the Board at 50% of the salary rate which the individual would have received while on active duty, provided the individual agrees to return to work with FCPS for a period of one (1) year.
- Once the sabbatical has concluded, the teacher must present adequate verification of work or experience to the Director of Human Resources.
- The approved applicant will be placed on the salary schedule at the level which would have been achieved if the individual remained actively employed with the system during the period of absence.
- Should the approved applicant not return to service with the Board, the approved applicant must refund the salary paid while on sabbatical leave.
Tuition Reimbursement and Course Approval Information
- For tuition reimbursement and course approval, please click on the link below for step-by-step instructions and navigate to the “Tuition Reimbursement” tab. Also included in this link are the deadlines as determine by the negotiated agreements. Summer coursework completed by August, should be submitted for reimbursement by October 15.
- Be sure to have an OFFICIAL transcript sent to when college courses have been completed and need to be added to your professional profile.
- When requesting reimbursement, be sure an ITEMIZED receipt is uploaded into the course approval system.
Teacher Lane Change Request
Retirement Planning
Retirement appointments are scheduled once per month and announced through Employee News. These small group appointments are usually held in the Central Office Board Room and are generally scheduled on non-student days to be more convenient for employees to attend. During these appointments, FCPS retirement benefits, Maryland State Retirement Agency forms and FCPS retirement forms are reviewed and discussed.
If you plan to retire, you should have your completed packet submitted to Human Resources no later than 30 days prior to your retirement date.
Upcoming Retirement Packet and Submission Meetings:
- Friday, October 18, 2024. 10 AM - 12 PM, COB Boardroom
- Monday, November 18, 2024, 2 - 4 PM, COB Boardroom
- Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 10 AM - 12 PM, COB Boardroom
System Wide New Employee Orientations
On Thursday, August 15th we held the first System Wide New Employee Orientation. 82 new employees were provided detailed information regarding FCPS, Payroll, Technology, Benefits, and Security. The strong collaboration between BSG, DTI, Benefits, and Security has helped each of these departments and is providing additional support in dealing with various issues that have happened to new employees in the past.
New employee orientations will be twice a month and provide a valuable resource to new employees and a consistent and detailed welcome to FCPS. Linked below, you will find the New Hire Presentation and Agenda for the day.
Updates from the FCPS Educator Licensure Team
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has recently announced changes to educator licensure regulations. Please visit the resources linked below to learn more about the changes.
General Licensure Information:
FCPS Educator Licensure Info Page >Licensure Tab
NEW Reading Requirements for Elementary, Special Education (All grade bands), ESOL, and Early Childhood:
For educators 55 years of age or older OR with at least 25 years of public education experience:
Senior Teacher Waiver > Senior Teacher Waiver Tab
To view your teaching credential or pay your processing fee:
TEACH (The Educator Application and Credentialing Hub)
For guidance on navigating TEACH:
Change in Process
Please note that there has been a change in process for certificate/license renewal fee billing. The $10 fee will no longer be paid as a payroll deduction. Educators will have the ability to self-pay on the TEACH Dashboard by credit or debit card. Clear guidance on how to make a payment will be provided in your renewal confirmation email notification. This shift will allow educators immediate access to their teacher credential once payment has been made.
Still have questions about your certificate/license, renewal requirements, or TEACH?
Virtual information sessions will take place during the months of September and October. These sessions are a “drop-in” format. No prior registration is required.
Salary Study Committees
As part of contract negotiations, FCASA and FASSE have separately negotiated an on-going Salary Study Committee to examine pay schedules and pay allocations which will assist in the recruitment and retention of employees.
Each committee begins its work starting August 1st of each year and completes work no later than October 31st. Recommendations are forwarded to the Board, Superintendent, and respective bargaining teams for consideration during salary negotiations. Such recommendation are non-binding on any of the parties.
Become a Teacher
The Certificated Hiring team will present information for support staff interested in becoming a teacher at FASSE Day on October 18! If you have staff that you know would be interested in this, please let them know to register for this once this information is shared.
Principal and Assistant Principal Applications for 2025-2026 school year
Applications for the positions of Elementary Principal, High School Assistant Principal, and Middle School Assistant Principal for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted from September 3rd until September 12th, closing at 4:00 p.m. Keep an eye out for application links. An additional posting for all principal and assistant principal roles will be available in February.
Recruitment Events
The FCPS recruitment team has been gearing up for a new recruitment season!
September 25, 2024 -- Mount Saint Mary's Job Fair
October 1, 2024 -- Fall, 2024 MD and PA Employer Fair
October 2, 2024 -- Bowie State University Career Fair
October 10, 2024 -- Morgan State University Fall Career Fair
October 14, 2024 -- Frostburg State University Career Day
Have an FCPS Recruiter visit your school!
Visits to our schools to connect with our students are already being scheduled. If you have student events (like career days or job fairs) that you would like us to attend, please let us know! We would love it! Contact Toya Newman-Piermarini at
FCPS Job Fair
SAVE THE DATE! FCPS Job Fair - March 3, 2025, 3:00 pm -7:00pm at Mount St. Mary’s Frederick Campus. More details will be shared closer to the event!
Previous Issues of People Matters
To view previous issues of the Human Resources Newsletter: People Matters, visit our website linked here.